Welcome to Room 114! The note cards are for you to share something about your child that might help me teach them or something interesting about your child or any questions you might have
Meet Mrs. Yost and Mrs. De la Cruz Important School Information Literacy Program Math Program Book Orders Communication and Parent Support Conferences Parent Volunteers- Rainbow Recruits PTO Information
* School Name: Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary * Address: Nickleson Dr. Woodbridge, VA * King Web Page: * Mrs. Yost’s School Fusion Page Mrs. Yost’s School Fusion Page * School Telephone: * School Fax: * Principal: Amy Larsen * Assistant Principal: Kelly Nickerson * Office Staff: Shanon Garner and Teri Ingram * Counselor: Ursela Daniels * Cafeteria Manager: Margie McManaman * Regular Bell Schedule: First bell: 8:50 Tardy bell: 9:00 Dismissal: 3:40
* All visitors must report to the office and present a picture ID. If you are picking your child up early, please sign them out in the office and wait for them to be called from the classroom. If your child will be leaving school early, PLEASE send a note in to school. This way we will have them ready to go. * If your child is going home a different way then they usually go, they must have a note from home. If you forget to send a note, please call the office before 3 p.m. and they will inform me of the change. * Please remember to report your child’s absence. We also request that a note be sent up on the student’s return. The Prince William County Department of Student Services requires us to submit an Attendance Officer Referral for any student with five or more unexcused absences. * If your child has to take medication during the school day, parents must provide written authorization, instructions on how to administer to the child, and the medication needs to be in the original container. All medication must be brought to the office by an adult. Please don’t send medication to school with your child.
* We have a Balanced Literacy Program which includes: * Shared Reading- Literature (big books and trade books) based with skills and activities centered around a theme. * Benchmark Literacy which focuses on comprehension skills with both fiction and non-fiction books. * Themes combining our Social Studies and Science objectives. * Guided Reading- Small group instruction applying early reading skills at your child’s level. Concentration on sight words, reading strategies, and enjoyment of reading. * Interactive Writing- writing together (sound writing approach including basic sight words). * Guided Writing- using independent journals. * Independent Writing- writing on own with themed projects. * Writer’s Workshop (EPIC Writing Program).
* Prince William County utilizes a blended math approach (Math Investigations combined with Math Connects traditional math). This approach is based on investigative learning utilizing manipulatives, while maintaining competencies with traditional math activities. * Class activities- circle time, daily calendar math activities, math small groups and graphing based on the themes.
Book order forms will be sent home each month; the first one will be in November. If you would like to purchase books (this is completely optional), please send the order form and a check (made out to “Scholastic Books”) in an envelope labeled: * Name * Book Order (payment enclosed) * Mrs. Yost * Room 114
* Communication * Kindergarten Express Newsletter * Behavior chart in Folder * Notes in the Daily Folder (when necessary) * Telephone Calls * s * DREAM post cards * Parent Support * Check the folders DAILY * Assist with homework * Read to your child or listen to them read our class-made books * Read and return library books * Good attendance * Field Trips * Scholastic Book Order- Participation is optional. * Book-It Reading Program: October - March This will be starting Mid-October * Book Fairs * PTO Sponsored events
* Homework was sent home on Monday. * You and your child have to choose 4 activities. Do any paper/pencil activities in the notebook provided in the homework bag. * The homework notebook and choice board needs to be sent back to school every FRIDAY. * IF you have any questions about this, please let me know via or a note.
* Conference Day is Tuesday, November 3 rd. * I will also have a few conference times on Monday, November 2 nd. * Please make sure you sign up for a conference on the conference sheet, it is on the semi circle table. If you need a translator, please note that on the conference sheet so we can make sure we have someone available. * This is a time to talk in depth as to how your son/daughter is progressing in Kindergarten and any concerns you or I might have.
* There are many ways you can volunteer. Please take a minute and fill out the VOLUNTEER paper at your table if you can help in any way. * To volunteer, there is a Volunteers breakfast and informational session on Wednesday, October 14 th 9:30 in the Library. If you would like to Volunteer you need to attend this meeting or contact Kathy Brengelman.Kathy Brengelman * Book Fair is also coming up. The Book Fair is Oct. 26 – 30. The PTO is looking for volunteers to help run the fair during the day. You can talk with the PTO in the lobby. * Apple Day is Oct. 16 th, if you would like to volunteer then please sign up on the volunteer sheet.
* PTO is the Parent Teacher Organization at King Elementary. * Please make sure you stop by the PTO table in the main lobby to pick up a membership form.
Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come to Back to School night. I am excited for this school year and can’t wait to see your son/daughter grow this year both academically and socially. If you have any specific questions please write them on the index card or me at Mrs. Yost and Mrs. De la Cruz