DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS Department of Rural Development and Land Reform Draft Annual Performance Plan: Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform Director-General: Mduduzi Shabane 30 March
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS Presentation outline Purpose Introduction Part A: Strategic Overview Part B: Strategic Objectives Part C: Links to other Plans Annexure 2
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS Introduction The Annual Performance Plan was developed in line with the recently approved National Treasury Framework for Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans. The plan has incorporated the current strategic plan ( ), Outcome 7 and its deliverables. The plan takes into consideration the department’s contribution to Outcome 4, 6, 9 and 10 The plan consists of three parts: Section A: Strategic Overview Section B: Strategic Goals & Objectives Section C:Links to other plans 3
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS 4 Vision Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities Over-arching Goal Social cohesion and development Mission To initiate, facilitate, coordinate, catalyze and implement an integrated rural development programme Strategy Agrarian transformation, interpreted to denote “a rapid and fundamental change in the relations (systems and patterns of ownership and control) of land,livestock, cropping and community
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS 1.To improve productivity in land reform projects through effective implementation of the Recapitalisation and Development programme; 2.To expedite the finalization of land claims; 3.Effective roll out of the CRDP to improve the livelihoods of rural communities; 4.Improve corporate governance and ensure enhanced service delivery; 5.Implement proper change management and innovation strategies; 6.Enhance the efficiency of information management systems. 5 Key priorities
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS Strategic Goals 1.Sound corporate governance and service excellence through compliance with the legal framework achieved by Reformed policy, legislative & institutional environment by Effective land planning and administration that is biased towards rural areas 4.Institutional arrangements for effective corporate governance and stakeholder participation by Increased access to and productive use of land by Improved access to affordable and diverse food by Improved rural services to support sustainable livelihoods by Improved access to sustainable employment and skills development opportunities by
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS Part B: Strategic Objectives 7
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS This section of the APP covers objectives identified to achieve the set goals. The strategic objectives are allocated to all 5 budget programmes of the Department. Each programme has an annual targets, performance indicators and quarterly targets for 2011/12 8
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS Programme 1: Administration Purpose To provide strategic and logistical support in the form of executive, corporate services. It also oversees departmental capital works and makes a nominal contribution to the public sector education and training authority Priorities Improving corporate governance and enhance service delivery To implement proper change management and innovation strategies Enhance the efficiency of information management systems Reforming the policy, legislative and institutional framework. 9
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS Quarterly targets 10
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual target Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Effective, efficient and fair human resource management practices provided and ensured % reduction of the vacancy rate Quarterly10% % client satisfaction rating Annual 60 % satisfaction rate 55 % 5555% Legal services rendered to the entire department % compliance with Court rules, bargaining council rules and legislation given the available resources Quarterly100% Improved service delivery within the Department and rural communities through the provision of ICT, knowledge and information management Integrated ICT Strategy developed and implemented. QuarterlyAdopted ICT Strategy Draft of the ICT Strategy Final ICT Strategy 50 % implementation plan 80 % Implementation of the ICT strategy 11
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS 12 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual target Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Effectiveness and efficiency of corporate services improved by 2014 Approved Communications strategy for the department Quarterly 75% of strategy implemented Communications strategy developed Strategy submitted for approval 50% of strategy implemented 75% of strategy implemented Effective and efficient financial services provided by 2014 Spending according to linear targets of Main Appropriation Quarterly 100% Expenditure 25% Expenditure 50% Expenditure 75% Expenditure 100% Expenditure Payment of suppliers within 30 days of receipt of undisputed invoices Quarterly 100% Payment of invoices 100% Payment of invoices 100% Payment of invoices 100% Payment of invoices 100% Payment of invoices National Treasury Financial Management Maturity Model Rating QuarterlyLevel 3.5Level 2.8Level 3.0Level 3.2Level 3.5 Risk Management Strategy & Risk Registers Bi-annuallyUpdated Risk Register Risk Committee1 st Risk ReportRisk Committee 2 nd Risk Report
