5 th ICMCS - Dry bias in the Beijing radiosonde soundings, 02-Nov-2006 Dry Bias in the Beijing Radiosonde Soundings as Revealed by GPS and MWR Measurements Chu Yanli 1, Ying-Hwa Kuo 2, John Braun 2, Zhang Chaolin 1, Wang Yingchun 1, Zhang Jingjiang 1, Wang Jingli 1 1. Institute of Urban Meteorology (IUM), Beijing Meteorological Bureau (BMB), Beijing, China 2. COSMIC, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), Boulder, CO., USA
5 th ICMCS - Dry bias in the Beijing radiosonde soundings, 02-Nov-2006 Before 01-Aug-2006(15 GPS stations) After 01-Aug-2006(42 GPS stations) Introduction of the ground-based moisture observation network around Beijing ground-based GPS stations radiosonde (RS) station, ground-based GPS station, microwave water vapor radiometer (MWR) station 1
5 th ICMCS - Dry bias in the Beijing radiosonde soundings, 02-Nov-2006 Introduction of instruments RS at 54511: GTS-1 radiosonde system from ChangWang MeteoTech Co. Ltd, China MWR at 54511: TP/WVP-3000 from Radiometrics Corporation, US GPS antenna & receiver at 54511: TRM & TRIMBLE 5700 from Trimble Company., US GPS antenna & receivers at Fang Shan district: TOPCR3_GGD & TPS LEGACY from Topcon Co., Japan 2
5 th ICMCS - Dry bias in the Beijing radiosonde soundings, 02-Nov-2006 Methodology GPS_PW: RS_PW: Mandatory levels: surface, 1000, 925, 850, 700, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100 Specific levels: about 10 levels 3
5 th ICMCS - Dry bias in the Beijing radiosonde soundings, 02-Nov km Ground-based GPS network at Fang Shan district to the south of Beijing with 5 ~ 10 km station separation 4 ground-based GPS stations radiosonde (RS) station
5 th ICMCS - Dry bias in the Beijing radiosonde soundings, 02-Nov-2006 Temporal variation of GPS PW in the Fang Shan district of Beijing through the 12-month period of September August
5 th ICMCS - Dry bias in the Beijing radiosonde soundings, 02-Nov-2006 Comparison of PW derived from GPS and RS over the 10-month period of January - October (a) scatter diagram of GPS PW versus RS PW, (b) scatter diagram of GPS-RS PW differences versus RS PW. Difference between GPS PW and RS PW over the 10-month period of January - October BIAS(mm)SD(mm)
5 th ICMCS - Dry bias in the Beijing radiosonde soundings, 02-Nov-2006 Monthly mean values of RS PW (white dots) and its bias differences (red squares) from the GPS PW over the period of January - October
5 th ICMCS - Dry bias in the Beijing radiosonde soundings, 02-Nov-2006 PW retrieved from IGS ZTD reveals the obvious dry bias in the radiosonde soundings at Beijing station during August
5 th ICMCS - Dry bias in the Beijing radiosonde soundings, 02-Nov-2006 Investigate the systematic difference between GPS PW and RS PW. Is the systematic difference aroused by the climatic deviation? Or which one is more accurate? 9
5 th ICMCS - Dry bias in the Beijing radiosonde soundings, 02-Nov-2006 (a)(b) (a) Mean bias and (b) SD difference between a GPS station and YSDD GPS station as a function of separation distance over the period of January - October SITE Height Difference to YSDD (m) Separation to YSDD (km) PW BIAS to YSDD (mm) PW SD to YSDD (mm) (RS) HCHD (GPS) GDSS (GPS) DDSS (GPS) YCSS (GPS) Difference of station height, station separation, PW mean bias and PW standard deviation (SD) at the radiosonde station and a GPS station as compared against YSDD GPS station over the period of January - October The height of YSDD station is 38 m. 10
5 th ICMCS - Dry bias in the Beijing radiosonde soundings, 02-Nov-2006 Comparison of GPS ZTD between IUM and GFZ and CODE solutions at BJFS GPS station over the month of August BIAS(mm)SD (mm) IUM-COD2.10 (0.32)8.77 (1.35) IUM-GFZ1.97 (0.30)7.60 (1.17) COD-GFZ-0.13 (0.02)2.87 (0.44) Difference of GPS ZTD between IUM and GFZ and CODE solutions at BJFS GPS station over August ZTD difference (black) is scaled to PW (red) in II =
5 th ICMCS - Dry bias in the Beijing radiosonde soundings, 02-Nov Bias(mm) SD(mm) Samples GPS-MWR RS-MWR RS-GPS
5 th ICMCS - Dry bias in the Beijing radiosonde soundings, 02-Nov Bias(mm) SD(mm) Samples GPS-MWR RS-MWR RS-GPS
5 th ICMCS - Dry bias in the Beijing radiosonde soundings, 02-Nov-2006 Difference of the moisture observations in GTS-1 minus RS-80A at the Beijing station over 26 Nov – 3 Dec 2003 by Prof. ShuQing Ma, CMA 14
5 th ICMCS - Dry bias in the Beijing radiosonde soundings, 02-Nov-2006 June Wang etc., NCAR, RS80 JingMia Liu etc., CMA, Naqu, Tibet, GTS1 Dry bias in the radiosonde soundings as revealed in the other experiments 15
5 th ICMCS - Dry bias in the Beijing radiosonde soundings, 02-Nov-2006 Summary and discussion:. Nakamura (2004) compared GPS PW with measurements of the Vaisala RS- 80A radiosonde, and found similar dry bias in the RS-80A radiosonde soundings.. Furthermore, he showed that relative humidity as measured by the RS-80A was about 5 to 15% smaller than that of the dew-point hygrometer.. Our results showed that the Beijing radiosonde soundings (using a GTS-1 radiosonde system) has a 15% dry bias compared with the GPS PW over a ten-month period. GTS-1 is a radiosonde made by ChangWang MeteoTech Co. Ltd., which was known to have been calibrated against RS-80A.. We suggest additional comparison of humidity measurements by GTS-1 with a dew-point hygrometer to further evaluate the dry bias of the GTS-1 system.. We also suggest performing similar studies for other radiosonde stations in China. 16