Monday 5/4/2015 Due Today: Nothing Due Today! AGENDA: Ecology Unit Activity: Avatar Essay Homework/Class Assignments!! Avatar Essay due Wednesday/Thursday in GRADEBOOK for 50 Points Turn in Movie Guide with Essay Last day to turn in late work/make up test or do corrections is Tuesday 5/19/2015!!! Announcements:
Tuesday 5/5/2015 Due Today: Nothing! AGENDA: Ecology Unit Activity: Write Avatar Essays Homework/Class Assignments!! Announcements: Avatar Essay due Wednesday/Thursday in GRADEBOOK for 65 Points Turn in Movie Guide with Essay GRADEBOOK CLOSES TUESDAY 5/19/2015
Wednesday/Thursday 5/6-5/7/2014 Due Today: What is a Biome Worksheet and Annotations Agenda: Ecology Notes: Biomes Activity: Biomes Flip Book Homework/Class Assignments!! Biomes Flip Book due Today for 25 Points (GRADEBOOK) Announcements:
Biomes Often referred to as ecosystems Contains abiotic and biotic components 5 major biomes on Earth: aquatic, desert, forest, grasslands and tundra
Aquatic Biome Largest biome covering 75% of the Earth Humid, cooler temperatures 2 Types: Freshwater: low salt concentrations (ponds, lakes an rivers) Marine: high salt concentration (oceans and coral reefs)
Desert Biome High temperatures, dry and little rainfall Covers 1/5 of Earth’s surface Few large mammals due to insufficient means of storing water
Forest Biome Lots of water, trees and other producers Threatened by human activity: deforestation, pollution and hunting
Grasslands Biome Dominated by grass instead of trees Warm to mild temperatures with moderate rainfall
Tundra Biome Coldest of all 5 biomes Cold temperatures, low biodiversity, poor nutrients, low precipitation Nutrients come mostly from dead organisms and decomposers