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS 13 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual target Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th A comprehensive result based planning, monitoring and evaluation that drives the organisation and ensure delivery on expected outcomes provided by 2014 PM&E strategy developed and implemented Quarterly 75 % implementation of PM&E strategy Draft M&E strategy 50% implementation of Strategy 65% implementation of Strategy 75 % implementation Of Strategy Effectiveness and efficiency of corporate services improved by 2014 Approved Communicatio ns strategy for the department Quarterly75% of strategy implemented Communications strategy developed Strategy submitted for approval 50% of strategy implemented 75% of strategy implemented
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS 14 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual target Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Develop rural development and land reform policies and legislation by 2014 Number of policies developed Quarterly5 policies1 policy developed 2 policies developed Number of pieces of legislation developed and approved Quarterly 8 pieces of legislation 2 pieces legislation developed and approved
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS 15 Strategic Objective Annual Target Audited/Actual performanceQuarter 1Quarterly Targets 2007/082008/092009/10 Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter Develop rural development and land reform policies and legislation by policies developed New indicator pieces of legislation developed and approved New indicator
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS 16 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual target Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th A comprehensive result based planning, monitoring and evaluation that drives the organisation and ensure delivery on expected outcomes provided by 2014 PM&E strategyQuarterly PM&E strategy developed and adopted Consultations on PM&E strategy by 30 June PM&E strategy developed Workshop draft strategy by 30 September PM&E strategy submitted for approval Effectiveness and efficiency of corporate services improved by 2014 Approved Communications strategy for the department Quarterly 75% of strategy implemented Communications strategy developed Strategy submitted for approval 50% of strategy implemented 75% of strategy implemented Effective and efficient financial services provided by 2014 Spending according to linear targets of Main Appropriation Quarterly 100% Expenditure 25% Expenditure 50% Expenditure 75% Expenditure 100% Expenditure Payment of suppliers within 30 days of receipt of undisputed invoices Quarterly 100% Payment of invoices 100% Payment of invoices 100% Payment of invoices 100% Payment of invoices 100% Payment of invoices National Treasury Financial Management Maturity Model Rating QuarterlyLevel 3.5Level 2.8Level 3.0Level 3.2Level 3.5 Risk Management Strategy & Risk Registers Bi-annuallyUpdated Risk Register Risk Committee1 st Risk ReportRisk Committee 2 nd Risk Report
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS Expenditure estimates 2011/ / /14 Total to be appropriated Current payments Transfers and subsidies Payments for capital assets Total R thousand MTEF allocation Ministry12,90212, ,18713,905 Management79,19339, ,10958,124 Corporate Services439,406420,69812,9185,790447,456471,948 Office Accommodation54, ,52458,576 Government Motor Transport 3,653- 3,8364,047 Sector Education and Training Authority Capital Works16, ,96942,165 Total expenditure estimates 606,104583,18012,9259,999615,082648,766 17
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS Programme 2: Geospatial and cadastral services Purpose To provide geospatial, cadastral surveys, spatial planning information as well as technical services in support of sustainable land development Key priorities Improving efficiency of cadastral surveys management, information services and registration of deeds by: Reducing the turnaround times for the approval of cadastral documents Reducing the time taken to register deeds and documents Providing land registration services and information to support the government’s development agenda Reducing spatial inequalities in rural communities 18
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS 19 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual target Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Promote an equitable, sustainable land use and allocation by facilitating an integrated land planning and administration system by 2014 Average number of days taken to examine cadastral documents Quarterly 14 days Number of days taken to register title deeds (in accordance with legislation, practice and procedures) Quarterly7 days Number of Rural Spatial Development Frameworks formulated Quarterly 25 rural SDFs completed 6 Rural Spatial Development Frameworks formulated 7 Rural Spatial Development Frameworks formulated Operational e- cadastre Quarterly Enterprise architecture design available Cadastre integrated portal e-Deeds version 1 e-Survey version 1 Enterprise architecture design available Coverage of digital aerial imagery (in square km) and processing ortho- images at 0.5 m ground sample distance by 31 March Quarterly km km km km 2
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS 20 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual target Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Surveyed and registered state and Trust land hectors of land surveyed Quarterly 100% of %75%80%100% Scarce skills training programme by 2014 Number of scarce skills training programmes in geomatics and cadastral surveys Quarterly1 programme000 1 scarce skills programme Improved disaster management services in rural areas and land reform projects by 2014 Number of disaster management helpdesks established and functional Quarterly 40 helpdesks10 helpdesks Number of vulnerable rural communities trained on environmental management measures Quarterly9 rural communities 2 rural communities 3 rural communities2 rural communities
