The Problem Salt Affected Water Salt Affected Soils Accounting for 20% or more of total cropable land Looking at INDIA as a typical example
- and it keeps on growing! The Problem Salt Affected Water Salt Affected Soils Accounting for 20% or more of total cropable land Looking at INDIA as a typical example - and it keeps on growing!
The “Solution”
What is ? is Australian based liquid technology for highly efficient and cost effective reclamation of Saline and Sodic affected soils. Our development of an efficient and cost effective solution to this global problem first commenced in Australia in 1999 and after 12 long years we are proud to offer in the fight for reclaiming SALINE and SODIC soils
What is ? It’s an environmentally friendly, safe and easy to use highly efficient liquid for converting salt affected soils back into productive fertile soils at a lower cost and in a fraction of the time it takes other methods of reclamation
What is ? It’s quite a complex proprietary solution, although we can say one of its many functions is to provide a highly mobile source of calcium ions to rapidly convert Sodium Chloride (NaCl) a poison to plants to Calcium Chloride (CaCl) a nutrient to plants
What is ? The same highly efficient source of calcium ions also displaces sodium ions attached to clay particles in SODIC soils thus breaking up the clay allowing far greater water ingress and far easier emergence of seedlings through the soil
What are SALINE and SODIC Soils They are soils with excess dissolved salts and/or Sodium Ions. These can be classified by measuring the: Electrical conductivity of the soil pH of the soil Exchangeable Sodium Percentage of the soil Salt affected soils fall into one of three categories SALINE SODIC (ALKALI) SALINE/SODIC
Identifying SALINE, SODIC and SALINE/SODIC Soils
Identifying SALINE, SODIC and SALINE/SODIC Soils
Identifying SALINE, SODIC and SALINE/SODIC Soils
What are SALINE Soils Saline Soils: Are soils that contain high total soluble salts that can adversely affect plant health and growth. An important note is that saline soils still have good soil structure intact. Saline soils have chlorine present (Cl) where sodic soils usually lack chlorine. Soil pH for saline soils is usually between 7 and 8.5. An older name for saline soil is “white alkali” since a white salt film is often present on dry patches of bare ground. Salinity Below Root Zone Rising Salt Levels
What are SODIC Soils Sodic Soils: Sodic soil have high enough levels of sodium ions to affect soil structure This means the sodium binds to clay particles so the clay in the soil does not stick together when the soil becomes moist It often becomes easily waterlogged, not allowing water to drain When it does dry out, it becomes like concrete and is difficult for plant roots to penetrate Because the soil does not hold together the soil easily erodes away, especially on hillsides The plants exhibit drought stress even with what appears to be adequate moisture The pH of sodic soils are usually between 8.5 and 10
What are SALINE/SODIC Soils Sodic/Saline Soils: These soils are a mixture of both but saline/Sodic soil usually exhibit more of the characteristic of saline soil especially reduced water uptake by plants, leaf burn, etc. On occasion it will cause structural problems in soil Treatment of these soils are the same with all three
Two Main Up Front Advantages with in treating SALINE, SODIC or SALINE/SODIC soils
Realized Within Weeks not Years Two Main Up Front Advantages with Low Treatment Cost Saving $$$ per Hectare Fast Results Realized Within Weeks not Years
Low Treatment Cost – Comparison against gypsum as source of Ca++
Fast Results
Fast Results - Conductivity reduced dramatically within WEEKS!
Fast Results - Sodium reduction dramatically within WEEKS!
Visual Examples A very SALINE soil showing SODIC soil (Alkali) with hard White Salt Deposits surface and poor drainage
Salinity Salt Welling Up Extreme Dry Salinity
+ = Salinity Productivity (Poison to Plants) (Nutrient to Plants) Sodium Chloride (NaCl) (Poison to Plants) Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) (Nutrient to Plants)
Sodicity (SODIC) Water Not Penetrating Forms Hard Crust When Dries
Sodicity (SODIC) Productivity SODIC PRODUCTIVE Before Application of After Application of Clay Partials Closely Bound Clay Partials Dispersed Water Not Penetrating Water Penetrating
Typical Application Result for the Technology Treated Section (GeoSal™ Technology) Foreground Untreated (control)
Fast, Effective and Efficient Advanced Technology Fast, Effective and Efficient in the Fight to Reclaim Salt Affected Soils