Unit Seven: Intercultural Communication Why is the Study of Intercultural Communication Important? Developments in technology and shifts in demographics have created a world in which intercultural communication is common. Communication with people from other cultures and co- cultures is increasingly common. Business communication is now global. Our curiosity about others. The convergence of technologies. A more multi-cultural America.
What are Cultures and Co- Cultures? Culture: a unique combination of rituals, beliefs, and ways of thinking and ways of behaving that unify a group of people. Co-Culture: A group that exists within a larger, dominant culture but differs from the dominant culture in some significant characteristic. Can be referred to as “marginalized groups”. May try to assimilate or fit in with the dominant group. May try to accommodate the dominant group and maintain own identity while having positive relationships with the mainstream culture. May try to separate from the dominant group.
What Are Some Intercultural Communication Problems? Ethnocentrism: the belief that your own group or culture is superior to other groups or cultures. Each of us operates from an ethnocentric culture, but problems arise when we interpret other cultures in terms of our own. Cultural relativism: the belief that other cultures should be judged on their own merits and not measured against your own. Stereotyping: generalizing about some group of people that oversimplifies their culture. Why do people stereotype? People are more likely to stereotype groups with whom they have little contact. There is positive stereotyping too. Sexism is evident in many societies.
What Are Some Characteristics of Different Cultures? Individualistic culture: values freedom, choice, uniqueness, and independence. Loyalty to others has limits. Examples are the U.S., England, Australia, Canada, and the Netherlands. Collectivist culture: value the group over the individual, cooperation over competition, and social norms over personal opinion. Examples are Venezuela, Pakistan, Peru, Taiwan, and Thailand.
What Are Some Characteristics of Different Cultures? Low-Context culture: intentions are stated overtly and with a direct verbal style. Countries include the U.S. and Scandinavia. High-Context culture: minimal information is transmitted in the message. They rely on nonverbal codes rather than verbal messages. Asian countries are an example. “Face” saving is important.
What Are Some Characteristics of Different Cultures? Monochromatic Culture: compartmentalizes time to meet personal needs, separates task and social dimensions, and points to the future. Time can be wasted and saved. The U.S., Canada, and Northern Europe are examples. Polychromatic Culture: time is only one factor in a much larger complicated context. Relationships may trump time. Latin America and the Middle East are Examples.
What Are Some Characteristics of Different Cultures? Uncertainty-Accepting culture: tolerate ambiguity, uncertainty, and diversity. They have a diverse population. U.S. and Britain are examples. Uncertainty-Rejecting culture: difficulty with ambiguity, uncertainty, and diversity and lots of rules, and a tendency to reject outsiders. Examples are Japan, France, Spain, Greece.
What Are Some Characteristics of Different Cultures? Implicit-Rule Culture: information and cultural rules are implied and already known. People tend to be more polite and accommodating. Middle Eastern countries are an example. Explicit-Rule Culture: have explicit information, rules, and policies that are often discussed among members. There is more combativeness, less willingness to please, and less concern for offending others. Western Europe and the U.S. are examples.