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS 21 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual target Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Compliance with land use management policies and legislation ensured by 2014 Land Use Management Bill implemented Quarterly Consultation and adoption Draft LUMB Consultation on LUMB Adoption of the LUMB Number of Rural Spatial Development Frameworks formulated Quarterly 25 rural SDFs completed 6 Rural Spatial Development Frameworks formulated 7 Rural Spatial Development Frameworks formulated National geospatial information and services in support of the national infrastructure and sustainable development provided by 2014 Number of reference stations Quarterly 985 reference stations 246 reference stations 247 reference stations Number of km 2 coverage of digital aerial imagery and processing ortho-images at 0.5 ground sample distance Quarterly km km km km 2 Number of maps of the national map series produced/ revised Quarterly1660 maps344 maps460 maps360 maps496 maps
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS Expenditure estimates 2011/ / /14 Total to be appropriated Current payments Transfers and subsidies Payments for capital assets Total R thousand MTEF allocation Cadastral Surveys191,566188, ,179200,638211,554 National Geospatial Information 136,928130,0681,6675,193142,258150,027 Spatial Planning46,63346, ,17051,829 Registration of Deeds Trading Account 10, ,12911,741 South African Council for Planners 2, ,7002,849 Total expenditure estimates 388,104364,79814,7498,557405,985428,000 22
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS Programme 3: Rural development Purpose To initiate, facilitate, coordinate and catalyse the implementation of CRDP that leads to sustainable and vibrant rural communities. Key priorities Roll-out the CRDP in all rural municipalities Improving food security in rural communities by establishing food gardens and improving technologies for food production Create jobs in rural areas through Narysec, infrastructural projects, etc 23
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS 24 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual target Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th To reach all the poorest rural wards in all rural municipalities by 2014 Number of CRDP wards profiled Quarterly18045 Number of households profiled Quarterly Establish food gardens and agri- parks in CRDP wards by 2014 Number of food gardens established Quarterly Number of agri-parks established Quarterly51211 Rural development and land reform beneficiaries skilled and capacitated in technical enterprise development trades Number of beneficiaries trained in technical enterprise development trades Quarterly
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS 25 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual target Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th To develop and utilize innovative service delivery models to enhance food production and ensure food security Number of service delivery models to enhance food production and ensure food security reviewed Annually1 (review)0001 Number of technologies suitable for small-farmer production identified through research Quarterly51112 Number of community technology for agricultural incubators implemented Bi-annually21010 To increase the number of jobs created in CRDP initiatives by 2014 Number of jobs created in CRDP initiatives Quarterly Number of employment opportunities created through the NARYSEC programme Quarterly
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS 26 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual target Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th To provide economic infrastructure in rural areas effectively reducing spatial inequalities by 5% Number of kilometers of fencing in CRDP wards Quarterly Number of fresh produce markets established in rural towns Quarterly20011 To provide social infrastructure in rural areas effectively reducing spatial inequalities by 5% % increase in the number of households profiled with access to sanitation Quarterly 3% increase in the number of households with access to sanitation Baseline study conducted to determine the % of households without access to sanitation 1 % increase in the number of households with access to sanitation 2 % increase in the number of households with access to sanitation 3 % increase in the number of households with access to sanitation % increase in the number of households profiled with access to electricity Quarterly 5% increase in the number of households with access to electricity Baseline study conducted to determine the % of households without access to electricity 1 % increase in the number of households with access to electricity 3% increase in the number of households with access to electricity 5% increase in the number of households with access to electricity % increase in the number of profiled households with access to clean water Quarterly 4% increase in the number of households with access to clean water Baseline study conducted to determine the % of households without access to clean water 1% increase in the number of households with access to clean water 2% increase in the number of households with access to clean water 4% increase in the number of households with access to clean water Number of rain water harvesting tanks ditributed Quarterly
