Nebuchadnezzar's destruction of the Temple signaled a radical change for the Jews: There were now more Jews in exile than in Judea, mostly in Babylon (though some lived in Egypt and other lands) The Jews in Babylon actually lived fairly well (allowed to own land, farm, and practice Judaism) The exile from Judea lasted almost 50 years until Cyrus of Persia conquered Babylonia. Cyrus allowed the Jews to return to Judea to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem (awww, what a good guy!)
Only a handful of Jews went back to Jerusalem, mostly priests, a few prophets and some people who said they were descendants of King David (yeah right…) Those Jews that decided not to go back would send money to help build the Temple. The Babylonian Jewish community flourished! It was a lovely place indeed!
The returning Jews built the Second Temple in Jerusalem. Since Jews were forgetting their faith for being in exile for so long, the Persian government sent Nehemiah (political figure) to help Judea’s political strength. Then 20 years later, Ezra (Jewish religious figure) came to enforce the law of God. They both helped rededicate the Temple in 428 BCE. The next 100 years was relatively good for the Jewish people.