1 The MIDAS Project: Supported by the Science Education Partnership Award Program of the National Center for Research Resources, National Institutes of Health (Grant No. R25 RR018634)
2 Cancer Cancer is …. a type of disease characterized by abnormal cell division.a type of disease characterized by abnormal cell division. Cancer may spread to other parts of the body.Cancer may spread to other parts of the body. Definitions from from
3 What About a Cure? Mostafa El-Sayed, Ph.D. and his son Ivan El-Sayed, M.D. have been researching ways to use the element gold to cure cancer. The El-Sayeds have found that gold nanoparticles covered with a cancer antibody binds to tumor cells so doctors can find the cancer.
4 Nanoparticles of Gold? Nanometer: One billionth of a meter; approximately the length of three to six atoms placed side-by-side, or the width of a single strand of DNA. The thickness of a human hair is between 50,000 and 100,000 nanometers. The average human height is to the size of a nano as the diameter of the Earth is to a soccer ball.
5 How Does it Work? Most cancer cells have a protein called EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) that acts like a baseball glove and catches (receives) antibodies and other substances.Most cancer cells have a protein called EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) that acts like a baseball glove and catches (receives) antibodies and other substances. Doctors and scientists bond gold nanoparticles to an antibody called anti-EGFR. This antibody acts as the baseball and fits into the glove (receptor).Doctors and scientists bond gold nanoparticles to an antibody called anti-EGFR. This antibody acts as the baseball and fits into the glove (receptor). This allows the gold nanoparticles to bond directly to the cancer cells.This allows the gold nanoparticles to bond directly to the cancer cells.
6www.astrazeneca.no/sykdommer/lungekreft/for_helsepersonell/lungekreft1.html Anti-EGFR bonded with gold nanoparticles acts as the baseball. EGFR is the receptor that acts like the glove and receives anti- EGFR. The cancerous cell is now part of the gold nanoparticle.
7 The El-Sayed family performs their research at the Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of California in San Fransisco.The El-Sayed family performs their research at the Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of California in San Fransisco. They have found that when the gold nanoparticles bond to the tumor cells, doctors can locate the cancerous cells and use a laser to kill them.They have found that when the gold nanoparticles bond to the tumor cells, doctors can locate the cancerous cells and use a laser to kill them. The original nanoparticles were shaped like spheres. (nanospheres)The original nanoparticles were shaped like spheres. (nanospheres) They have discovered that the particles need to be shaped like a cylinder or rod so the laser can kill cancer deeper in the body. (nanorod)They have discovered that the particles need to be shaped like a cylinder or rod so the laser can kill cancer deeper in the body. (nanorod)
8 Is There a Cure? No, cancer has not been cured; however, these doctors are performing studies in search of a cure. Their research has been very successful, and perhaps they will find an absolute cure in the future.
9 Spheres and Cylinders Images fromn geometry/cylinder.html
10 Cylinders Cylinders have two congruent circles for a top and a bottom.Cylinders have two congruent circles for a top and a bottom. They are connected by a curved surface that “unrolls” into a rectangle.They are connected by a curved surface that “unrolls” into a rectangle. Soup cans are examples of cylinders.Soup cans are examples of cylinders. FORMULAS: Surface Area = 2πrh + 2πr 2Surface Area = 2πrh + 2πr 2 Volume = BhVolume = Bh
11 Cylinder Practice What is the surface area of this cylinder if its radius is 5 inches and its height is 10 inches? Surface Area = 2πrh + 2πr 2 Use 3.14 for π Surface Area = 2π(5)(10) + 2π(5) 2 = 2π(50) + 2π(25) = 2π(50) + 2π(25) = = Surface Area = 471 in 2
12 Cylinder Practice What is the volume of this “nanorod” if its diameter is 8 nanometers and its height is 12 nanometers? Volume = Bh Volume equals the area of the base times the heightVolume equals the area of the base times the height Area of a circle (the base) = πr 2Area of a circle (the base) = πr 2 If the diameter is 8, the radius is 4.If the diameter is 8, the radius is 4. Volume = Bh = πr 2 (h) = π(4) 2 (12) = π(16)(12) = nm 3 = nm 3
13 Spheres Spheres are symmetricalSpheres are symmetrical Every point on its surface is the same distance from the centerEvery point on its surface is the same distance from the center A marble is an example of a sphereA marble is an example of a sphere FORMULAS: Volume = 4/3πr 3Volume = 4/3πr 3 Surface Area = 4πr 2Surface Area = 4πr 2
14 Sphere Practice This nanosphere is going to be recepted into the epidermal growth factor receptor. Find the surface area if the radius of the sphere is 7 nanometers. Surface Area = 4πr 2 Use 3.14 for π Use 3.14 for π Surface Area = 4π(7) 2 = 4π(49) = nm 2
15 Sphere Practice The sphere of anti-EGFR has been combined with gold. What is the volume of this nanosphere if its diameter is 30nm? Volume = 4/3πr 3 Use 3.14 for π Volume = 4/3π(15) 3 = 4/3π(3375) = 4/3π(3375) = 14,130 nm 3 = 14,130 nm 3
16 For More Information Visit to learn more about gold nanoparticles and healing cancer. to learn more about gold nanoparticles and healing cancer.