温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 1 Li Songhao WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > New Curriculum and Coursebooks Evaluation College of Foreign Languages > > >


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Presentation transcript:

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 1 Li Songhao WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > New Curriculum and Coursebooks Evaluation College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 2 The National English Curriculum and Coursebook Evaluation: Language Knowledge WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Chapter 5 College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 3 ++ Language form and language use ++ Level descriptors for Language Knowledge Objective ++ Quick-reference checklist for coursebook evaluation Phonetics Grammar Vocabulary Functions Topics WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Contents College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 4 Coursebooks are concerned with the teaching and learning of the language itself, in some or all of its aspects. The actual items of language taught form the foundation of everything else that contributes to the complex process of language teaching. WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Language form and language use College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 5 Phonology Vocabulary Grammar Function Topics WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Level descriptors for Language Knowledge Objective College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 6 Articulation of individual sounds Word stress Sentence stress Intonation Weak forms Connected speech Rhythm WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Phonology College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 7 第二级 — 语言知识 –- 语音 Students can 1. Know incorrect pronunciation can affect communication 2. Know how to say the alphabet 3. Understand simple spelling rules 4. Understand words have stress patterns 5. Pronounce clearly with natural intonation ( SOURCE: 英语课程标准, P19 ) WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Phonology College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 8 第五级 — 语言知识 –- 语音 Students can: 1. Understand the significance of phonetics within language learning 2. Understand English phonetics includes pronunciation, stress, linking, intonation and rhythm 3. Speak with basically accurate, natural and fluent pronunciation and intonation in daily communication 4. Understand and express different intentions by altering stress and intonation appropriately 5. Spell words and phrases according to their pronunciation ( SOURCE: 英语课程标准, P21 ) WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Phonology College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 9 1 How thoroughly and systematically are each of the following aspects of the phonological system covered? 2 Where phonology is taught selectively, is the emphasis on areas of pronunciation that are important to meet learners’ needs and help avoid misunderstandings? 3 Is the pronunciation work build on to other types of work, such as listening, dialogue practice etc does it stand separately? WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Quick-reference checklist for evaluation -- Phonology College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 10 4 How much terminology is used? Is it comprehensible to the learners? 5 Is the phonemic alphabet used? If so, are students given any training in learning it? 6 Does the material use a diagrammatic system to show stress and intonation? 7 Are there cassettes for pronunciation practice? If so, do they provide good models for learners? WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > College of Foreign Languages > > > Quick-reference checklist for evaluation -- Phonology

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 11 How to read these letters? Bb Cc Dd Gg Jj Kk Pp Tt Vv Zz Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Hh Rr Ww Yy Ll Gg WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Case 1 College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 12 Form : spoken form and written form R: What does the word sound like? P: What is the word pronounced? R: What does the word look like? P: How is the word written and spelled? Position: Grammatical patterns and collocations R: In what patterns does the word occur? P: In what patterns must we used the word? R: Where would we expect to meet this word? P: Where can this word be used? WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > College of Foreign Languages > > > Knowing a word

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 13 Function: Frequency and appropriateness R: How common is the word? P: How often should the word be sued? R: Where would we expect to meet this word? P: Where can this word be used? Meaning: Concept and association R: What does the word mean? P: What word should be used to express this meaning? R: What other words does this word make us think of? P: What other words could we use instead of this one? (Source: Nation, 2003, p31) WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Knowing a word College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 14 语言知识 — 词汇 — 二级目标 Students can: 1. Learn the words and 50 or so common expressions associated with the topics for this unit 2. Understand words are formed from letters ( SOURCE: 英语课程标准, P19 ) WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Vocabulary College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 15 语言知识 — 词汇 — 五级目标 Students can: 1. Understand English vocabulary includes such items as words, phrases, expressions and collocations 2. Understand and distinguish between the basic meanings of words and their meanings in special situations 3. Use vocabulary to describe things, behaviour and characteristics, explain principles, etc. 4. Learn and use words and expressions and collocations ( SOURCE: 英语课程标准, P20 ) WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Vocabulary College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 16 语言知识 — 词汇 — 八级目标 Students can: 1. Use vocabulary to understand and describe functions, meanings and attitudes etc. 2. Use vocabulary to describe things, characteristics of behaviors and identify the concepts. 3. Learn and use 3000 words and expressions and collocations Case: 语义提取 _ 基于第二语言词汇能力角度的研究: 语义提取 _ 基于第二语言词汇能力角度的研究 ( SOURCE: 英语课程标准, P21 ) WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Vocabulary College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 17 1 Is vocabulary-learning material included in its own right? 2 How much vocabulary is taught? 3 Is there any principled basis for selection of vocabulary? 4 Is there any distinction between active and passive vocabulary? 5 Is vocabulary presented in a structured, purposeful way? WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > College of Foreign Languages > > > Quick-reference checklist for evaluation -- Vocabulary

