The Course covers all the main aspects of English phonetics: phonemic system (vowels and consonants) segmental analysis (allophonic processes) word stress and sentence stress syllabic structure intonation and meaning English as a global language spoken varieties of English modern tendencies in pronunciation
4 MODULES 1. segmental level (PHONEME) 6 lectures 3. norm and variation 6 seminars 2. suprasegmental level syllabic structure accentual structure intonation 4 seminars 4. Assessment procedure 2 seminars
Continuous assessment Activity type Max points seminar participation 40 points student’s lecture 40 points final computer test 20 points audio portfolio 20 points research project work 40 points publication 20 points SCEP in London 100 points
Assessment grading 5 < 100 POINTS POINTS POINTS
Научно-образовательный проект « Изучение стереотипов восприятия акцентов» A. Изучение стереотипов восприятия акцентов иностранцами: 1. русский акцент в английском 2. иностранный акцент в английском русскими B. Изучение стереотипов представлений иностранцев об иностранцах: 1. о русских у иностранцев 2. об иностранцах у русских
A. Listen to the recording and fill in the form. Record your answers. Try to make your answers as full and detailed as possible. Thank you for your participation! Section 1 1) Your name 2) Your nationality 3) Your age 4) Education 5) Occupation 6) Where and when you learnt English
Section 2 6) Is the accent ugly or beautiful? 7) Is it appropriate or inappropriate in a formal situation? 8) Does it sound correct or incorrect? 9) Is it easy or difficult to understand? 10) Is it pleasant or unpleasant to listen to? Can you guess what accent it is?
Section 3 What peculiarities of the accent have you noticed? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
B. Section 4. Task: Listen to the recording and choose the best answer. Record your answers if possible. Does the speaker sound: Friendly/unfriendly Reliable/unreliable Sociable/reserved Educated/uneducated Clever/foolish Well-mannered/badly-mannered Confident/meek Pleasant /posh Flexible/categoric/
Section 5. Read and write next to the phrase the three first associations which crossed your mind. Record your answers Russian character Russian soul Russian bath Russian troika Russian winter Russian doll Russian president Russian babushka Russian art
Portfolio British accents: National variants of English: Scottish British Welsh American Northern Australian Northern Irish New Zealand Irish South African mlhttp:// ml
Анкета 1. Какая тема ( модуль) теор. курса Вас больше интересует ? 2. К акие виды работы для Вас представляются наиболее интересными (лекции, семинары, участие в конференции, работа в проблемной группе, портфолио, тестирование, публикация статьи, выполнение научно- образовательного проекта) ? 3. Какой вид контроля Вы предпочитаете ? 4. Напишите свои пожелания по структуре и содержанию курса. 5. Какой интернет ресурс представляет для Вас наибольший интерес ?
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