Independent Reading Project DUE: JANAURY 26, 2016
Step 1: Read a book
Step 2: Make a Plot Diagram
Step 3: Choose a theme activity Option 1: Word Collage Quote: “’ – I think I knowed from the very first. I think I knowed we’d never do her’” (Steinbeck 92). George finally says what we have been wondering the entire novel. He only recounted the dream because Lennie needed to hear it. George knew all along that their dream was never going to come true. Quote: “ ‘We’ll have a cow,’ said George. ‘An’ we’ll have maybe a pig an’ chickens…an’ down the flat we’ll have a… little piece alfalfa’” (Steinbeck 103). George tells Lennie the dream one last time. George stumbles over the details of the dream because he knows that he will have to kill Lennie.’ Quote: “Now Candy spoke his greatest fear, ‘You an’ me can get that little place, can’t we, George?’” (Steinbeck 92). Candy still hopes that the dream can come true; however, his hesitancy indicates that even Candy knows that the dream is in jeopardy because Lennie will have to pay for his crime. Option 1: Word Collage Quote: “’ – I think I knowed from the very first. I think I knowed we’d never do her’” (Steinbeck 92). George finally says what we have been wondering the entire novel. He only recounted the dream because Lennie needed to hear it. George knew all along that their dream was never going to come true. Quote: “ ‘We’ll have a cow,’ said George. ‘An’ we’ll have maybe a pig an’ chickens…an’ down the flat we’ll have a… little piece alfalfa’” (Steinbeck 103). George tells Lennie the dream one last time. George stumbles over the details of the dream because he knows that he will have to kill Lennie.’ Quote: “Now Candy spoke his greatest fear, ‘You an’ me can get that little place, can’t we, George?’” (Steinbeck 92). Candy still hopes that the dream can come true; however, his hesitancy indicates that even Candy knows that the dream is in jeopardy because Lennie will have to pay for his crime.
Step 3: Choose a theme activity Option 2: Character Alphabet A is for George and Lennie who are A lways together. “’ But not us! An’ why? Because …because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and that’s why’” (Steinbeck 15). B is for the B rush where George told Lennie to go if he got in trouble. C is for C urley’s wife who ruined George’s dream. D is for Candy’s D og who had to be put down because he was so old. E is for the game of E ucher that was being played in the bunkhouse. Option 2: Character Alphabet A is for George and Lennie who are A lways together. “’ But not us! An’ why? Because …because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and that’s why’” (Steinbeck 15). B is for the B rush where George told Lennie to go if he got in trouble. C is for C urley’s wife who ruined George’s dream. D is for Candy’s D og who had to be put down because he was so old. E is for the game of E ucher that was being played in the bunkhouse.
Step 3: Choose a theme activity Option 3: Theme Analysis Theme Stems: Loyalty, Friendship, Power, Dreams, Loneliness Theme Statement: Dreams do not always come true. Quote: “’ – I think I knowed from the very first. I think I knowed we’d never do her’” (Steinbeck 92). Explanation: After seeing what Lennie did to Curley’s wife in the barn, George realizes that their dream of having their own place will never come true. Option 3: Theme Analysis Theme Stems: Loyalty, Friendship, Power, Dreams, Loneliness Theme Statement: Dreams do not always come true. Quote: “’ – I think I knowed from the very first. I think I knowed we’d never do her’” (Steinbeck 92). Explanation: After seeing what Lennie did to Curley’s wife in the barn, George realizes that their dream of having their own place will never come true.