Congratulation Letters 祝贺函. Contents IntroductionProcess Congratulation Letters Congratulation Cards.


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Presentation transcript:

Congratulation Letters 祝贺函

Contents IntroductionProcess Congratulation Letters Congratulation Cards

Introduction 按西方国家的习俗,亲友之间在重大节日要 写祝贺信或赠礼物,如圣诞节、新年、婚礼、 生日等等。当亲友晋升、考试成功、毕业、乔 迁新居、获得工作、新业开张以及获奖等等, 也要写祝贺信。 祝贺信要写的及时,得到喜讯后应立即动笔。 信中要提到具体的喜事,表达出写信人的喜悦 心情,并致以衷心的祝贺。总的来说,这类书 信只需寥寥数语,但用词必须亲切有礼, 表达 出真诚的喜悦。

Process 1. Use the word "congratulations" early in your letter. 2.Mention the reason why you congratulate someone, such as graduation, promotion, honor, baby. 3.Tell how happy, pleased, proud or impressed you are and why.

4. If necessary, tell how you learned about the good news. If you read it in the newspaper, enclose the clipping or photocopy of it. 5.Close your letter with wishes for the person or expressions of your confidence: wish the person continued success and happiness; express your confidence in a bright future; assure the person of your love, affection, admiration, warmth, interest, delight, pleasure or continued business support.

Summary Style: personal and formal Contents: cause ; what and when ; best wishes.


Sample 2: 恭喜订婚( Congratulations on Engagement ) Dear Robert, Good news travels fast. I am pleased to hear that you and Joan became engaged last week. Congratulations! You two are indeed a perfect match. Best wishes from me on your engagement. Someday I hope to meet Joan. Please remember me to her and tell her my best wishes for her happiness. Yours very sincerely Don

Sample 3: 恭喜添丁( Congratulations on Newborn Son ) Dear Jenny, How happy you must be to have a beautiful new baby boy. The happiness in my heart is just the same as yours. Now you've experienced the joy that only a new mother knows as her baby is put into her arms for the first time. I am sure that the little stranger must look like his father and some years later he will be a smart fellow. May the years ahead be filled with good health and good fortune for you and Steven and your little what's-his-name. Best wishes to all of you! Very sincerely yours, Joan

Sample 4: 答复祝贺( Reply to Congratulations on Newborn Baby ) Dear Jerry, I thank you for your congratulations on the birth of our boy. In matters of this kind, hopeful husbands are often doomed to disappointment. I have noticed frequently that anxiety for a son generally results in a daughter. We are lucky. Need I say that the boy is a fine boy? Did you ever know a baby of either sex that was not “fine”? Mother and child—Heaven bless them both!—are doing well, and the father is delighted to be able to make such a good report of them. The latter, proud of his new acquisition, remains now, as ever. Sincerely yours, J. B. WIGGINS.

Practice ( 1 ) 贵公司新店开张,谨致贺意。 ( 2 )这是你应得的奖赏,我们真为你感到自豪。 ( 3 )我祝你们俩万事如意。 ( 4 )这是你们一生中的大喜事,请接受我的衷 心祝贺。 Patterns

( 1 )贵公司新店开张,谨致贺意。 Please accept our warmest congratulations on the opening of your new branch. ( 2 )这是你应得的奖赏,我们真为你感到自豪。 It is an award that you richly deserve. We are really proud of you. ( 3 )我祝你们俩万事如意。 I wish you both the best of everything in life. ( 4 )这是你们一生中的大喜事,请接受我的衷心 祝贺。 Let me offer you my warmest congratulations on the happiest event of your life.

Congratulation Cards

New Year Cards and Christmas Cards On this special day I send you New Year's greetings and hope that some day soon we shall be together. and hope that some day soon we shall be together.

New Year Cards and Christmas Cards May peace and love be your gift at Christmas and always! and always!

New Year Cards and Christmas Cards On the occasion of the New Year, may my wife and I extend to you and yours our warmest greetings, wishing you a happy New Year, your career greater success and your family happiness.

Birthday Cards I know I keep you busy, but you keep me busy, too. While you're busy taking care of me, I'm busy loving you. Have a wonderful birthday! Happy birthday to the best mom a son has ever had!

Birthday Cards Year by year, Father, Father, you mean more and more to those who love you.

Valentine ’ s Day Thinking of you still makes my heart beat faster. I love you, and don't care who knows it !

Sample 1: A Greeting Card Dear Larry: Christmas time is here once more, soon it will be time again to bring in the new year. We wish the merriest of Christmas to you and all your loved ones. We’d also like to take the opportunity to give our sincere thanks to you for all the help you’ve given us in our English study. In the year ahead, we wish you happiness and success. We’ll toast to you on this special white Christmas in China. Yours sincerely, Fang

Sample 2: A gift card Dear Joyce, The roses are from our own garden. We send them to you with love. Hope you enjoy their beauty and Sweet smile. Please take good care of yourself. We wish you a quick recovery. Best regards, Yours, Mary Kent

Sample 3: Reply to the gift sender Dear Mary, The roses you sent me yesterday are right near me on the table. Some of them opened this morning. The flowers are so lovely and sweet that they make me feel much better. It was really very thoughtful of you. Thank you ever so much. Most appreciatively, Joyce Lamb

