Maintaining a Community Health Profile Supporting county-wide comprehensive planning process Convening community members from multiple sectors Working collectively with other local coalitions and collaboratives Creating action plans, policy recommendations, strategies and activities to achieve health equity
The Health Council currently focuses on the following desired results: Healthy and sustainable communities where all families and individuals have their basic needs met and prosper. Improved health and education outcomes for children/youth from pregnancy to age 25. Improved healthcare access and quality of service for uninsured and indigent populations for both physical and behavioral health.
Improved health & education outcomes for children/youth from pregnancy to age 25 EARLY CHILDHOOD Early Childhood Accountability Partnership (ECAP) YOUTH ABC Community Schools Partnership YOUNG ADULT Mission: Graduate Improved healthcare access & quality of service for uninsured & indigent populations BEHAVIORAL HEALTH Opioid Accountability Initiative – Treatment & Prevention Teams PHYSICAL HEALTH Healthy Here: Communities Leading Healthy Change (clinical/community linkages) Healthy & sustainable communities where all families & individuals have their basic needs met & prosper POVERTY/ INCOME IDHCC – Co-op Project Pathways to a Healthy Bernalillo County PUBLIC SAFETY Opioid Accountability Initiative – Law Enforcement/ Criminal Justice Team BUILT ENVIRONMENT Healthy Here: Communities Leading Healthy Change FOOD ACCESS POLICY Healthy Here: Communities Leading Healthy Change LAND USE & ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE Bernalillo County PLACE MATTERS HOUSING/ HOMELESSNESS NMCEH – ABQ Strategy In the spirit of collective impact, BCCHC supports and aligns with the strategic plans and initiatives developed by other community-based entities that convene multiple partners from throughout the county, listed under the issue areas of each priority. Initiatives in BOLD represent activities with direct BCCHC involvement and/or leadership. HEALTHY COMMUNITIES
Poverty/Income Housing Transportation Food Insecurity/Food Access High School Graduation Early Childhood Experiences Healthcare Coverage & Access
Source: – ACS
Bernalillo County Source: - ACS
Source: – ACS
Source: - ACS Bernalillo County
Source: – ACS
Source: NMCDC - ACS 2013 Bernalillo County
Source: – ACS
Bernalillo County Source: – ACS
Percent of Households with Public Assistance (TANF, GA) Source: – ACS
Source: – ACS Bernalillo County
$3,386$3,304 $3,807 Source: – ACS
Source: – Bureau of Labor Statistics
Source: NMCDC - ACS 2013 Bernalillo County
What strikes you as most significant about this information? Share thoughts with your neighbors. Write any questions on post-it notes: Additional data needed Questions about data presented Post the notes in the QUESTIONS section of Poverty/Income poster board
Source: – ACS
Source: CHNA 2015
Source: – ACS
Bernalillo County Source:
( )
Source: – Feeding America, 2013
NMCDC 2013
Bernalillo County Source:
Source: – USDA 2010
Bernalillo County Source: – USDA 2010
Source: NMCDC
Source: – US Census/CBP 2013
What strikes you as most significant about this information? Share thoughts with your neighbors. Write any questions on post-it notes: Additional data needed Questions about data presented Post the notes in the QUESTIONS section of appropriate poster board
Source: - EDFacts
Source: NMCDC
Source: – ACS
Bernalillo County Source: – ACS
Social supports by maternal education Source: NMDOH PRAMS
Source: – ACS
Source: - ACS Bernalillo County
Source: – ACS
Bernalillo County Source: - ACS
Source: – ACS
Primary care Specialty care Hospitalization Behavioral health services Mental health Substance use disorders
What strikes you as most significant about this information? Share thoughts with your neighbors. Write any questions on post-it notes: Additional data needed Questions about data presented Post the notes in the QUESTIONS section of appropriate poster board
Bernalillo County Source: NMCDC – NM IBIS
County rate higher than state or national Significant inequities within the county, geographically or by race/ethnicity, age, gender Magnitude of impact on multiple health indicators (e.g., obesity leads to multiple issues) Magnitude of impact on healthcare system costs Preventable through policies, systems, environmental changes (i.e., not just healthcare services)
CHRONIC DISEASE Cancer Heart Disease Asthma Stroke Diabetes/ Obesity INJURY Drug Overdose Violent Crime - Homicide Child Maltreatment Suicide MATERNAL/CHILD HEALTH Infant Mortality Low Birthweight Prenatal Care
Cancer Heart Disease Asthma Stroke Diabetes/Obesity
Source: - CDC NVSS
Source: - CDC NVSS
Source: - CDC NVSS
Source: - CDC NVSS
Source: – BRFSS
Bernalillo County, 2012 Source: CABQ Environment Dept., Air Quality Division
Source: CINCH Health Assessment for Bernalillo County – NMDOH data
Source: - CDC NVSS
Source: – CDC/NCCDPHP 2012
Source: NMCDC
Overweight or Obese by selected risk factors APS - Grades 9-12, 2013
Source: - CDC NCCDPHP 2012
Source: NMCDC
What improvements in policy, systems or environmental factors discussed previously would impact these issues the most ? Share thoughts with your neighbors and write themes on post-it notes. Does this data resonate with your own experience or understanding of the issue? Write any questions on post-it notes: Additional data needed Questions about data presented Post all notes in the CHRONIC DISEASE section
Drug Overdose Violent Crime – Adult & Child Homicide Suicide Fall-Related Deaths
Bernalillo County,
Bernalillo County, Source: NM IBIS
Source: YRRS APS – Grades 9-12, 2013
Source: – FBI UCR
What improvements in policy, systems or environmental factors discussed previously would impact these issues the most ? Share thoughts with your neighbors and write themes on post-it notes. Does this data resonate with your own experience or understanding of the issue? Write any questions on post-it notes: Additional data needed Questions about data presented Post all notes in the INJURY section
Infant Mortality Low Birthweight Prenatal Care
What improvements in policy, systems or environmental factors discussed previously would impact these issues the most ? Share thoughts with your neighbors and write themes on post-it notes. Does this data resonate with your own experience or understanding of the issue? Write any questions on post-it notes: Additional data needed Questions about data presented Post all notes in the MATERNAL/CHILD HEALTH section
Are the BCCHC priority areas still the most significant areas to focus on? Is there data that show something else? We know that more services are needed. But what policies are needed – or need to be changed – to be able to prevent these conditions in the first place? What new opportunities or new challenges have emerged that affect our ability to prevent these conditions?
For more information contact: Marsha McMurray-Avila, BCCHC Executive Director Tracy McDaniel, ECAP Coordinator
The following slides were not used in the BCCHC presentation on , due to time constraints. But may be of interest…
Physical Activity Healthy Eating Tobacco Use
Source: – BRFSS
Source: Bernalillo County
Source: NM Death Data: BVRHS, NMDOH