Understanding data-collection methods to evaluate their appropriateness for the research problem/issue. WF Sports & Entertainment Marketing I 2.04
Primary Data O Data collected by the researcher first hand specifically for the purpose of the study
Secondary Data O Data collected by someone other than the user
Qualitative Data O Deals with descriptions. O Data can be observed but not measured. O Colors, textures, smells, tastes, appearance, beauty, etc. O Qualitative → Quality
Quantitative Data O Deals with numbers. O Data which can be measured. O Length, height, area, volume, weight, speed, time, temperature, humidity, sound levels, cost, members, ages, etc. O Quantitative → Quantity
Sources of Internal Records O Budgets O Schedules O Call reports O Order/shipping/billing records O Sales reports O Customer complaints/requests
External Data O Data the originates outside the organization for which the research is being done O More difficult because the data has much greater variety & you have more sources O Outside data may be biased O Common Sources: O Government agencies O Trade/industrial associations
Why do marketers use external data? O Economical O Efficient O Provides a basis for comparison O Fills in the gaps in primary information O Improves understanding of the problem
Info Available from External Sources Political Economical Social Technological Environmental (Physical) Legal Demographic
E-Marketers O Use external information to help guide their efforts O Use digital customer information such as clickstream data O Gives webmasters a view of what users are viewing O Raises serious security concerns O Data sold as a way to increase revenue
1. To know what web sites and advertisements visitors see, sports and event e-marketers would check: A. Text files B. Direct delivery programs C. Clickstream data D. Internet service providers
1. To know what web sites and advertisements visitors see, sports and event e-marketers would check: A. Text files B. Direct delivery programs C. Clickstream data D. Internet service providers
2. Which of the following is a secondary source of sport/event information: A. Personal interviews B. Computerized surveys C. Accounting records D. Demographic reports
2. Which of the following is a secondary source of sport/event information: A. Personal interviews B. Computerized surveys C. Accounting records D. Demographic reports
3. A sport/event organization that wants to obtain information about the population in a certain geographic location might use: A. Government sources B. Telephone surveys C. Primary databases D. Personal questionnaires
3. A sport/event organization that wants to obtain information about the population in a certain geographic location might use: A. Government sources B. Telephone surveys C. Primary databases D. Personal questionnaires