1. Ready-Made Letters Letter 1 Dear _____, One day means very special to me, that is _________(month) the _______(date), your birthday. With my best wishes for many happy returns of your birthday. Yours, Ready-Made Letters

Letter 2 Dear ______, What a pleasant surprise to hear the news of your coming marriage to Mr. / Miss___________. Congratulations! He/She is such a(n)___________ gentleman/girl and we are sure you have made an excellent choice which will bring you a life time of happiness. We beg your acceptance of the enclosed gift as a token of our best wishes. Our best regards to your bridegroom/ bride. Yours,

Letter 3 Dear ______, I am happy to learn the good news of your graduation from _________ with honors. You certainly have done a very good job in the past four years of your studies. ________ is one of the best universities in __________ and I am sure the campus achievements will lead you to a great future of your career. Please accept my sincere congratulations and best wishes for your future success. Yours sincerely,

Letter 4 Dear ______, It was a pleasure to hear that you are promoted to the position of _________ in ___________. My heartiest congratulations! I really think you deserve the position after years of service and experience you have had in _____________. You have my best wishes for your greater success in all that you undertake. Sincerely yours,


Complete the following letters according to the information given. We take this opportunity at the end of the year to ______________________________ 谨 向您致以最良好的祝愿 for We hope that the New Year ____________ ______________________________________ 使我们两国之间的贸易有进一步的增加 and we look forward to continued _________________ 友好贸易关系 with you. send our greetings and best wishes will bring a further increase in trade between our two countries friendly business relations

Dear Mr. Ali, It was with great pleasure that my colleagues had heard of your appointment as ________________________________________ ________________ 亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会 主席. We should like to offer you our hearty congratulations. May we add that in our opinion____________________________ 再也没 有更适合接受这一荣誉 than yourself. With warmest good wishes for the future, Yours sincerely, Chairman of Economic Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific no one more deserves the honor

Write an informal letter of congratulation to a friend of yours based on the following notes. 1) Congratulations on your friend ’ s appointment to the General Manger of this company. 2) The promotion is due to his hard work. 3) You are going to New York very soon. You promise to call him after you come back. 4) Express your best wishes for the future.

Dear Charles, I am very glad to hear that you have been appointed General Manager of your company. I know how hard you have worked, and you certainly deserve it. It is a great pity we can ’ t get together soon. I ’ m going to New York for two weeks but I ’ ll give you a call when I get back. Meanwhile, all the very best wishes for the future. Yours sincerely Stephen

Translate the following letters into English. 1) 彭先生: 欢乐的节日又来到了,我祝您新年快乐,贸易兴隆。 我希望在 2007 年中我们与贵国之间的贸易将不断增加。 顺致问候。 2) 罗宾逊先生: 欣悉您已被任命为英格索 —— 兰德公司董事会的董 事。虽然这个职务对您来说并不过高,但已经是一个了 不起的成就。请接受我最衷心的祝贺和最良好的祝愿。

3) 张先生: 欣悉您新近就任外贸部副部长。看到您为您国家所 作的贡献得到了如此的肯定,我非常高兴。 趁此机会谨向您表示最良好的祝愿。 顺致最亲切的问候。 4) 杰克逊先生: 请您收下这件礼物,它是我对您所提供的帮助表示感激 之情和向您本人表示敬意的象征。我知道您认为这点事 不值一提,但我对此非常感激,并将铭记在心。

Translate the following letters into English. Dear Mr. Peng, The festive season is with us once again, and I would like to wish you a very happy and prosperous New Year. I hope that during 2007 we shall have increased trade with your country. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, 1)

Dear Mr. Robinson, I was delighted to hear that you were appointed to Board of Ingersoll-Rand Company. This is a marvelous achievement, though no more than you deserve. Please accept my heartiest congratulations and best wishes for the future. Yours sincerely, 2)

Dear Mr. Zhang, I am delighted to hear of your new appointment as a vice minister of foreign trade. I am very happy to see your work for your country recognized in this way. I take this opportunity of sending you my very best wishes for the future. With kindest regards, Yours sincerely, 3)

Dear Mr. Jackson, I hope you will accept this gift as a small token of my esteem for you, and of my gratitude for the services you have rendered me. I know you make light of them, but I am very grateful and shall always remember them. Yours very sincerely, 4)

Key to exercise 3 I. 1. congratulations 2. elected 3. appointment 4. in view of 5. deserve 6. promote 7.assistance 8.term

II. 1. 欣悉贵公司的销售额在市场的销售中名列第一。 2. 值此大喜之际,请接受我最热烈的祝贺。 3. 祝贺贵公司 50 周年纪念。 4. 祝您在今后五年里飞黄腾达。 5. 祝贺你!我们都为你所取得的巨大成就感到骄 傲。

III. 1. Wish you every success in the future. 2. Congratulations on your promotion. 3. Please accept our warmest congratulations on the opening of your new branch. 4. It is an award that you richly deserve. We are really proud of you. 5. All of us at the office send you our heartiest congratulations.

IV. Dear Mr. Clark, Please accept our warmest congratulations on the opening of your London branch. We wish you every success in your increased involvement in the competitive market. Should there be any way in which we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me personally. Yours sincerely, (Signature) Mike Tang