Bramley Parish Plan Results and feedback Presented by Cllr Claire Penfold
A brief Summary There were 68 questions 15 ‘free text’ boxes Responses – Pre-paid (456) – Web (89) – Drop box in One Stop (67) Total hand delivered – 1629 homes Received total of returns – 612 returns More than 3,400 specific comments in Free text. Pre defined areas (11 ) – Community – Services for children – The environment – Maintenance for the village – Footpaths-pedestrian and rural – Traffic and road safety – Recycling and domestic waste – Provision of utilities – Noise/light pollution – Transport – Economy – About you Age Why do you live in Bramley?
Where do you live ? Of the responses:- 515 (87.3%) Owned their own home 20.7% (123) Lived in Bramley years 39.7% (236) Lived in Bramley years 20.2 % (120) Lived in Bramley 16 – 25 years
Issues most commented on Street Lighting Footpaths Speed limits Traffic & Road Safety Provision of utilities Use of local Bus services
Would you like to see any of the recreation facilities listed below available in the village? Skateboard Park107 (24.0%) BMX track 78 (17.5%) Bowls 142 (31.9%) Squash court86 (19.3%) Swimming 249 (56.0%) Jogging track /running circuit and outdoor exercise facilities 245 (55.1%)
Q8 - Thinking about the future growth of the village, say ten years or more from now, which of the three following options would you prefer to see? A large new community facility with everything under one roof 189 (31.9%) Continuing development of the existing facilities 270 (45.6%) Leave things as they are 138 (23.3%)
Q11. If you have any comments on community facilities, please record
New development in Bramley New developments are inevitable because of the national housing requirement, as long as the local community can influence the location – 109 (18.4%) New developments are fine as long as village facilities (school, doctor, buses, shops etc) grow at the same pace – 242 (40.9%) I don't mind small new developments of no more than half a dozen on the same site – 163 (27.5%) There has already been too much new building in Bramley and I don't want to see any more – 395 (66.7%)
Question 22: Thinking about street lighting in other areas of the village: Free Comments We had 221 specific responses to this question. There were four main issues raised by many people: 16.7% of the responses were vehemently opposed to street lights: many people commented that ‘people should go and live in a town if they want street lights’. However, 55.7% of comments specifically asked for lights on the main route through the village, either or both Sherfield Road and The Street being mentioned. Walking to and from the station was frequently mentioned. And a further 26.2% mentioned the Cinder Track, although of course events have now overtaken this response. Another small group, 5%, wanted lights on Bramley Lane. No Lights !!! Lights on ‘Main Street’ Lights on Cinder Track Other varied responses N.B. some responses mentioned more than one of the main points above, which is why the percentages add up to more than 100% Example responses: ‘This is a rural village. If people want to be blinded by streetlights go back to live in a town’. ‘The main road has no lighting and this is Dickensian’. ‘This is a village so style & location of street lighting needs to be considered carefully’. ‘Turn it off at midnight’. Lights on Bramley Lane
Question 22: Any comments on the environment section in general? This question produced 104 comments. As this was a general question, many topics were covered. ( The key word from each was used and input to ‘Wordle’ which produces a display where the size of the word is proportionate to its frequency. No surprise about the key issues) Lighting (more, less, none) village status, litter and mess, parking, level-crossing…..
Question 29: Please suggest improvements to footpaths and/or maintenance of the village in the box below We had 242 specific responses to this question. There were three main issues raised by many people: The need for a footpath and/or cycle track to Sherfield was mentioned in 109 responses, 45% of the total. Comments concerning a lack of maintenance generally, but with many specific examples, were made in 64 responses, 26.4%. The Cinder Track (or ‘Cider Path’, as two people delightfully called it) featured in 39 responses, 16.1%. Most mentioned the bad state of the Station end, unsurprisingly. Sherfield Path Lack of maintenance Cinder Track Other varied responses N.B. some responses mentioned more than one of the main points above, which is why the percentages add up to more than 100% Other varied responses, 18.2%. Examples: ‘I wish you would have left the Cinder path alone. Our life has been pure hell since it's supposed improvement’ ‘The recent highway works have been a massive improvement…’ ‘We don't need any pedestrian crossing places as they are a blight and anyone can cross safely if they pay attention’ ‘Ensure that nay main road crossing points are ok for children to use in safety, without the need for adults to be present’ ‘Convert Bramley Green into a wild flower meadow’
Actions – from the results Community specific – Some ‘quick wins’ - Communication pieces – Funded locally Actions with support – Facilitated by other agencies Highways Long term / Policy changes – Link to NDP