European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) EHIS wave 2: implementation and next plans Agenda point 4.1 26-27 November 2015 Public Health Statistics WG Jakub.


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Presentation transcript:

European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) EHIS wave 2: implementation and next plans Agenda point November 2015 Public Health Statistics WG Jakub Hrkal ESTAT F-5

Outline Introduction Microdata delivery and validation Quality reporting Indicators and dissemination November 2015 Public Health Statistics WG

Implementation of EHIS wave 2 Participation: Regulation: EU 28, IS, NO Others: CH, LI, TR, RS, … Fieldwork: 2013: BE, : UK, : AT (3) 2014: CY, EE, FR, HU, LT, LU, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK (13) : BG, CZ, DE, EL, ES, FI, HR, IE, LV, MT (10) 2015: DK, IT, IS, NO (4) November 2015Public Health Statistics WG

Microdata delivery Tool: EDAMISEDAMIS Compulsory solution for transmitting statistical data files to Eurostat Provides a secure and encrypted (https) data transmission channel over the Internet Delivery times: Received (by 25/11) (20): BE, BG, CY, CZ, EE, EL, ES, FR, HU, LT, LU, LV, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, UK Expected by end of 2015 (4): AT, HR, FI, MT Expected in 2016 (6): DE, DK, IE, IT, IS, NO November 2015Public Health Statistics WG

Microdata validation Tool: EDITEDIT Common Eurostat tool for validating (micro)data Used by countries before transmission and by Eurostat for final validation Used or to be used by vast majority of countries Validation process On-going ( → very slight adaptation of EDIT) To provide feedback to 20 MS by the end of 2015 Closed by sending a formal acceptance letter Issues: imputation (income), treatment of inconsistencies, complete X incomplete record November 2015Public Health Statistics WG

Quality reporting Tool: ESS Metadata HandlerESS Metadata Handler Common Eurostat tool for metadata and QR Training materials and webinars available Process: EHIS QR template available as from 16/11 Transmission expected by 16/01/2016 by 20 countries which already transmitted microdata Issues: table on participation (EHIS as follow-up) Availability of national questionnaires: EU 28 (but DK, MT, IS, NO) + (CH, TR, RS) November 2015Public Health Statistics WG

EHIS wave 2 indicators Indicators manual (structure) Introduction: selection criteria for indicators common layout: indicator, definition, policy relevance, calculation, dissemination, notes Statistical coverage: Geographical coverage Time dimension Breakdowns: age and sex, education, income, labour status, urbanisation, occupation, activity limitation List of indicators Notes on indicators calculation and dissemination November 2015Public Health Statistics WG

Indicators by sub-modules November 2015Public Health Statistics WG Health Status - Minimum European Health Module3 Diseases and chronic conditions1 Accidents and injuries2 Absence from work (due to health problems)2 Physical and sensory functional limitations5 Personal care activities3 Household activities3 Pain2 Mental health2 Use of inpatient and day care4 Use of ambulatory and home care10 Medicine use3 Preventive services8 Unmet needs for health care5 Weight and height1 Physical activity / exercise5 Consumption of fruit and vegetables3 Smoking5 Alcohol consumption3 Social support2 Provision of informal care or assistance2

Indicators – open issues IssueProposal Age and sex standardisationIn general yes; concrete method and standard to be further discussed Treatment of proxy interviews in calculations Current proposal: Remove proxy interviews for some indicators In case of high proxy rate consider using double weights or inclusion of proxy interviews in the calculation Treatment of missing values (codes -1 in data set) Exclude them from calculation of percentages (Include them in calculation of population totals) Method of flagging of data with low reliability SILC approach; to be further discussed for categorical variables with more than 2 modalities Oldest age group used for data dissemination In general 75+ but 85+ will further be considered (at least for diseases, limitations, LTC) Estimation of EU average>70% of EU28 population November 2015Public Health Statistics WG

Publication of results - timeline November 2015Public Health Statistics WG TimeActivity Q2/2016 – Q4/2016 Aggregated data from EHIS wave 2 in Eurobase (cca 24 MS in Q2/2016) Q3/2016 – Q1/2017 Update of existing statistical articles using EHIS data Q3/2016 – Q3/2017 Technical and administrative preparation of anonymised microdata Q2/2017 – Q1/2018 Revision and creation of statistical articles based on EHIS data, Revision of data tree in Eurobase Q4/2017 EHIS wave 2 microdata available for researchers

Dissemination – open issues Request for provisional aggregated data (only from countries transmitting microdata in 2016!) Incorporating data from other countries using EHIS methodology (CH, LI, TR, RS): microdata or not? Incorporating data for variables for which derogations were granted (NL – alcohol); other countries and variables? Calculation and dissemination of confidence intervals Joint dissemination of EHIS 1 and 2 data Collection of data for limited number of indicators from national health interview surveys to complete time series Exchange of microdata between NSIs (validation purposes) November 2015Public Health Statistics WG

Simplified request for provisional aggregated data (DE, DK, IE, IT, IS, NO) 1. – 5. Prevalence of selected diseases and chronic conditions: Asthma, COPD, Diabetes, Depression, Hypertension (15+) 6. – 8. Incidence of selected types of accidents resulting in injury: Road traffic accident, Home accident, Leisure accident (15+) 9.Body mass index (18+) 10.Health-enhancing (non-work-related) aerobic physical activity ( ) 11.Consumption of fruits (15+) 12.Consumption of vegetables (15+) 13.Daily smokers of cigarettes (15+) 14.Alcohol consumption - drinking status (15+) 15.Heavy episodic drinking/binge drinking (15+) 16.Breast cancer screening (only women, ) 17.Cervical cancer screening (only women, ) 18.Colorectal cancer screening ( ) 19.Influenza vaccination (65+) 20.Use of prescribed medicines (15+) Breakdown: Total Women Men November 2015Public Health Statistics WG

WG PHS are kindly invited to: Complete or correct the information on the implementation of EHIS wave 2 in their countries and on the transmission of microdata and metadata Comment on the structure and content of indicators manual, including open issues (use of proxy, missing values, standardisation, flagging) DE, DK, IE, IT, IS, NO to express their interest to provide provisional data by the end of April November 2015 Public Health Statistics WG