logia- study of Psychology psyche- breath, spirit, soul
Psychology is the study of mind and behavior. By learning about psychology, we are able to better understand and explain how people think, act, and feel. It also helps predict future behaviors.
Psychologists examine both normal and abnormal behavior. They can provide psychotherapy in order to help people overcome mental, behavioral, and emotional disorders. When evaluating ones mental status, there are many factors to consider.
Physical Characteristics- age, appearance, and health Consider- Have these characteristics changed over a period of time? What might these characteristics reveal about them? Relationships- acquiring and maintaining connections Consider- What is the quality of their relationships? Are the connections this person forms with others strong or distant? State of Emotions- attitude and reactions to circumstances Consider- We shift from various states constantly. How large of shifts are they? Are they reasonable? How have they changed over time?
Communication/Mannerisms- verbal/non-verbal, habits, behaviors, expressions Consider- What does their communication or lack of communication reveal about them? What motivates their habits and behaviors? History- past experiences in one’s life Consider- Have they experienced any traumatic events? Did they receive support? How did they respond?
Disorders: There are many! Here are a few… Dissociative disorder - conditions that involve breakdowns of memory, awareness, identity or perception Major depressive disorder - characterized by episodes of all- encompassing low mood, low self-esteem, and loss of interest Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) - is an anxiety disorder characterized by unreasonable thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead you to do repetitive behaviors (compulsions). Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - an anxiety disorder caused by an intensely traumatic event, characterized by mentally re- experiencing the trauma, avoidance of trauma-associated stimuli, numbing of emotional responsiveness, and hyper-alertness and difficulty in sleeping, remembering, or concentrating
PSYCHOTHERAPY Aversion therapy- modifies undesirable or antisocial habits or addictions by creating a strong association with a disagreeable or painful stimulus. (i.e. smoking = vomit) Cognitive therapy- patient is encouraged to change the way he sees the world and himself: learning to recognize and correct negative automatic thoughts. Electroconvulsive therapy – altering brain chemicals (electrically)
Episodic - occurring, appearing, or changing at irregular intervals Fight-or-flight response – reaction that occurs in the presence of something that is terrifying, either mentally or physically Fixation - a strong attachment or obsession to a person or thing Frequency – how often something occurs Repression - a mental process which distressing thoughts or memories are excluded from consciousness Self-concept - how someone thinks or perceives themselves Social perception – a person’s ability to observe and understand information about others Prognosis- the likelihood of recovery from a disease Psychoanalysis Terminology
Some more… Anxiety - overwhelming sense of apprehension and fear Attachment - bonds formed in relationships due to responses of emotions Aggression Behaviors – using force or threats to inflict harm on others Compliance – following a wish, request, or demand Conformity - action or behavior is socially accepted, and corresponds with rules, or laws Consciousness – being aware Coping – strategies to reduce stress and solve personal problems Delusions - belief that is clearly not true Closure - a feeling of resolution, especially after a traumatic experience