Copyright © 2015 GRS – All rights reserved. RTD/ATU 1001 Pension Plan January 13, 2015 Pension Fund Status As of January 1, 2014
January 1, 2014 Valuation Highlights (the plan is in funding peril) Contributions are not sufficient to fund the liabilities ► Total actuarial requirement is for 27.1%; 16.0% scheduled for receipt in 2014 ► Fund is projected to be fully depleted by 2036 Last year the depletion year was 2032, for a gain of 4 years Actuarial Accrued Liability increased by $3.5M ► From $422.8M to $426.3M Actuarial Value of Assets increased by $6.5M ► From $200.9M to $207.4M ► Market value increased from $198M to $213M Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability decreased by $3.1M ► From $221.9M to $218.8M ► This decreased the required contribution amount ► Scheduled contributions do cover the normal (annual) costs of the plan 2
January 1, 2014 Valuation Highlights The normal cost is 11.81% of pay (including admin expenses) ► The scheduled contribution is 16% of pay ► New agreement increases contributions over time Actuarially recommended contribution decreased by $1.5M ► Decrease due to investment gains and salary increases less than expected ► ARC will keep increasing as recommended payments are “missed” 48.7% funded on an actuarial basis Total active participant count decreased by 97 ► From 1,678 to 1,581 ► New hires will continue to “bend down” the normal cost, so more funding can go to the unfunded accrued liability 3
History of the Funded Ratio 4 Valuation Date- January 1,Funded Ratio %
The scheduled contribution amount was insufficient, starting in Plan Year Ended December 31, Percentage of ARC contributed %
Long-Term Funding-Reforms to improve the plan 6 Total ARC is 27.14% of payroll compared to the total scheduled contribution rate of 16.00% of payroll. Amendment #22 was adopted in 2010 with the following changes in effect for participants hired on or after January 1, 2011 (Tier 2): ► New benefit schedule listed in Section 6.01 of the Plan provisions Vesting is changed from 5 years to 10 years The benefit multiplier is changed from 2.5% to 1.0% Unreduced retirement is changed from age 55 with 20 years of service to age 60 with 20 years of service Early retirement reduction is changed from 5.0% from age 55 to 2.5% from age 60 The maximum service included in the benefit calculation is reduced from 30 years to 25 years ► Sick and vacation payouts are no longer included in the pension benefit calculation ► Interest on employee contributions is changed from 5% to 3%
Long-Term Funding-Reforms to improve the plan 7 On February 27, 2013, a tentative agreement was reached with the following schedule for contributions: Agreement also included specific short-term salary increases (less than 3% per year) YearRTDMembersTotal %4%16% %4%16% %5%18% %5%18% %5%18%
Long-Term Funding (Continued) 8 If all actuarial assumptions are met each year, including a net investment return of 7.0% per year, and annual contributions equal those stated in the tentative agreement: ► Assets will be fully depleted by 2036 Per the investment consultant, the estimated 2014 investments return is 4% ► Incorporating this into the above projections, assets will be fully depleted by 2035 ► To reach 100% funding by 2044, assets would need to earn 15% per year through 2020 In 2014, Society of Actuaries released new mortality tables ► Current tables based on national data up to year 2000, new tables based on data to 2014 ► New tables assume members will live longer than under current tables ► Future valuations will eventually need to move to new tables or a more conservative assumption than currently used; will increase normal cost and liabilities
RTD/ATU Summary Reforms have been enacted to reduce benefit accruals for new hires and to improve the funding of the plan Projections (based on an assumed 7% return) are not enough to ensure the plan will remain viable throughout the next 30 years. 9