Missionaries of the Precious Blood Week of Reflection on Mission July 20-24, 2009
CHURCH TEACHING ON MISSION Ad Gentes, Evangelii Nuntiandi, Redemptoris Mission, Dialogue and Proclamation
THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG! When we speak of “church teaching,” many other sources! Bishops of Latin America, Asia, Africa, Oceania, Europe, North America… I was asked to speak of ROMAN teaching … Will speak of AG, EN, RM, DP…. Not summary of each…highlights
AD GENTES (1965)
Almost didn’t get written! 1. “Missionary by its very nature” –Not just one among many –Not a territorial concept 2. Inculturation: strong appreciation of culture (see 11) 3. Missionary qualities –Perseverance –Generosity, courage –Adaptable –Prayerful –Learn languages –Steeped in theology and missiology A BREAKTHROUGH!
Ad Gentes #11 “…that they may learn by sincere and patient dialogue what treasures a generous God has distributed among the nations of the earth. But at the same time, let them try to furbish these treasures, set them free, and bring them under the dominion of God their Savior.” “…tratar con ellos, para advertir en diálogo sincero y paciente las riquezas que Dios generoso ha distribuido a las gentes; y, al mismo tiempo, esfuércense en examinar sus riquezas con la luz evangélica, liberarlas y reducirlas al dominio de Dios Salvador.”
Written in time of crisis Why try to convert people if they can be saved outside church? Why disturb people’s cultures? Why 1974 Synod of Bishops was called— written after careful listening to 2/3 world bishops “evangelization” rather than “mission”
NOT FROM TRINITY BUT REIGN OF GOD 1. The church’s mission continues the mission of Jesus –Church itself needs to be evangelized –Link between Jesus and church –Everyone in church is missionary 2. A multifaceted reality –Can’t be reduced to proclamation, although this is central –witness! 3. Evangelization and Liberation –First time word appears in an official document –Spiritual element needed as well –Never violence!
A CORRECTIVE! Most systematic treatment yet 1. Christocentric focus –Concerned about uniqueness of Christ –Chapters 2 and 3 2. Expanding idea of mission –Single, complex reality –Pastoral work, new evangelization, ad gentes 3. Interreligious dialogue –Part of church’s evangelization mission –Church is ordinary means of salvation!
A JOINT DOCUMENT Three parts 1. Dialogue –Good theology of religions –Four kinds of dialogue 2. Proclamation –Confident, yet respectful and humble –Dialogical and inculturation 3. Both together –Both essential –Both legitimate and necessary
TWO CAUTIONARY DOCUMENTS Concern continues about reducing mission to dialogue 2000: Dominus Iesus 2007: “Doctrinal Note on Some Aspects of Evangelization” Investigation of Jacques Dupuis, Roger Haight, Peter Phan The most important question today? Inculturation? Justice? All missiological issues!