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS 27 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual target Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th To improve ICT infrastructure in rural areas effectively reducing spatial inequalities by 5% Number of E Centers provided Quarterly Number of wards with improved ICT access Quarterly To establish village agricultural industries and agricultural enterprises by 2014 Number of village agricultural industries established Quarterly Number of agricultural enterprises established Quarterly Establish and Support Council of Stakeholders, cooperatives and community based institutions in each CRDP site by 2012 Number of Council of Stakeholders, cooperatives and community based institutions in each CRDP site established and supported by 2012 Quarterly18045 Establish partnerships for economic productivity on CRDP sites Number of partnerships established Annually10001
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS Expenditure estimates 2011/ / /14 Total to be appropriated Current payments Transfers and subsidies Payments for capital assets Total R thousand MTEF allocation Rural Development National Office 180,655180, ,168489,231 Rural Development Provincial Offices 260, ,824414,706 Total expenditure estimates 441,276441, ,992903,937 28
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS Programme: Restitution Purpose To provide settlement of land restitution claims under the Restitution of Land Rights Act (Act No 22 of 1994), as amended; and to provide settlement support to restitution beneficiaries Key priorities Reduce the backlog of land claims Settle all outstanding land claims 29
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS 30 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Reportin g Period Annual target Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th Restitution of land rights or awards of alternative forms of equitable redress to claimants finalised within MTEF baseline allocation Number of claims implemented ( backlog) Quarterly Number of outstanding claims ( new) Quarterly
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS Expenditure estimates 2011/ / /14 Total to be appropriated Current payments Transfers and subsidies Payments for capital assets Total R thousand MTEF allocation Restitution National Office 51,05051, ,18056,082 Restitution Regional Offices 363,120362, ,817395,294 Restitution Grants2,083, ,191,9252,312,291 Total expenditure estimates 2,497,293413,8422,083, ,619,9222,763,677 31
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS Programme 5: Land Reform Purpose To provide sustainable land reform programmes in South Africa Key priorities To improve productivity in land reform projects through the effective implementation of the Recapitalisation and Development Programme Acquire and allocate strategically located land 32
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS 33 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Reporting Period Annual target Quarterly targets 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th hectares of strategically located land acquired and allocated within MTEF baseline allocation by 2014 Number of hectares acquired Quarterly ha75903 ha Recapitalisation and development support provided to black farmers, rural communities and land reform beneficiaries by 2014 Number of farms recapitalised Quarterly387 farms97 farms96 farms97 farms Number of farmers capacitated through agricultural training programmes Quarterly40 farmers10 farmers
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS Expenditure estimates 2011/ / /14 Total to be appropriated Current payments Transfers and subsidies Payments for capital assets Total R thousand MTEF allocation Land Reform National Office 158,813154,633-2,180143,671146,232 Land Reform Provincial Offices 580,957566, ,430667,440709,928 Land Reform Grants696, ,156789,229 Kwazulu-Natal Ingonyama Trust Board 6, ,2007,500 Land Reform Empowerment Facility Agricultural Land Holdings Account 2,750, ,755,7412,983,873 Total expenditure estimates 4,191,469721,1403,453,71916,6104,392,2094,636,763 34
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS Part C: Links to other plans 35
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS This is section shows the Department’s Public Entities and Private Partnerships. The Department has 2 public entities: Agricultural Land Holding Trading Account Ingonyama Trust Board It also has the Kgolaganyo Public Private Partnership 36
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS Budget Summary 2011/ / /14 Total to be appropriated Current payments Transfers and subsidies Payments for capital assets Total R thousand MTEF allocation Administration606,104583,18012,9259,999615,082648,766 Geospatial and Cadastral Services 388,104364,79814,7498,557405,895428,000 Rural Development441,276441, ,992903,937 Restitution2,497,293413,8422,083, ,619,9222,763,667 Land Reform4,191,469721,1403,453,71916,6104,392,2094,636,763 Total expenditure estimates 8,124,2462,524,1315,564,74435,3718,674,1009,381,133 Executive authorityMinister of Rural Development and Land Reform Accounting officerDirector-General of Rural Development and Land Reform Website The estimates of National Expenditure booklets for individual votes are available on They provide more comprehensive coverage of vote specific information, particularly about goods and services, transfers, public entities and lower level institutional information. 37
DEPARTMENT: LAND AFFAIRS Monitoring and Reporting Progress made in respect of the APP will be monitored on a quarterly basis Reports will be compiled and presented quarterly 38