GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS The following guidelines are provided to assist invited speakers presenters. Please read all information below before coming to the meeting and before uploading your presentation. If you have any questions, contact with Please check the program for the day and time of your session. The online program is regularly updated and contains details of all sessions and speakers.
1.CONSIDERATION FOR SYLLABUS OF SPEAKER`S TOPICS Except Plenary, all the speakers please submit a syllabus of their topics no more than 150 words in a PDF version by April 30th 2016 to The syllabus should give a clear idea of the intervention and the main conclusions made. Syllabus should not include equations, diagrams, footnotes, or parenthetical references, but may include numbers.
2.TIME ASSIGNED FOR PLENARY SPEAKERS: Time assigned for each intervention will be 50 minutes. Time for questions: 15 minutes. FOR KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Time assigned for each intervention will be 40 minutes. Time for questions: 10 minutes. FOR WORKSHOP SPEAKERS Time assigned for each intervention is available at workshop session. There will be a limit of participants. It depends of each instructor. FOR SHORT TALKS Time assigned for each intervention will be 20 minutes. Time for questions: 10 minutes.
3.ABOUT SESSION ROOM The session room will make available PC for each one of the presentations with Windows 7 operating system, audiovisual equipment and internet connection. An audiovisual technician and a person from staff will be assigned to each session to manage the audiovisual equipment, to pass the roaming microphones to audience participants and to assist with any queries that you may have. Please arrive 30 minutes before the start of your session and please bring a backup copy of your presentation with you. It is better if copy your PowerPoint and all movies to a folder on a USB drive. PowerPoint does NOT embed movies. They must all be placed in the same folder. It is good practice to keep a second copy in your luggage.
4.CONSIDERATIONS FOR POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS Use common fonts (such as Times New Roman, Arial, and Verdana). Make sure to use a font size of at least 24 points for body text and points for headings. Black text on a white background is advised. Avoid using red or green. The maximum number of lines in text slides should be no more than 6 or 7. Pictures to be used for the presentation should be in JPG format. Video to be used for the presentation should be in AVI and WMV format. Animations: Use simple entry animation effects, such as fly in/out, appear and dissolve. Test your presentation on a separate Mac or PC to insure fonts are standard and components such as movies are included rather than merely linked in your presentation.
5.SUBMIT PRESENTATIONS Speakers should upload their presentation slides in advance of traveling to the meeting. This can be sent to until June 15, The full program will be available as soon as possible, you will receive an informing you when it is available to download. You can view your talk in the online program and will be in the Program Book and Pocket Program that you will receive when visiting the Speaker Registration Desk.