Vocabulary in Context How to hunt down the meaning of the word by using the clues around it.
How Does Vocabulary in Context work? Most writers leave context clues as they write. It is our job as the reader to hunt them down! {Click mouse to continue}
CONTEXT CLUES CCOMMAS The word itself, or a restatement of a word, may be in a phrase set off by commas,___________, other punctuation such as ()s or – may be used O OPPOSITES The opposite of the word may be used in the same sentence or nearby sentence. But, unlike, though, however, instead of, not D Definitions Some words are directly defined or described in the sentence Is, are, means, refers to, that is, which is, because EExamples The unknown word may be explained by examples in a sentence For example, like, such as, including SSynonyms Unknown word linked with known words –similar meaning Also, like, and, as, same, too, or
Context Clues: REWORDING or USING COMMAS Rewording is when the author says the word in another way, that is typically easier to understand. {Click mouse to continue}
Rewording or Using Commas Resentment, a feeling of bitterness and anger, is often felt by people who are passed over for promotions. What does the word resentment mean in this sentence.
Context Clues: Rewording Resentment,, is often felt by people who are passed over for promotions. a feeling of bitterness and anger If you wanted to find the meaning of the word RESENTMENT the clue is right here. Resentment is: {Click mouse to continue},
Context Clues: Rewording or Use of Commas {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Rewording or Using Commas. {Click mouse to continue} The Cruise family moved from their dilapidated house, that was old and run down, into a brand new home.
Context Clues: Opposites or Antonyms A writer is using antonym context clues when they use a word with opposite meaning to give us hints about the word that they don’t think we will know. {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Opposites/ Antonyms Let’s Look at an Example: Dianna appeared to be a very moral and upstanding young lady, but those who knew her knew that she was iniquitous. What does the word iniquitous mean in this sentence? {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Opposite/Antonyms Lets Go Find Those Clues! Antonym Context Clues often take a little more detective work to understand. {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Antonyms Dianna appeared to be a very moral and upstanding young lady but those who knew her knew that she was iniquitous. Iniquitous must mean immoral and dishonest The two opposite points of view are: 1.That Dianna is moral and upstanding. 2.That she is iniquitous {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Antonyms David was very outgoing his coy older sister. Did you find the hint words? as opposed to Coy must mean the opposite of outgoing! {Click mouse to continue} Coy must mean?
Definitions The writer often defines or describes the words in a sentence.
Try this one! A chemical bond is a strong force that holds two or more atoms together.
??? A dialect is a form of speech from a specific region.
Define this One! Corona refers to the outer most part of the sun’s atmosphere.
Context Clues: Details A writer is using details as context clues when they give us explanations or examples as hints about the word that they don’t think we will know. {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Details There are several different kinds of Context Clues that are Details. Details that are examples of the unknown word. Details that tell why the unknown word has taken place. Details that explain how the word relates to other things the author has stated. {Click mouse to continue}
Let’s Look at an Example: Context Clues: Details Father was because Joshua decided to go to the college that he wanted him to. ecstatic What does the word ecstatic mean in this sentence? {Click mouse to continue}
Here’s another one The wallabies at the zoo looked like kangaroos.
Find the EXAMPLES Legumes, such as peas and beans, produce pods.
Context Clues: Synonyms A writer sometimes uses synonym context clues to help with hard words. A synonym context clue is one or two words that mean almost the same as the one that the author does not expect us to know. {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Synonyms Let’s Look at an Example: What does the word aloof mean in this sentence? The young girl was very aloof. She always seemed unsociable, unapproachable, and uninterested. {Click mouse to continue}.
