Solving tomorrows problems TODAY VacJetSolving tomorrows problems today Waste Matters Nig Ltd
VacJetSolving tomorrows problems today Waste Matters Nig Ltd
Is it acceptable to expect people to live in these conditions? VacJetSolving tomorrows problems today Waste Matters Nig Ltd
Do you want your children playing here? VacJetSolving tomorrows problems today
Are you doing everything possible to protect our planet for future generations VacJetSolving tomorrows problems today
Our children are our future. Can we deny them. VacJetSolving tomorrows problems today
As somebody who can make a difference do you want to be remembered for this? VacJetSolving tomorrows problems today
There is a solution. Call in the professionals VacJetSolving tomorrows problems today A dedicated team utilising up-to date equipment and technology solving tomorrows problems today
These machines, as the name suggests, have the ability to vacuum up all the debris blasted back to the manhole by the high pressure water jet. All the debris is then sucked up and through a special decanting system and all water is returned to the pipe while all grit and debris stays in the vacuum tank. When the tank is full this toxic waste is then dumped at an approved dump site. VacJetSolving tomorrows problems today
The modus operandi is to use bucket winches to loosen up and remove as much silt as possible. During this process not only does the grit get loosened up for easier removal by other means, but a lot of the rags and other large debris that hinder more efficient operations is removed. VacJetSolving tomorrows problems today
VacJet Super Suckers can be used in various applications on this project. In some cases their ability was advantageous like cleaning of the sand traps, pits and pump stations where suction is needed. These units can also be used in conjunction with submersible pumps. VacJetSolving tomorrows problems today
No hole is too deep, too dark or too dirty. We clean them all. VacJetSolving tomorrows problems today
Pipes and Culverts VacJetSolving tomorrows problems today BEFORE AFTER
Open Drains VacJetSolving tomorrows problems today BEFORE AFTER
From blocked pipes to flowing pipes. VacJetSolving tomorrows problems today Polluted streams back to healthy eco zones.
Sand traps VacJetSolving tomorrows problems today BEFORE AFTER
Regular maintenance on pump stations is essential to reduce running costs. The damage caused to pumps due to aggressive materials moving through the pumps is astronomical. The only way to prevent this is to clean the lifting station on a regular basis. VacJetSolving tomorrows problems today