话题词汇复习和写作 之 人物描写 之 人物描写 M4U1 Women of Achievement (Jane Goodall, Lin Qiaozhi) (Jane Goodall, Lin Qiaozhi) M4U2 Working the land (Yuan Longping) (Yuan Longping) M5U1 Great scientists (John Snow, Copernicus) (John Snow, Copernicus)
independent confident bright athletic of medium height determined slim broad sharp creative humorous ordinary-looking middle-aged outstanding aggressive skinny regular features ambitous
skinny / bony, as thin as a skeleton 骷髅 slim in good shape
*thin, not athletic skinny/bony slim
*be of regular features *ordinary-looking *not attractive at first sight ugly *not outstanding in a crowd sharp- minded _______ beard _______ forehead _______ eyes _______ lips sharp broad without thin
*of medium/average height * in his fifties, middle-aged short age:(born in 1964)
Positive (proper)Negative长相平平其貌不扬 五官端正 中等个头 身材瘦弱 中年的 ugly short skinny/bony Tip 1 Proper words make vivid description. ordinary-looking not attractive at first sight not outstanding in a crowd be of regular features (sharp eyes, broad forehead) of medium/average height thin, not athletic middle-aged, in his fifties
2015, recognized as “China IT Industry’s Richest man” 2001, awarded as “Young Global Leader” ( 全球青年领袖) 2004, honored as “Most Powerful Business People in Asia” a Chinese enterpriser 2014, rank 16 in “The world's 50 Greatest Leaders”
factors that contribute to success hobby/ interest talent / gift personality ability (potential) success
1. 两次高考失利。 1984 年第三次高考,被杭师 院 (Hangzhou Normal College) 英语专业录取。 He failed in the College Entrance Examination at his first two attempts. Tip 3 Good structures make attractive sentences. He was admitted to Hangzhou Normal College and majored in English. In 1984, he took the exam for a third time. After he failed in …/ Having failed, he took the exam … 强调句型 : It was …. that … _______in 1984, _______ he took the exam for a third time, ______ he was admitted to H..N..C.., majoring in English. Fortunately/To his great delight, he was … when that It was
2. 在大学里, 他 “ 如鱼得水 ” ,当选为学生会主席。 He adapted/ adjusted himself quickly to the new campus life, and was elected (as) chairman of the students ’ union. Tip 4 Flexible expressions avoid unidiomatic ( 不地道 ) sentences.
show great interest in… be crazy about… have a strong desire for../ to do 2. talent/gift: make speeches 1. hobby/interest : English
Mayun has a strong desire to learn English. have a good talent/gift for… be talented/gifted in… 1. hobby/interest : English 2. talent/gift: making speeches
Mayun has a good talent for making / delivering speeches. 1. hobby/interest : English 2. talent/gift: making speeches Mayun has a strong desire to learn English.
Mayun shows great interest in learning English. Mayun has a good talent for delivering speeches. 十几岁时,他就经常给外 国游客做免费导游以练习英语。 As a teenager, he showed foreign tourists around as a free guide to practise his English 。 他所作的演讲总是 能打动人,催人奋进! Most of the speeches delivered by him are always impressive and inspiring. Tip 2 Examples make what you write convincing. 1. hobby : English 2. talent: making speeches most of whose speeches,
Mayun’s first business venture ( 创业) After graduation, he was offered a position as a lecturer ( 讲师 ) in a college in Hangzhou. Meanwhile, he devoted his spare time to doing some translation work and then set up a translation agency, which had a tough time at the beginning. He made great efforts to make it survive, which, eventually, began to make profits. To everyone’s astonishment, when the company was in steady progress, Ma withdrew from it to seek more. 毕业 在此期间 花费 / 投入 空余的 翻译 机构 / 社 艰难的 努力 幸存下来 利润 惊讶 最终 稳定的离开,放弃追求 工作岗位 abandoned/ quit 不遗余力 spare no effort
However, he ___________where to go until he _______________the Internet in He then set up the 网站 “ Chinese Page ”, which _______ _______________ China ’ s first Internet-based company. But he had a 巨大的 dream, which was to set up a 全球的 e-commerce company. Thus, Alibaba Group _________________. He 扩展 it to every corner of the world and______________ one after another. was at a loss was first exposed to Mayun ’ s next two business ventures be first exposed to; be widely acknowledged as; be at a loss; come into existence; create wonders; website was widely acknowledged as huge global expanded created wonders came into existence
Just as the saying goes, … Where there is a will, there is a way. Nothing is impossible for a willing heart. Nothing in the world is difficult to the man who will try. ( 世上无难事,只怕有心人。) (心之所愿,无所不能。) (有志者,事竟成。)
Just as Mayun put it, … Past days are cruel, more cruel tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow is wonderful, but certainly a large part in tomorrow are dead. Tip 7 Proverbs or famous quotations highlight a passage. ( 马云说 : 今天很残酷,明天更残酷,但后天很美好,(但) 绝大部分人死在明天晚上)
名人的成长故事总是能激人奋进,让我们对自己 的人生产生思考。请你以 “My Hero” 为题,结合马云 的例子,用英语写一篇 词左右的短文。内容 包括: 1. 简单介绍 ( 外貌、成就、爱好、特长) 2. 人生经历(能力、品质) 3. 对你的影响 请列举 1-2 个事例 适当使用谚语、名言 Write a passage.