UNOOSA Capacity Building Activities in EO Lorant Czaran, United Nations – Office for Outer Space Affairs WGCapD-5 Agenda Item #26 Working Group on Capacity Building & Data Democracy Hampton, Virginia, USA March 30 th – April 1 st, 2016 Committee on Earth Observation Satellites
UNOOSA Mandates (since 1962) The Office implements the decisions of the General Assembly and of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS); Performs functions of substantive Secretariat of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and its Scientific & Technical Subcommittee and Legal Subcommittee; Coordinates the inter-agency coordination within the United Nations on the use of space technology (UN-SPACE); Maintains coordination and cooperation with space agencies and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations involved in space-related activities; Implements the United Nations Programme on Space Applications (since 1971); Is responsible for the implementation of the United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER) programme; Serves as Executive Secretariat for the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG), including capacity building efforts coordination; and Maintains, on behalf of the United Nations Secretary-General, the Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space, and discharges responsibilities of UNSG under the treaties. WGCapD-5 Hampton, Virginia, USA March 29 th – April 1 st, 2016
o Programme is targeting developing countries requesting specific UN support o Aim is to bring together experts from developed and developing countries, exchange knowledge, establish partnerships, to ultimately build specialized knowledge and capacity in those countries o Curricula developed by UNOOSA and its Regional Centres, external partners over the years is being used and further improved o Primary partners are mandated Ministries in the developing countries, depending on the event topics o OOSA focused on the MDGs since 2000, and is now engaging in supporting the SDG process and the related reporting through use of space technologies where possible o OOSA is ready to work closely together with GEO/CEOS in ensuring that available CB resources are efficiently used, and according to concrete user needs Capacity Building – Space Applications Programme
305 events, 75 participating nations, over 21,000 participants PSA Workshops/Conferences/Seminars ( ) Mountain Regions Tele-Health/Tele-Medicine Natural resources management Environmental monitoring Water Management Biodiversity, Ecosystems, Wildlife Socio-Economic Benefit Global Navigation Satellite Systems Space Science Space Law Disaster Management
Under its Programme on Space Applications the United Nations is supporting specific capacity building in space technology development, rendering assistance to countries wishing to establish relevant programmes, in compliance with the relevant regulatory and legal framework Capacity Building in Space Activities HSTI Human Space Technology Initiative BSTI Basic Space Technology Initiative BSSI Basic Space Science Initiative
Series of Space Law Workshops held: 2002 in The Netherlands; 2003 in the Republic of Korea; 2004 in Brazil; 2005 in Nigeria; 2006 in Ukraine; 2009 in Iran; 2010 in Thailand; 2012 in Argentina. Space Law Workshop to be held 2014 in China Dedicated space law seminar organized within African Leadership Conference in 2011 (Kenya) and 2013 (Ghana) Space Law Website: Treaty status database and national space legislation database Bilateral and multilateral agreements database Directory on education opportunities in space law Technical legal assistance, including on UN Register Curriculum on education in space law for Regional Centres published in March 2014 Joint ICAO/UNOOSA symposia ( ) on Emerging Space Activities and Civil Aviation Challenges Space Law Capacity-building programme
Regional Centres for Space Science and Technology Education, affiliated to the UN Western Asia Jordan China ( TO BE ESTABLISHED )
o Effort similar to the PSA activities, but only established by UNGA in 2007, and focusing on Disaster Management o Technical Advisory Missions at request of States followed often by capacity building, focused on identified requirements (difficult to address all requirements given limited resources!) o Working closely with dedicated RSOs, as those add resources to the programme implementation; developing materials, booklets (see ) o Countries supported are visibly better enabled to locate and obtain, use space-based data when disasters strike, to activate response mechanisms such as Charter/Sentinel Asia; awareness-raising significant o Capacity building supported by RSOs, space agencies and other regional geospatial centers of excellence, partner universities o CEOS initiatives could be closer aligned with UN support, as UN already has concrete needs identified in most vulnerable countries Capacity Building – UN-SPIDER
UN-SPIDER approach Knowledge Portal The UN-SPIDER Knowledge Portal is a web-based tool for information, communication and process support Fostering Cooperation UN-SPIDER fosters alliances and creates forums where both space and disaster management communities can meet Capacity Building UN-SPIDER facilitates capacity building and institutional strengthening, including the development of curricula and an e-learning platform (e-SPIDER) Technical Advisory Support UN-SPIDER provides support to countries in assessing national capacity and in evaluating disaster and risk reduction activities, policies and plans and many more…
Knowledge Generation Training material, tutorials Publications Recommended practices Lessons learned
Namibia Cameroon Maldives Samoa Dominican Republic Jamaica Ecuador Togo FijiTonga Burkina Faso Malawi Nigeria Sudan Sri Lanka Solomon Islands Bangladesh Myanmar Mozambique Cabo Verde Guatemala Viet Nam Technical Advisory Missions (2008 – 2015) Ghana Technical Advisory Missions Mongolia El Salvador Gabon Bhutan Kenya Zambia Gabon Chile
UN-SPIDER capacity building efforts UN-SPIDER Technical Advisory Missions Follow up actions (Capacity Building): Institutional Strengthening Technical Training Workshops Myanmar Mexico Cameroon
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