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 18 6 Are learners sensitized to the structure of the lexicon through vocabulary-learning exercises based on --semantic relationships --situational relationships --collocations --situation-based word groups? 7 Does the material enable students to expand their own vocabularies independently by helping them to develop their own learning strategies? WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > College of Foreign Languages > > > Quick-reference checklist for evaluation -- Vocabulary

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 19 Semantic relations: word groups according to meaning, synonyms, hyponyms, opposites Situational relationships: word sets associational with particular situations Collocation: words commonly found in association Relationships of forms: Word building WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Good vocabulary development activities College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 20 Case boy girl book pencil window door clock floor person picture room wall --Showing the meaning of words, with visual aids and explanations in students’ own/target language --Drawing attention to meanings before drilling words, with stick figures; pointing to the students; --Communication e.g. Let the students draw, then how many boys/girls? WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > How to teach College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 21 Remember --When we think about language learning in the classroom, it is useful to think ways people learn vocabulary outside the classroom --Vocabulary is best learned when someone feels that a certain word is needed. --Vocabulary for the first stage of ESL usually names certain things and persons in the classroom. --We can make the basic words in English necessary for communication. --Time would be better spent on meaningful use of the words. WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > How to teach College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 22 It is better to --use real objects for vocabulary teaching --let the students draw --prepare and use pictures --use visual aids for teaching verbs (walking; eating; singing; laughing; smiling 。。。) --use visual aids for teaching adverbs (walk to the door slowly; quickly) WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > How to teach College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 23 …--People are best able to learn a word when they feel a person need for that word. --Teachers can create in students’ minds the feeling that certain English words are needed. --To produce that sense of need, it is not enough just to mention an English word and give students its meaning. --Understanding, hearing, and seeing a word are only first steps toward knowing it. --Those first steps should be followed by activities that require students to use the new words for communication. WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > How to teach College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 24 语言知识 — 语法 — 二级目标 Students can: 1. Know nouns have singular and plural forms 2. Know the difference between the main pronouns 3. Know verbs can change forms in different situations 4. Understand prepositions to express time, place and position 5. Understand the basic forms and functions of simple English sentences ( SOURCE: 英语课程标准, P19 ) WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Grammar College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 25 语言知识 — 语法 — 五级目标 Students can: 1. Understand common forms and structures and their functions 2. Learn and distinguish between the functions of different forms and structures during real language use 3. Understand and master how to describe of people and things 4. Understand and master how to describe specific factual and behavioural phenomena and develop the ability to describe processes 5. Begin to master how to describe time, place and position 6. Understand and master how to compare people, objects and things ( SOURCE: 英语课程标准, P20 ) WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Grammar College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 26 语言知识 — 语法 — 八级目标 1. 进一步掌握描述时间、地点、方位的表达方式 2. 进一步理解、掌握比较人、物体及事情的表达方式 3. 使用适当的语言形式进行描述和表达观点、态度、情感 等 4. 学习、掌握基本语篇知识并根据特定目的有效地组织信 息 ( SOURCE: 英语课程标准, P21 ) WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Grammar College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 27 1 What grammar items are included? 2 Do they correspond to students’ language needs? 3 Are they presented in small enough units for easy learning? 4 Is there an emphasis on language form? WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > College of Foreign Languages > > > Quick-reference checklist for evaluation -- Grammar

