Entertainment Information
Likeness about media vehicles make consumer go beyond economic constraints create strong loyalty. Loyalty with the media vehicle doesn’t mean that consumer perceive advertisement similarly and buy the products advertise 1.Strong feelings 2.Loyalty 3.Media Usage An image represent feelings, attitude, opinion and facts of consumer about Medium. Magazine : some subscribers do not read each issue immediately. The non-readers might respond that they do intend to read them when they have some free time. Television: television sells better than print media because television is intrusive and its audiences tend to react to the medium more regularly than they read magazine s.
4. Relationship between Audience & Media Ad’s : an ad’s ability to sell products is more influenced by the quality and memorability of the creative message than by any inherent qualities of the medium that delivers it. Consumers simply do not pay attention to commercials if they do not need the product or already know a lot about the brand. They have developed the ability to see and hear a message and then forget it. Perhaps this is caused by an overload of communication. Semantic satiation: do not respond immediately. Casual to intense. Relationship today are not strong, especially among certain demographically.
5.Processing of information from media 6.Importance of media in buying process 7. Exposure Store, rehearse, action. Problem recognition Search for alternatives Alternative evaluation Purchase made Postpurchasing evaluation feedback Technically, exposure means “ open eyes facing the medium.” practically it is a measurement of people who either say they are sure they have looked into or read a vehicle within a given period or identify themselves as having watched TV or listened to the radio when a specified program was being broadcast.
8. ResponseA response function quantifies the perceived ability of multiple exposures of an ad to elicit a response from the viewer. The response function show what percent of people who are exposed to an ad varying numbers of times are expected to respond to that ad