Welcome eager young artists! Ms. Edelman Clear all items from your desk and get a laptop. Open green apple in Photoshop in the fruit folder. Sunday, June 12, 2016
AIM: How do I silhouette an apple? 1. Set the magic wand to a tolerance of 65 and click on the background to select it. 2. Click the Quick Mask icon (ctrl V) to view your selection. 3. Use the paintbrush to fix any rough areas. 4. Click the Quick Mask icon (ctrl V) to exit Quick Mask mode. 5. Choose EDIT FILL
How do I use the POLYGONAL LASSO? The polygonal lasso creates straight line selections. Click on your image to set the first anchor point. Then continue to click and create additional anchors. Once you have come full circle and return to your initial point a small o will appear prompting you to close the shape.