Welcome to Year 8 Options Evening
Click to add title The Options Process
Click to add title WHY THREE YEARS? 60 hours more per option subject Deeper learning and engagement Better outcomes Earlier opportunity to think about the future GCSE RPE by end of Year 10
Click to add title What does the Key Stage 4 curriculum look like? All students continue with certain subjects as part of the National Curriculum EnglishMaths Science Personal Development (PD) Religion, Philosophy and Ethics (RPE) Core Physical Education (PE)
Click to add titleOptional subjects In addition, students choose a number of options Each option subject has 4 ppf in Years 9 and 10 and 5ppf in Year 11 The list of options and details regarding the subjects can be found in the Options Booklet Most options lead to GCSE accreditation
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“At key stage 4, students are encouraged to take up to three technical awards alongside a minimum of five academic GCSEs from the list of EBacc subjects” DfE, December 2014
Click to add title What are technical awards? - much less reliant on an exam and more on continuous assessment - related to employment in a particular ‘sector’ - recommended for progression to further education in that sector
Click to add titleOur technical awards –BTEC Sport –Cooking (GCSE and technical award available) –Engineering –BTEC Dance –BTEC Business –BTEC Music –IT
Click to add titleThe English Baccalaureate ‘Awarded’ when students secure at least grade C in; English Maths Science (including GCSE Computing) A modern language History or Geography
Click to add titleThe English Baccalaureate We advise that students give very serious consideration to choosing a language and either History or Geography (or both) at GCSE Students should, however, choose the subjects in which they feel they will achieve most highly
Click to add titleProgression – the Hunts picture RouteHuntingdon area % FemaleMale AS/A Levels Level 3 Vocational Courses GCSE Courses L2 Vocational Courses L1 Vocational Courses Other Qualifications Employment and/or Training NEET Other
Click to add titleProgression…post-16 and beyond ‘Facilitating’ subjects at A Level Informed Choices – the Russell group publication How my choices now may affect my options later on…
Click to add title Mrs Tandy Head of Lower School
Click to add titleMaking choices Information and guidance is key to making good choices Parents and carers Form tutors Subject teachers Careers websites indicated at the back of the KS4 Options booklet Careers library and department
Click to add title Important dates 24 th FebruaryYear 8 Options Assembly 26 th MarchForm time session on Options 3 rd and 4 th MarchOptions Fair for students 2 nd – 11 th MarchIndividual interviews 11 th – 13 th MarchOption forms handed in Tuesday 21 st AprilDraft options choice confirmation (by letter)
Click to add titleWhat students should choose Students should choose a total of 4 courses, one from each option block (unless you are selected for Foundation or Core Learning in Block A) All students should also choose 4 reserve courses, again one from each option block Options form should be handed to the tutor by Friday 13 th March
Click to add titleGuidance for making choices 1.Students should try to select courses from as many different directorates as possible 2.They can only choose one of the two IT courses 3.They can only choose one of the two History courses 4.If they choose Engineering they can’t take another Design Technology course 5.To take a language GCSE they must either already study it or be familiar with it
Click to add titleGuidance for making choices 6. They can only choose one from Business Studies and BTEC Business 7.They can only choose one Art and Design course 8.They can only choose one of Art and Design Textiles and Design Technology Textiles 9.They can only choose one of the Music courses 10.They can only choose one Design Technology subject
Click to add titleOptions forms These must be handed in 11 th – 13 th March 2015 They should be signed by both parents / carers and student They will be checked and signed by the form tutor before being collected
Click to add titleSubject Workshop sessions Will be held in the classrooms in Lower School Timetables are posted in Lower School and in the PAC foyer You can attend up to 6 workshop sessions Senior members of staff will be available in Lower School if you have any further questions