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 28 5 Is there an emphasis on language use? 6 How balanced is the treatment of form and use? 7 Are newly introduced items related to and contrasted with items already familiar to the learners? 8 Where one grammatical form has more than one meaning, are all relevant meanings taught? WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > College of Foreign Languages > > > Quick-reference checklist for evaluation -- Grammar

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 29 语言知识 — 功能 — 二级目标 Students can understand the basic forms for expressing simple communicative functions such as greetings, farewells, thanks, accepting apologies, introductions, requests, etc. ( SOURCE: 英语课程标准, P19 ) WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Functions College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 30 语言知识 — 功能 — 五级目标 Students can: 1. Understand and suitably express everyday communicative functions such as greetings, farewells, thanks, introductions and so on 2. Effectively express themselves in everyday communication with others ( SOURCE: 英语课程标准, P20 ) WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Functions College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 31 语言知识 — 功能 — 八级目标 1. 在更广的语境中恰当理解和表达问候、告别、感谢、介 绍等交际功能 2. 在日常人际交往中有效地使用得体的语言进行表达,如 发表意见,进行判断,责备,投诉等。 3. 灵活运用已经学过的常用功能项目,进一步学习并掌握 新的语言功能项目 4. 在实际生活中较熟练的实现信息沟通的目的。 ( SOURCE: 英语课程标准, P21 ) WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Functions College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 32 1 Does the coursebook deal with any aspects of functions? If so, which aspects are covered? 2 Do the examples of functions presented by the material provide good models for the learners? 3 Does it relate to the learner’s knowledge system? 4 Are they suitable for the age group? WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > College of Foreign Languages > > > Quick-reference checklist for evaluation -- Functions

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 33 语言知识 -- 话题 -- 二级: Students can understand and express simple information about the following topics: numbers, colours, time, weather, food, clothes, toys, plants and animals, the body, personal and family circumstances, school, friends, hobbies and sports, festivals, etc. WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Topic and Subject College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 34 语言知识 -- 话题 -- 五级: Students are: 1. Familiar with topics closely related to themselves, their families and school life 2. Familiar with topics related to everyday life, hobbies and interests, social customs, science and culture, etc. WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Topic and Subject College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 35 语言知识 -- 话题 -- 八级 个人,家庭,学校生活密切相关的话题,日常生活, 兴趣爱好,风俗习惯,科学文化,职业,节目, 风俗, 社交礼仪等,了解英语国家日常生活习 惯的话题。 WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Topic and Subject College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 36 1 Are real topics included in the coursebook? If so, how varied are they? 2 Will the coursebook contribute to expanding learners’ awareness and enriching their experience? 3 Does it relate to and engage the learner’s knowledge system, ie. the knowledge of the world that they bring with them? 4 Are the topics sophisticated enough in content for the learners, but at the right level linguistically? WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > College of Foreign Languages > > > Quick-reference checklist for evaluation – Topics

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 37 Do they actually do what they set out to do? If informative, do they inform, if humorous, do they amuse, if controversial, do they challenge, etc? Are they suitable for the age group? At school level, do they link in with other subjects? Is the treatment of discourse sustained and progressive throughout the course, or does it consist of limited or isolated elements? WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > College of Foreign Languages > > > Quick-reference checklist for evaluation – Topics

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 38 Does the coursebook deal with any aspects of discourse? If so, which aspects are covered: --conjunctive --other features of cohesion (reference pronouns, substitution, etc) --paragraphing and organization of written discourse --structure and conventions of spoken discourse? Do the examples of spoken and written discourse presented by the material provide good models for the learners? WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Discourse College of Foreign Languages > > >

温州大学精品课程新课标与教材分析 39 语音、语法、词汇、功能、话题 各级目标的表述语言 二级: 知道,了解(话题:理解和表达) 五级:了解, 了解和领悟,运用,恰当理解和表达(话题: 熟悉。。。话题) 八级:做到,了解和表达,理解和表达, 进一步掌握; (话题:熟悉。。。话题) ( SOURCE: 英语课程标准, P19 ) WENZHOU UNIVERSITY > > > Tips College of Foreign Languages > > >