No Excuses University John Wooden’s “Pyramid of Success” High expectations for: –Behavior = Leadership in classroom & school –Academics = Improvement & Achievement Personal responsibility & accountability –Less parent involvement (Less is more!) –Strategies for success: Goal-setting, organization, study skills, etc.
The greater the challenge, the greater the glory!
Principles for Success - John Wooden Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. Perform at your best when your best is required. Your best is required each day. Be enthusiastic about your work. Accept that people will test you. Give cooperation to get cooperation. Don’t be afraid to fail. Confidence is not arrogance. Pay attention to the little things. Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Your character is who you really are, while your reputation is what others think you are.
John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success: The 1 st building block is Industriousness!
The power of expectations & the self-fulfilling prophecy If not, why not? How much work in the summer? The Nathan Story “Work hard and smart” example Morning Clinic Participation
Formula for Success Working Hard + Working Smart = Academic Success!!! Average Work + Average Effort = Average Grades
SMART Goals Homework/Agenda/Binder Cornell Notes Vocabulary Focus Strategies –Reading, Writing, & Math Problem-Solving
S pecific M easurable A ttainable (Possible) R ealistic (Practical) T imely
Daily Complete all my homework Weekly Get A’s & B’s on all tests Trimester Earn the principal’s honor roll Year Earn the Wooden Award
Verbal Praise Extra Activity Time Special Reward Pride in achievement! Principles of Effective Motivation Consistent Focus Rewards are most effective when given randomly Focus on EFFORT, not the achievement (the achievement will come!) Do NOT pay for grades A sense of pride in achievement & a job well-done The Leah Obrien-Amico Story
Disappointment Missed opportunity to earn a reward Loss of activity Extra practice/work necessary
SMART Goals Homework/Agenda/Binder Cornell Notes Vocabulary Focus Strategies –Reading, Writing, & Math Problem-Solving
Aligned with Canyon Hills (6 th grade is considered a middle school grade) 1 - 1½ hours for the average student Students work at different rates Additional time may be necessary for reading, studying, & projects - Remember the “2-Hour” Rule! - Homework Clinic: 7:45
Homework & information will be clearly written on the board daily Students must copy the information completely & accurately in planners Parents please check & sign daily Planners will be checked each day by student leaders & weekly by the teacher (part of study skills/listening grade)
Keep Organized Daily Management Weekend “Makeover” Agenda Subject Tabs Homework & Notes Resource “Toolbox” 6 th Grade Math Units
Check the class website weekly Tests & Projects dates will be posted Use the textbook resources
SMART Goals Homework/Agenda/Binder Cornell Notes Vocabulary Focus Strategies –Reading, Writing, & Math Problem-Solving
SMART Goals Homework/Agenda/Binder Cornell Notes Vocabulary Focus Strategies –Reading, Writing, & Math Problem-Solving
SMART Goals Agenda & Binder Cornell Notes Vocabulary Focus Strategies –Reading, Writing, & Math Problem-Solving
Choose Strategies & Plan (Application, Analysis, & Synthesis) -Use Logical Reasoning-Use a Formula/Rule/Algorithm -Write an Equation -Work Backward -Guess & Check (Predict & Test)-Find a Pattern -Draw a Picture or Diagram-Solve a Simpler Problem -Make a Table, Graph, or Chart-Make an Organized List -Make a Model-Act It Out
Mondays= NEU Shirt Wednesdays = E.C./6 th Grade Shirt Fridays = Stanford Shirt Holidays!
Science Camp, Walk-Through the Ancient World, Olympiad, and more! Fantasy Football Oak Glen Trip Student Council, Track Team, & Drama Club Parent volunteer sign-up sheets!
Dates: First week of December Thousand Pines (located in Crestline) Payment is due in full by Parent Conferences; please see your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns
Positive Behavior System Grading System Make-up Policy Parties
5 th & 6 th Common Core Standards Math Placement ELA Unit Plans Science & Social Studies Embedded in ELA curriculum Interact
1) 2) Personal Note 3) Phone Call 4) Pre-Arranged Meeting Step #1: Student Teacher Step #2: Parent Teacher Step #3: Student Parent Teacher Step #4:Parent Teacher Principal
Fantasy Football Draft Riley’s Farm Family Picnic –Sunday, September 27 th (10:00-3:00) Outdoor Movie Night
General questions that benefit the group are appropriate at this time Please contact me later with specific questions & concerns regarding your child. I look forward to working with you!
Book lists Projects Website Communication Morning Help