Science – To forests and timber Prospects and challenges A. Treimanis, V. Egle Forest Sector Competence centre & Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) Forest.


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Presentation transcript:

Science – To forests and timber Prospects and challenges A. Treimanis, V. Egle Forest Sector Competence centre & Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) Forest sector conference

Main scientific institutions operating in the sector Latvian Forestry Research Institute "SILAVA" Forest Faculty of Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA) Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry (IWC) Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Institute (MeKA) Ltd. as well as University of Latvia, Riga Technical University, etc.

Developments and techniques – LFRI “SILAVA” Hybrid aspen cultivation and propagation techniques for mass production Fuel wood from stumps in forest stands damaged by rot


New cultivation programme Inventory and evaluation of the existing clones Controlled crossing HYBRID ASPEN IN LATVIA IMPROVEMENT AND ADAPTATION OF PROPAGATION TECHNIQUES FOR MASS PRODUCTION


Participation in designing, establishing and equipping the Tissue cultures laboratory of PLC "Latvijas Valsts meži" Staff training HYBRID ASPEN IN LATVIA IMPROVEMENT AND ADAPTATION OF PROPAGATION TECHNIQUES FOR MASS PRODUCTION

Samples of pulp and moulded experimental samples of paper obtained in Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry that prove the competitiveness of hybrid aspen in the field of export. The nearest aspen pulpwood processing plant – the production unit of thermo- mechanical paper pulp in Kunda, Estonia. HYBRID ASPEN IN LATVIA IMPROVEMENT AND ADAPTATION OF PROPAGATION TECHNIQUES FOR MASS PRODUCTION

Fuel wood from stumps in forest stands damaged by rot Analysis of economic and forestry potential

Fuel wood from stumps - Background of the study In Latvia there are 510 thousand ha of forest stands in which the dominating species is spruce Spruce stands are mostly affected by Heterobasidion spp. and Armillaria spp. infections: – the percentage of trees affected by rot is 10-60%, which causes damage to 7-25% of the value of timber Advantages of stump harvesting: – The solution is tested in Canada and Great Britain, – Income from the sales of fuel wood, – At the same time, soil for the next generation of forest is prepared.

Expected results of the study Short term results: – Evaluation of stump fuel resources, quality and exploitation possibilities, – Elaboration of technological solutions for reforestation, carrying out of their economic analysis, – Evaluation of entomological risks, – Evaluation of the link of stump forestry productivity and firewood quality to the spreading of rot. Long term results: – Carrying out of analysis of possibilities to improve the health condition and increase productivity of forests in stands damaged by rot, – Introduction of new technical solutions in practice.

Developments and techniques – Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry Production of charcoal from piece timber Steam blast autohydrolysis Expanded polyurethanes from renewable raw materials Lignosilicon growing promoters Quality improvement of recycled paper fibres

Elaboration of environmentally friendly and energetically autonomous charcoal production technology YearTotal income LVLLVL/t

From technological chips through steam blast autohydrolysis to self- adhesive materials and glues for plywood

Production of hard expanded polyurethanes - thermal insulating products The Institute has developed an ecologically pure synthesis process for the extraction of polyol from natural renewable raw products - rapeseed oil, tall oil, sunflower seed oil.

Silicon products based on timber processing residue Lignosilicon activates the growing and development of plants, increases the harvest, improves quality indicators, increases the resistance of plants to diseases and adverse ambient conditions. This gives lasting and positive results in rural conditions like traditional (Olaine Tree Nursery) and organic agriculture (farms certified by Skrīveri, LUA, "Brīvzemnieki" Ltd., etc.), as well in closed grounds (Botanical garden of the University of Latvia).

Recycled paper and paperboard fibres In 2007, Latvia consumed t of paper and paperboard, Around ½ of this amount is recovered, Recycled fibres (waste paper) is the basic raw material for the production of paper, since the fresh fibres (pulp) are expensive and not produced in Latvia, The quality of recycled fibres does not satisfy the needs of the producers of high- value products.

Improving the quality of recycled fibres Polymer additives for increasing the resistance to humidity Additives of linen and other plant fibres The use of ferments and other substances to decolour printed paper

Developments and techniques – “MeKA” Ltd. In the forest sector there is a materialised scientific and production cooperation model: Latvian Forest Industry Federation in cooperation with the PLC "Latvijas Valsts meži" and the Latvia University of Agriculture has established the Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Institute ("MeKA" Ltd.)

MeKA Ltd. - Main results The testing laboratory is the first and at present the only one in Latvia, which has been officially declared as an EU notified institution in the framework of the Construction Products Directive with the registration number NB 2040 The complex of laboratories established by the industry provides support to new scientists and ensures to the University possibilities to deal with actual problems of the sector, such as, – Optimisation of wooden pallet structures (also a promotional work has been developed and defended), – Research on reaction of timber products to fire (promotional work has been developed) – Modelling of the flow of timber resources (promotional work has been developed)

National research programme „Justification of cultivation and rational use of deciduous trees, new products and technologies” [since 2006] Programme Manager: LAS True Member Dr. chem. BRUNO ANDERSONS

Structure of the Programme: 4 projects Development of a perspective deciduous tree cultivation technology in forest and non-forest lands for the provision of consumers with forestry raw materials. LFRI "Silava" Use of deciduous timber in the mechanical processing to obtain new products. Forest Faculty of LUA Use of deciduous timber to obtain improved timber products and new products. Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry Economic evaluation of deciduous products and technologies. Forest Faculty of LUA

Cooperation between the sector and science - New possibilities for Ministry of Economy/Investment and Development Agency of Latvia Programme of Competence Centres Support to industrial studies and experimental elaboration foreruns Purpose - improvement of the competitiveness of the sector Funds will be allocated to certain projects which together will form the CCs of the sector The leading role in the CCs - to partners of the sector Tender between sectors, projects The planned available funds of the Programme million LVL The planned starting date of the Programme - Spring 2009

Why will the CCs Programme be attractive? The maximum amount of funds for programmes of each CC million LVL Unprecedentedly large maximum amount of financing for one project - 1 million LVL High proportion of state aid (intensity) ! - for industrial studies, 80% - to small economic operators 75% - to medium-sized economic operators 65% - to large economic operators - for experimental development foreruns 60% / 50% / 40% respectively to groups of economic operators

Activity lines planned by the Competence Centre of the forestry sector Activity lines planned by the Competence Centre of the forestry sector Increasing of the value of forests Use of timber and materials Forestry and forest logistics New products and technologies

Competence Centre of the forestry sector – Project development foreruns Fuel wood from stumps Improvement of the production of reproductive material of forests Forest resource accounting and logistics Evaluation of the emission of volatile substances of timber materials Conformity assessment, certification of impregnated timber Pre-treatment technologies for a more effective use of timber New plywood products for transport Energy from biomass Recycled and natural fibres for the production of high- quality paper products... (the list is not complete)

Contact details for cooperation in CC projects CC Project Manager - Valdis Egle Phone: LFRI “Silava” – Jurģis Jansons Phone: LSIVC – Bruno Andersons Phone: Forest faculty of LUA – Dagnis Dubrovskis Phone: “MeKA" Ltd. – Andrejs Domkins Phone:

Thank you for your attention!