Year 8 Pilot Study Showed the tasks were appropriate, however we need to clearly explain what to do using a powerpoint. In the pilot students did different tasks at the same time (half and half) Yr 8 said it would be fairer if they all did the same puzzle at once. The time to complete the task was decided as 600 seconds, to fit times taken by the Year 8 groups. Needed a space on sheet to record time, this has been added.
Suggested amendments Saying you will be questioned on the text should make sure students read the passage properly. Showing the word on the board and ensuring the topic is clearly found in the index, and not a sub-topic. It was decided that books need to be closed once the topic found to reduce cheating. Aim to do the tasks at the same time to minimise inconsistencies due to time of day
Statistics Coursework Books
Read the passage! When told - Read the passage on the page in front of you. You must read at the speed you normally would, do not rush and make sure you have gained an understanding of what is happening. You will be asked questions about the content at the end. Write down your time when you have finished.
Books - Collecting data You are going to complete 2 tasks in silence and time yourself doing them. You will need a pencil. You must not turn over your sheet until you are told to. When you have completed the task you must write down the time that is on the board, in full seconds, and put your name on the sheet then put your pencil down.
Stop watch
Find the word! You need to find the topic in the textbook you have. Find the topic specified in the book and write the page number of your sheet. Write down your time when you have finished – you can do this in the space on your reading task sheet.
The topic to be found……. Scatter Graphs