Central Authority Unitary Ways Government Distributes Power Regional Authority
Central Authority Confederation Ways Government Distributes Power Regional Authority
Federation / Federal Ways Government Distributes Power Regional Authority Central Authority Regional Authority
How Governments Determine Citizen Participation DemocracyOligarchicAutocratic Government Power Citizen Participation Government Power General Citizens’ Participation Government Power Citizen Participation Select Citizens’ Participation High Participation Low or No Participation
Parliamentary Presidential Parliamentary System Advantages: Disadvantages: Presidential System Advantages: Disadvantages: *Legislature Controls Power *Prime Minister is Head of Govt. *Leader answers to the Legislature *Elections are held if the Leader is forced to resign Easier and Quicker to Pass Legislation (Make Laws) Lack of Checks & Balances *Separation of Powers in Central Govt. (Checks & Balances) *President is Head of Govt. & Head of State *Leader answers to the people *Leader is elected directly by the people Head of Govt. is elected by the people More Difficult & Slow to Pass Legislation (Make Laws) *Leader is elected by Legislature R24
(R25) Government: Systems in Europe
Today’s Standard SS6CG5 The student will explain the structure of modern European governments. a. Compare the parliamentary system of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (United Kingdom), the federal system of the Federal Republic of Germany (Germany), and the federation of the Russian Federation (Russia), distinguishing the form of leadership and the role of the citizen in terms of voting and personal freedoms.
Intro to our……. “Essential Question(s)” How are the governments of the United Kingdom, Germany, and Russia different and how are these governments similar?
Federal Republic of Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel (Elected by the Bundestag) “Reichstag” – Federal Assembly (Elected by Citizens) Bundestag Bundesrat Lower House Upper House *Most Powerful President Christian Wulff (Elected by the Reichstag)
Country Head of State Head of Government Legislature (Law-Making Body) Distribution Of Power Citizen Participation Germany Russia United Kingdom “President” Joachim Gauck -Elected by the “Reichstag” -No real power -Ceremonial duties -Symbolic Leader “Chancellor” Angela Merkel -Elected by the “Bundestag” -Head of Government & Military “Reichstag” Bundestag -Elected by citizens *Has the most power Bundesrat -Elected by States -Deals mostly w/ State issues FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC (Parliamentary)
The Russian Federation The Duma (Elected by citizens) Prime Minister Medvedev (Appointed by the President) President Putin (Elected by popular vote of citizens)
Country Head of State Head of Government Legislature (Law-Making Body) Distribution Of Power Citizen Participation Germany Russia United Kingdom “President” Joachim Gauck -Elected by the “Reichstag” -No real power -Ceremonial duties -Symbolic Leader “Chancellor” Angela Merkel -Elected by the “Bundestag” -Head of Government & Military “Reichstag” Bundestag -Elected by citizens *Has the most power Bundesrat -Elected by States -Deals mostly w/ State issues FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC (Parliamentary) “ Prime Minister ” Dimitriy Medvedev - Appointed by President -Helps President run the government “President” Vladimir Putin -Elected by citizens - Head of Government & Military “Federal Assembly” State Duma -Elected by citizens *Has the most power Federation Council -Appointed by States (2 Each) FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC (Presidential)
The United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland Queen Elizabeth II (Born in the right family) Parliament House of Commons (Elected by Citizens) House of Lords (Appointed by H.L. or the Queen) Prime Minister David Cameron (Elected by House of Commons)
Country Head of State Head of Government Legislature (Law-Making Body) Distribution Of Power Citizen Participation Germany Russia United Kingdom “President” Joachim Gauck -Elected by the “Reichstag” -No real power -Ceremonial duties -Symbolic Leader “Chancellor” Angela Merkel -Elected by the “Bundestag” -Head of Government & Military “Reichstag” Bundestag -Elected by citizens *Has the most power Bundesrat -Elected by States -Deals mostly w/ State issues FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC (Parliamentary) “ Prime Minister” Dimitriy Medvedev - Appointed by President -Helps President run the government “President” Vladimir Putin -Elected by citizens - Head of Government & Military “Federal Assembly” State Duma -Elected by citizens *Has the most power Federation Council -Appointed by States (2 Each) FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC (Presidential) “Monarch” Queen Elizabeth II -Not elected -No real power -Ceremonial duties -Symbolic Leader “Prime Minister” David Cameron -Elected by the House of Commons -Head of Government & Military “Parliament” House of Commons -Elected by citizens *Has the most power House of Lords -Appointed by H of L or the Monarch Unitary DEMOCRATIC (Parliamentary)
Return to our……. “Essential Question(s)” How are the governments of the United Kingdom, Germany, and Russia different and how are these governments similar?