Caelan Miles,Lena Lawler, and Teddy Schwebach Period 3
It was seen in ancient times by Jewish people after performing circumcisions. Dr.’s of WWII discovered it officially after observing how some soldiers bled faster than others.
Hemophilia was named by Hopff from the University of Zurich. It is also known more commonly as the royal disease because Queen Victoria had it and passed it on through her generations.
An inherited blood disorder where blood does not clot properly. Two types of Hemophilia are A and B Excessive bleeding Swelled joints
Life expectancy is that of a normal human being. Factors can shorten a subjects life if it deals with physical injury or blood infections.
There is no cure at this time. Treatments available are blood transfusions and medications but are very expensive.
Hemophilia is passed on by inheriting it from ones parents. Occurs during development in the womb It generally effects males
Queen Victoria was a carrier. 1 in 5000 males each year are diagnosed. Abraham Lincoln was rumored to have it. Mother Teresa had it.
"KidsHealth." Hemophilia. Web. 19 Feb Staff, Mayo Clinic. "Definition." Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 31 Aug Web. 19 Feb "History of Hemophilia." History of Hemophilia. Web. 19 Feb