Roads to Revolution In what ways did the colonists form a unique identity separate from Britain?
Triumph of the British Empire Fragile Peace Why was the Albany Plan significant?
Triumph of British Empire French Indian War How did the French and Indian War initially go for the English? Describe the two developments that turned the tide for the British.
Triumph of British Empire Treaty of Paris 1763 What was the significance of the Treaty of Paris 1763?
Imperial Revenues and Reorganization Shift to Salutary Rigor What was the large impact of the French Indian War on relations between British and Colonists?
Money How did the French and Indian War affect British and colonial economies?
Imperial Revenues and Reorganization Shift to Salutary Rigor How did the French and Indian War affect native and colonial interactions?
Imperial Revenues and Reorganization Shift to Salutary Rigor How was the Proclamation of 1763 an increase in imperial control? What was colonists’ reaction?
Imperial Revenues and Reorganization Shift to Salutary Rigor Why did the British place a standing army in colonies? How did colonists react?
Imperial Revenues and Reorganization Writs of Assistance, What was the purpose of the Writs of Assistance? What was colonists’ reaction?
Imperial Revenues and Reorganization Sugar Act, What was the Sugar Act? Why was it significant?
Imperial Revenues and Reorganization Stamp Act, 1765 Explain purpose of Stamp Act. How does this differ from previous legislation?
Imperial Revenues and Reorganization Stamp Act, 1765 How did Grenville justify the taxation of colonists?
Imperial Revenues and Reorganization Resisting Stamp Act, In what ways did the colonists react to the Stamp Act?
Imperial Revenues and Reorganization Resisting Stamp Act, Why and how did Boston set the pace for opposition?
Imperial Revenues and Reorganization Stamp Act Congress, 1765 What is the significance of the Stamp Act Congress ?
Imperial Revenues and Reorganization The Declaratory Act, 1766 What is the significance of The Declaratory Act?
Imperial Revenues and Reorganization Ideology, Religion, and Resistance How did political writers and religion influence colonists’ perception?
Resistance Resumes Quartering Act, What was the Quartering Act? How did this affect British and colonial reactions?
Resistance Resumes Townshend Duties, 1767 Describe the Townsend Duties in detail. Why are they significant?
Resistance Resumes Colonial Reaction to Townshend Duties What is the significance of Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania?
Resistance Resumes Parliamentary Response What was the significance of Sam Adams “circular letter”?
Resistance Resumes “Wilkes and Liberty,” Why is John Wilkes significant?
Resistance Resumes Women and Colonial Resistance How did women affect colonial resistance?
Resistance Resumes Customs ‘Racketeering,’ How did the Revenue Act of 1767 impact the colonies?
Deepening Crisis Boston Massacre, 1770 What is the significance of the Boston Massacre?
Deepening Crisis Lord North’s Partial Retreat, 1770 How did Lord North’s (PM) policies impact the colonists?
Deepening Crisis The Committees of Correspondence What was the purpose of the Committees of Correspondence?
Deepening Crisis Backcountry Tensions How did conflicts play out in the backcountry?
Deepening Crisis Tea Act, 1773 What motivated the British to pass the Tea Act?
Deepening Crisis Tea Act How did the colonists react to the Tea Act?
Toward Independence Liberty for Black Americans How did James Somerset’s case influence slaves in their struggle for freedom?
Toward Independence Liberty for Black Americans What was the Dunmore Proclamation? Why is this significant?
Toward Independence Coercive Acts Describe the Intolerable Acts in detail. How did the Intolerable Acts impact the colonies ?
Toward Independence First Continental Congress What is the significance of the First Continental Congress?
Toward Independence Rebellion In what ways did the colonies move toward rebellion after the First Continental Congress?
Toward Independence Rebellion What was the significance of the Second Continental Congress?
Toward Independence Common Sense Who was Thomas Paine? Why was he significant?
Toward Independence Declaring Independence How did the colonies declare their independence ?