1| | faculty of mathematics and natural sciences energy and environmental sciences Sustainable food production systems Sanderine Nonhebel
2| History and future research line 1995 Quantifying energy/land/water use food items
3| Typical values resource use food items Energy MJ/kg Land m 2 /kg Water l/kg Vegetables50,2100 Bread181,1600 Potatoes20,280 Rice Veg. oil Meat Milk101,3600 Coffee
4| History and future research line 1995 Quantifying energy/land/water use food items Resource use animal products and options to reduce Meat, vegetable oils and drinks have largest impacts
Energy use in animal products
6| History and future research line 1995 Quantifying energy/land/water use food items Resource use animal products and options to reduce Meat, vegetable oils and drinks have largest impacts beef and cheese have largest impact
7| History and future research line 1995 Quantifying energy/land/water use food items Resource use animal products and options to reduce Quantifying international trends land use Meat, vegetable oils and drinks have largest impacts beef and cheese have largest impact
8| Global results
9| History and future research line 1995 Quantifying energy/land/water use food items Resource use animal products and options to reduce Quantifying international trends land use Meat, vegetable oils and drinks have largest impacts beef and cheese have largest impact Change to luxurious diets largest impact
10| History and future research line 1995 Quantifying energy/land/water use food items Resource use animal products and options to reduce Quantifying international trends land use Analysing artificial fertilizer use Meat, vegetable oils and drinks have largest impacts beef and cheese have largest impact Change to luxurious diets largest impact
11| Nitrogen use and land use
12| History and future research line 1995 Quantifying energy/land/water use food items Resource use animal products and options to reduce Quantifying international trends land use Analysing artificial fertilizer use Quantifying labour requirements Meat, vegetable oils and drinks have largest impacts beef and cheese have largest impact Change to luxurious diets largest impact Without artificial nitrogen we can only feed 3 billion people A farmer only needs 5 seconds to produce your meal
13| History and future research line 2016 What consumption pattern requires to lowest energy/water/land/nitrogen inputs? What about the competition between food, feed and fuel? Healthy food and the environment (micro nutrients) Environmental impacts unusual food (insects…) Can we quantify the biodiversity loss due to food production?
14| Thanks