SAMR, T ECHNOLOGY C URRICULUM M APPING, T HE R OAD A HEAD Do Now Survey (if you did not complete it earlier this month) Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2015
SMART Notebook Upgrade Pricing
SAMR Image the creation of Dr. Ruben Puentedura, Ph.D.
Sample Before Group Work 5th graders created a company. The class had 15 students. They were split into 5 groups. They came up with a name for their company. The company they created was going to hold their annual picnic. They researched using Google, Bing, or Yahoo. They were only allowed to,.edu, sites. The park had to be free with amenities or it could charge a fee of $50.00 or less. Parking, transportation, food, had to be covered with the fee. If the park was free they had to figure out food expenses. Once they completed all the research and created their budget they created a PowerPoint presentation. Each group had to present their PowerPoint presentation to the class.
Sample Before Group Work
Buddy Up (pairs)
Maria Andrade Johnson: NCEA 2015 “Power Up! Integrated Tech Grows Dendrites” session. Used with permission.
The Road Ahead
Drop In Days and More Thursday, July 9 Wednesday, July 29 Thursday, August 6 Monday, August 10 Wednesday, August 19
Tech Learning Page Tech Integrator Next Year? 33 Yes 02 No 06 DK
RCAN Learns
Edmodocon (free)
Chromecamp (free)
ISTE (fee)
Technology Ideas
Sept./Oct September 15, September 22-25, 2015 October 5-November 13,
Story Maker ABCya
NJ History Kids
Newsela Summer
Tenmarks Summer Math
Curriculum Mapping
Communication Skills – Level 1 Are students required to work in pairs or groups? NO 1 YES
Communication Skills – Level 2 Students have shared responsibility? NO 2 YES Students are required to work in pairs or groups
Communication Skills – Level 3 Students make substantive decisions together? NO 3 YES Students are required to work in pairs or groups AND have shared responsibility
Communication Skills – Level 4 Work product is interdependent ? NO 4 YES 5 Students are required to work in pairs or groups AND have shared responsibility AND make substantive decisions together
Communication Skills – Level 5 5 Students are required to work in pairs or groups AND have shared responsibility AND make substantive decisions together AND the product is interdependent. Work product is interdependent ?
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Alvaro Campo 2010