Sexual Harassment Awareness Training
Agenda Introduction Pretest Discuss Sexual Harassment Review Videos Summary Post-test
Objectives By the end of this training, you should be able to : Define sexual harassment Identify the costs of sexual harassment Identify the types of sexual harassment Identify behaviors that constitute sexual harassment Recognize that the college’s policy prohibits sexual harassment Describe what to do about sexual harassment under campus policy Discuss strategies to prevent sexual harassment
Pre-Training Survey Please take a few minutes and complete the Sexual Harassment Pre-Training Awareness Survey found in your handouts...
Pre-Training Survey How would you define sexual harassment? What are the types of sexual harassment? Do you believe sexual harassment is increasing or decreasing and why? If sexual harassment happened to you, what would you do? How can you prevent sexual harassment? What are the effects of sexual harassment?
The Cost of Sexual Harassment Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972 prohibit sexual harassment in educational institutions Faculty/teachers/instructors considered supervisors >Power differential is key
The Cost of Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment nationwide appears to be on the rise Between 1990 and 1998, sexual harassment complaints and charges filed with the EEOC rose 150% >From 6,127 to 16,000
The Cost of Sexual Harassment In addition to the cost of litigation, sexual harassment carries a price - in May 1999 the EEOC reported that a typical large Fortune 500 company spends an estimated $6.7 million annually in: >Absenteeism >Low morale >Reduced productivity >Increased employee turnover
The Cost of Sexual Harassment In addition to the institution, students may also suffer: >Receive lower grades >Change majors >Drop out of school
The Cost of Sexual Harassment Acting outside the course and scope of employment, a sexual harasser can be held personally liable and be sued, affecting employability and credit worthiness A sexual harasser can lose his/her job and suffer irreparable damage to his/her reputation The institution can suffer the withdrawal of federal funding, as well as other monetary damages
Let’s Talk About It Time for a video...
Let’s Talk About It What’s your reaction to this video?
Let’s Talk About It How would you define sexual harassment now? Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: (1) submission to such conduct is explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individuals employment or educational experience, (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment or educational decisions affecting such individual, or (3) such conduct is sufficiently severe and pervasive so as to alter conditions of, or have the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with, an individual’s work or academic performance by creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or educational environment.
Let’s Talk About It What are the different types of sexual harassment ? >Quid Pro Quo - something for something A form of sexual harassment typically only supervisors, those with supervisory authority, or teachers/instructors can engage in Requires an individual to choose between submission or a negative consequence for failure to submit The focus is on the employer’s or teacher’s/instructor's actions, not the actions of the victim
Let’s Talk About It What are the different types of sexual harassment ? >Hostile Work/Educational Environment - unreasonable interference, intimidation, abuse Typically repetitive rather than a single episode Verbal - sexual comments about appearance, innuendoes, off-color jokes, vulgar or explicit language or questions Non-Verbal - unsolicited or inappropriate gifts of a sexual nature, suggestive notes, nude or suggestive photos or materials, staring, Physical - touching, rubbing or brushing in a sexual manner, uninvited massages, uninvited hugging or kissing
Let’s Talk About It What are the different types of sexual harassment ? >Sexual Favoritism - favored treatment, a form of hostile work/educational environment sexual harassment Positive actions for submission to requests for unwelcome sexual favors It is sexual harassment because other co-workers or students failed to be similarly favored as the one who was favored
Let’s Talk About It What are the different types of sexual harassment? >Third Party – any person who observes someone else being harassed, or observes sexual conduct and is adversely affected may claim this type of sexual harassment For example, harassment by a coworker, student, Externship Supervisor, contractor, consultant, volunteer, guest speaker, or visitor
Let’s Talk About It What do you think sexual harassment might look like in a college setting? >Among staff >Among faculty >In the classroom The college can be held liable if the college knew or should have known of the harassment and failed to take prompt and effective action
Sexual Harassment Policy
The college does have a policy on sexual harassment > Prohibits >Sexual harassment in any form, by anyone >Retaliation by anyone against any individual who, in good faith, has made an allegation of sexual harassment or who has testified, assisted, or participated in any investigation, proceeding, or hearing regarding sexual harassment >Knowingly making false accusations or allegations of sexual harassment
Sexual Harassment Policy Cautions against and encourages refraining from >Involvement in consensual amorous or sexual relationships between persons of “unequal power” Provides a reporting process for sexual harassment >Tell the harasser to stop - that the behavior is unwelcome and unacceptable >Tell your supervisor, the department head, or the supervisor’s/department head’s supervisor of the offensive behavior
Sexual Harassment Policy Who can file a sexual harassment complaint? > The person who believes he/she has been sexually harassed >Any person on behalf of any other person Any student, faculty member, or staff member who has knowledge of alleged sexual harassment college employees (faculty or staff) who are in supervisory positions and who are aware of, or become aware of, possible instances of sexual harassment
Sexual Harassment Policy Who must report sexual harassment? >Supervisory employees: administrative personnel, or any employee who supervises one or more employees, Faculty administrators, and teachers/instructors Who should you report it to? >To your Department Chair, DOE, Supervisor, or Campus Director
Sexual Harassment Prevention Heed the “dos” and “don’ts” Implement internal policies against all forms of discrimination - then enforce these policies Investigate sexual harassment complaints promptly, thoroughly, and fairly Protect against and do not permit retaliation Sexual harassment - don’t even think about it
Summary Sexual harassment is wrong and prohibited not only by college policy, but by Federal and State law A commitment to fostering an atmosphere free of sexual harassment is a key element of the college’s vision and values Every faculty, staff, and student has an opportunity or an obligation to report sexual harassment By working together we can create a fair and open professional and educational environment for all