History Of Famous Black People John J. Pershing JHS Class 621 Teachers: Ms.Bor/ Mrs. Emilio With many thanks to Ms. Witek, Principal & Ms. Lewis, Tech. Staff Developer
Condoleezza Rice Security Adviser By Brittney, Zakia, Musab
Born on November 14, 1954 Born in Birmingham, Alabama Her parents are John and Angelina Rice Her mother gave her piano lessons She learned figure skating at a young age
She is the National Security Adviser of USA She is the first woman of any color to occupy that position She occupied that position when George W. Bush took charge in January of 2001
All About Bill Cosby By: Aya, Khailaly, Kevin & Zhi Qiu
Bill’s Childhood His real name is William Henry Cosby Jr. Bill was born on July 12,1937. Now Bill is 68 years old. Bill Cosby was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania. His parents are Anna and William Cosby. Bill the oldest son, became the man of the family and helped his mother pay the bills by doing odd jobs such as delivering groceries and shining shoes.
Why is he so important? Bill is a producer, director, actor, and comedian. He made 20 different shows including: –Fat Albert {1972} –The Cosby show{1984} –The Devil and Max Devlin{1981}
Bill’s family Bill has five children. Bill’s kids are Erika, Erinn, Ensa, Evin, Ennis. One of bill’s kids died from a shooting on the San Diego freeway when he was fixing a flat tire. His name was Ennis Cosby {27}. Ruth Cosby is his wife.
His Brothers and Sisters Bill is the oldest of four children. One of Bill’s brother died of rheumatic fever at six years old.
Coretta Scott King by Stephany, Rebecca, Daniel
Coretta’s Childhood Born April 27,1927 in Heiberger, Alabama. Born April 27,1927 in Heiberger, Alabama. She walked five miles to get to school every day. She walked five miles to get to school every day. She graduated from college with a degree in music and education. She graduated from college with a degree in music and education.
Coretta’s Teenager Years Went to Boston and met a young theology student named Martin Luther King. Went to Boston and met a young theology student named Martin Luther King. Graduated from Lincoln High School as valedictorian. Graduated from Lincoln High School as valedictorian. Graduated in 1945 and received a scholarship. Graduated in 1945 and received a scholarship.
Coretta’s Adulthood Married Martin Luther King. Married Martin Luther King. Had four children named Yolanda Denise, Martin Luther King lll, Dexter Scott and Bernice Albertine. Had four children named Yolanda Denise, Martin Luther King lll, Dexter Scott and Bernice Albertine.
Coretta Scott King Died on January 30,2006 from a heart attack. Died on January 30,2006 from a heart attack.
By Kelly, Sally,David
Frederick Douglass ► Born on February 1817 ► Frederick was born into slavery. ► Frederick’s birth date was unknown because he was a slave. ► Frederick chose February 14 th as his birthday. ► He was separated from his mother at an early age.
Why is Frederick Douglass Important? ► In 1840 he protested against segregation by sitting in train cars reserved for whites. ► Frederick told a group of African American students from Talbot Country, Maryland, “What was possible for me is possible for you!” ► Frederick also said, “Do not think because you are colored you cannot because you are colored you cannot accomplish anything.” accomplish anything.”
James Langston Hughes was born in Joplin, Missouri on February 1, His mother and father were separated. During his childhood he lived in, Kansas, Colorado, Indiana, and Buffalo. Part of his life was lived with his grandmother. When he was 13, he moved with his mother and step- father. After graduating from high school in Cleveland, he moved to Mexico with his light- skinned father.
The important thing he did was write poems. He got them published in the Brownie’s Book for Children. He became famous when he made his first lecture tours. He wrote 20 plays, including Mulatto, Simply Heavenly and Tambourines to Glory. He edited short poems and stories of African American writing. One of his most famous poems was called the “Negro Speaks of Rivers.”
I’ve known rivers: I’ve known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human veins. flow of human veins. My soul has grown deep like the rivers. I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young. I built my hut near the Congo and it lulled me to sleep. I looked upon the Nile and raised the pyramids above it. I heard singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down to New Orleans, and I’ve seen its muddy bosom turn all golden in the summer. I’ve known rivers: Ancient, dusky rivers. My soul has grown deep like the rivers.
Maya Angelou By Steven, Alexindy, Salman
Her Careers Author Poet Play writer Editor Actress Director Teacher Singer Click here for a collection of quotes about Maya Angelou.
Maya Angelou’s Childhood Maya Angelou was born on April 4, 1928 in St. Louis, Missouri. She was a cotton worker at the age of 2. She started to sing and dance in the 1950’s at the Purple Onion. She moved to Chicago with Bailey, her brother, to live with her mother. In 1944 she dropped out of high school for her first job as a black cable car conductor in San Francisco.
Maya Angelou: A Poem You can only Become truly Accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal Instead pursue the things You love doing So well That people can’t take their eyes off you.
TIGER WOODS by Stanley, John, Anna
GOLF PRO Tiger Woods was born on December 30, 1975 in Cypress, California. Many people think Tiger Woods is only African American, but he is also Japanese. He is 6 feet high and 2 inches tall.
WHY TALK ABOUT HIM? He has made golf an interesting sport. He is the only African American to go on the PGA Tour Tournaments. He has brought different races together because of his background and his love of golf. In 1997 he won five PGA Tournaments setting off a record
TIGER’S FAMILY Elin Nordegren is the wife of Tiger Woods. Elin was born on January 1, Elin met Tiger Woods when she was being introduced by her employer. Elin was a very good model.