Preparation for Running Outline Present Schedule Detector Preparation Requests for dedicated runs –Cosmics, Splashes, Alignment Muon Shifts Experts A.


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Presentation transcript:

Preparation for Running Outline Present Schedule Detector Preparation Requests for dedicated runs –Cosmics, Splashes, Alignment Muon Shifts Experts A. Polini, S. Zimmerman (on behalf of the Muon Group) 20 Feb 2012Muon Steering Group1

ATLAS/LHC Schedule Detector closing schedule: Big Wheel Side C: Fri Feb 22 nd Big Wheel Side A: Tue Feb 27 th DSO intrusion tests – no cavern access. Thur March 1 (morning) and Friday March 2. Updated start of Atlas ACR shifts: March 6 (was March 1 before) Cavern cleaning: Mon/Tue March 5 and 6, limited access afterwards Ramp up magnets: Friday March 9 Solenoid Toroid March 12 th (can be arranged). Start of beam operations: March Feb 2012Muon Steering Group2

Special Run Requests Cosmic run with magnetic field off for barrel alignment check Preparations? Trigger only on upper sectors (~March 5 th onwads) Splash events (5/side) in particular for initial t0 determination of EE chamber Special ROS settings to avoid event truncation needed ? Trigger ? HV settings ? (will not have stable beams) Threshold settings ? Alignment straight track run (~10 pb -1 at max. lumi) with toroid off, solenoid on 20 Feb 2012Muon Steering Group3

About Alignment Runs Status: 2011 Alignment Runs (Toroid Off) March (Run nr and ) September 7 th ( ) Adding up to ~9pb -1 (5M) events of toroid-off data Plans: Define a strategy, i.e. when to take these runs: –During 2012 restart, After technical stops, following inverventions 2012: 4+4 TeV, there will be a strong request for minimum bias runs. Lower Lumi at startup Need to improve efficiency for alignment run data taking: –Mu 40, in place, needs validation –Smart way to use different prescales to enhance data taking from those sector with worse alignment. Different masks configurations… 20 Feb 2012Muon Steering Group4

Muon ACR Shifts Muon ACR Shifts fully booked Shift start planned around the 6 th of March Need to update documentation, Detector twikies and validate procedures For DQ: Improve/simplify procedures; Improve DQ   Detector Expert communication. Comments, feedback, problems: report to Muon Run Coords 20 Feb 2012Muon Steering Group5

Muon Experts On call primary shifts are accounted for 100% in OTP Secondary for 50%  2012 only very limited addition of experts added in OTP 20 Feb 2012Muon Steering Group6