Capstone Design Middle Evaluation Rover Song Kee Hong Jo Kyeong Jin
Contents - Parts Introduction - Design - Programming Coding (IR Distance sensor) (DC Motor) (Servo-motor) (Temperature and humidity sensor) (Multi-tasking) - Problems faced - Better way to go - Work demonstrated
Parts Introduction Arduino robot kit fuse IR Distance sensor SPL-Duino Temperature, humidity sensor
Parts Introduction DRC-WIFI V1.0 (Duplex Radio Camera) HXT900 Micro Servo Total approximately 500,000won HXT900 Micro Servo
Programming Coding -IR Distance sensor #include void loop(); void setup() { } void loop() d1 = Sensor1Read() d2 = Sensor2Read() if (d1 > 000) { } else if (d2 > 000) { } else
procedure loop a = SerialRead() if (a == 1) DriveWrite(-200, -200) //forward else if (a == 2) DriveWrite(150, -150) //left else if (a == 3) DriveWrite(0, 0) //stop else if (a == 4) DriveWrite(-150, 150) //right else if (a == 5) DriveWrite(150, 150) //back Delay(100) end Programming Coding - DC Motor Bluetooth
Programming Coding -IR Distance sensor + DC Motor procedure loop d1 = Sensor1Read() d2 = Sensor2Read() if (d1 > 300) { DriveWrite(200, 200) Delay(1000) DriveWrite(100, -100) Delay(1000) DriveWrite(-200, -200) } else if (d2 > 300) { DriveWrite(200, 200) Delay(1000) DriveWrite(-100, 100) Delay(1000) DriveWrite(-200, -200) } else DriveWrite(-200, -200) end
#include void loop(); void setup() { pinMode(4, OUTPUT); pinMode(7, OUTPUT); } void loop() { int d1 = analogRead(0); int d2 = analogRead(1); if (d1 > 300) { DriveWrite(200, 200); delay(1000); DriveWrite(100, -100); delay(1000); DriveWrite(-200, -200); } else if (d2 > 300) { DriveWrite(200, 200); delay(1000); DriveWrite(-100, 100); delay(1000); DriveWrite(-200, -200); } else DriveWrite(-200, -200); } Programming Coding -IR Distance sensor + DC Motor Sketch code
Programming Coding - Temperature and humidity sensor procedure loop TempRead(2) Print("Temp: ") PrintLine(Temperature) Print("Humidity: ") PrintLine(Humidity) Delay(1000) end
Programming Coding - Servo-motor procedure loop ServoWrite(4, 90) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(4, 45) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(4, 10) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(4, 45) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(4, 90) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(4, 135) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(4, 170) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(4, 135) Delay(1000) end procedure loop ServoWrite(3, 180) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(3, 160) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(3, 140) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(3, 120) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(3, 100) Delay(1000) end right left
procedure loop a = SerialRead() d1 = AnalogRead(0) d2 = AnalogRead(1) if (d1 > 500) { DriveWrite(200, 200) Delay(1000) DriveWrite(150, -150) Delay(700) DriveWrite(0, 0) } else if (d2 > 600) { DriveWrite(200, 200) Delay(1000) DriveWrite(-150, 150) Delay(700) DriveWrite(0, 0) } else if (a == 1) DriveWrite(-200, -200) else if (a == 2) DriveWrite(150, -150) else if (a == 3) DriveWrite(0, 0) else if (a == 4) DriveWrite(-150, 150) else if (a == 5) DriveWrite(150, 150) else if (a == 6) { TempRead(13) Print("Temp: ") PrintLine(Temperature) Print("Humidity: ") PrintLine(Humidity) Delay(1000) } Programming Coding - Multi-tasking
else if (a == 11) { ServoWrite(12, 90) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(12, 45) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(12, 10) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(12, 45) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(12, 90) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(12, 135) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(12, 170) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(12, 135) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(12, 90) Delay(1000) } else if (a == 8) { ServoWrite(11, 180) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(11, 160) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(11, 140) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(11, 120) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(11, 100) Delay(1000) ServoWrite(11, 180) Delay(1000) } end Programming Coding - Multi-tasking
Problems faced - Motor Trouble - Multi-tasking
Better way to go - Transmitted through the screen, Wi-Fi cam - Motion detection - Wi-Fi cam, Power Problem - Redevelopment program - Design complements
Work demonstrated
Thank you!! Q&A
DRC-WIFI V1.0 온도센서 서보모터 팬 / 틸트 IR Distance sensor 아두이노 로봇융합 키트 & 모터 SPL-Duino All-In-One