Context Clues: Synonyms The young girl was very aloof. She always seemed unsociable, unapproachable, and uninterested. Our context clue is HERE! {Click mouse to continue}
unsociable, unapproachable, and uninterested. The word aloof means: Context Clues: Synonyms The young girl was very aloof. She always seemed All three of these words are synonyms to help us with the original word aloof {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Synonyms Now You Give It A Try! The three brothers began to altercate over the game. This was not the first time that they had a dispute over it. What does the word altercate mean here? SYNONYM HINT: SYNONYM context clues are often hidden in surrounding sentences! {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Review There are 5 main types of Context Clues Rewording/comma opposite definitions Examples synonyms {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Practice #1 Mallery’s mom thought that the new outfit that she had bought for her was modish. Mallery did not want to break it to her, but it was totally out of style. Questions: Which type of context clue is being used here? What does the word modish mean in this sentence? {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Practice #2 Insomnia, not being able to sleep at night, can be linked to an excessive intake of caffeine throughout the day. Questions: Which type of context clue is being used here? What does the word insomnia mean in this sentence? {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Practice #3 The woman enjoyed the savor of the soup. It had a hint of spices balanced with the perfect amount of sweetness. Questions: Which type of context clue is being used here? What does the word savor mean in this sentence? {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Practice #4 The day had proven to be very torrid. Before the sun had even risen, it was already hot outside. Questions: Which type of context clue is being used here? What does the word torrid mean in this sentence? {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Practice #5 It is our custom that the bride and groom only wear the finest rainment on their wedding day. Questions: Which type of context clue is being used here? What does the word raiment mean in this sentence? {Click mouse to continue}
Practice #6 Embassies typically follow well established protocols, or accepted procedures, for seating guests at a government dinner.
Practice #7 Facets- small flat surfaces at different angles- bring out the beauty of a diamond.
Practice #8 Some city dwellers are affluent; others live in poverty.
Practice #9 The village was dilapidated, most of the residents had died or moved on, but the livestock remained untouched.
Practice #10 The poetry was sublime, lofty and moving, and brought tears to my eyes.
Practice #11 The man was portly, but his wife was thin.
Practice #12 The mayoral candidate praised the town council, but the mayor deprecated it.
Practice #13 Forest floors are covered with fungi- moss, mushrooms and mildews.
Practice #14 He seemed quite free and easy with a few friends, but at large parties he was quite inhibited.
Practice #15 The river was full of noxious materials such as cleaning agents from factories and pesticides from farms.
Practice #16 The contractor was always well remunerated for his work. For example he received $10,000 for a small addition to a house and $5,000 for reconstructing a a stairway.
Practice #17 There is great disparity between rich and poor.
Practice #18 The boy is adroit. He can figure out any game.
Practice #19 Washington DC is very cosmopolitan. People from all over the world settle here.
Practice #20 My mother treated me with distain. It was like she didn’t care whether I lived or died.
Practice #21 He lived in an affluent part of town where the houses were enormous and many home owners had domestic help.
Practice #22 It is a fact that a large number of small businesses fail because the owner hasn’t enough capital to tide him over in emergencies that is, it takes a certain amount of working money to keep a business going.
Practice #23 An aquarium needs scavenger fish, swimming garbage collectors, to keep the tank clean.
Practice #24 The girl was churlish- rude, sullen, and absolutely ill-mannered.
Practice # 25 Rather than be involved in clandestine meetings, they did everything quite openly.
Context Clues: Practice Answer #1 Mallery’s mom thought that the new outfit that she had bought for her was modish. Mallery did not want to break it to her, but it was totally out of style. This context clue was an Antonym. Here, modish means the same as stylish. {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Practice Answer #2 Insomnia, not being able to sleep at night, can be linked to an excessive intake of caffeine throughout the day. The context clue here was Rewording. Here, insomnia means not able to sleep at night. {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Practice Answer #3 The woman enjoyed the savor of the soup. It had a hint of spices balanced with the perfect amount of sweetness. This context clue was a Detail. Here, savor means the same as flavor. {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Practice Answer #4 The day had proven to be very torrid. Before the sun had even risen, it was already hot outside. This context clue was a synonym. Here, torrid means the same as hot. {Click mouse to continue}
Context Clues: Practice Answer #5 It is our custom that the bride and groom only wear the finest raiment on their wedding day. This context clue was a Detail. Here, raiment means clothes. {Click mouse to continue}