Symbiotic fungi in roots of Artemisia annua with special reference to endophytic colonizers Speaker:Ting-Yin Cheng( 鄭婷尹 ) Advisor:Dr. ( 藍清隆 ) Data:2013// Z. L. YUAN, Y. C. CHEN, & X. J. MA
Artemisia annua 1.Family : Asteraceae Genus : Artemisia 2.Morphology : fern-like leaves, bright yellow flowers, and a camphor-like scent. 3.Medicinal properties : treat fever in the ancient by Chinese; artemisinin is used for Malaria treatment. 4.Distribution : all of the world, and Asia is major.
Dark septate endophytes(DSEs) 1.Growth : the plant roots 2.Morphology : changing shapes; the common feature is the mycelium darker in color, and form a distinct diaphragm. 3. Characteristics : the plant root epidermis forming Hartig net, and mycelium intrude into Root cortex form microsclerotia or uncompleted sets of the mycelium.
DSEs Microsclerotia
Hartig net
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi 1.Phylum : Glomeromycota (球囊菌門) 2. a type of mycorrhiza( 菌根菌 ) in which the fungus penetrates the cortical cells of the roots of a vascular plant. 3. help plants to capture nutrients such as phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen and micronutrients from the soil.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
Malt extract agar(MEA) 1.Including 2%malt extract, 2%agar, and 50mg/l Chloromycetin. 2.Usually used to culture yeasts
PCR 1.The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a biochemical technology in molecular biology to amplify a specific DNA fragment from DNA samples in vitro. 2.three steps: (1.)denaturation(92-94 ℃ ): denature dsDNA->ssDNA (2.)annealing(45-65 ℃ ): primers annealing to thr complementary ssDNAs (3.)elongation(72-74 ℃ ): DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase
Determine the occurrence and identity of symbiotic fungi in A. annua roots by microscopic and culture- based approaches with special reference to endophytic fungi, and thus provide living fungal cultures for further experimentation in vitvo.
Experimental materials
Sterile deionized water 50%(v/v) Ethanol 75%(v/v) Ethanol 5%(w/v) KOH 2% Lactic acid 0.05% (w/v) Trypan blue 50%(v/v) Glycerin 1%(w/v) Sodium hypochlorite 15% (v/v) Glycerol MEA(2% malt extract;2% agar; 50mg/l Chloromycetin) PDB Biospin Fungus Genomic DNA Extraction Kit Primers ITS1 & ITS4 PCR reactions
Experimental procedurs & Results
1.Samples collection 2.Observation & assessment 3.Isolation, purification & storage 4.Morphological & molecular identification
1.Samples collection Place : Guangxi botanical garden of medicinal plant (E108°20’-N22°48’), China. Time : July 2008 Ways : 3 naturally regenerated and 3 planted plants growing up to 5 months and randomly collected.
2.Observation & assessment Step: Roots were cleaned by sterile deionized water and fixed in 50%(v/v) ethanol for24 hr. Roots were rinsed with distilled water three times and placed in 5% (w/v) KOH in water bath at 90 ℃ for 2 hr. Roots were rinsed with distilled water three times and kept in 2% lactic acid for 2 min.
Quickly stained in 0.05%(w/v) trypan blue in lactic acid at 50 ℃ for 5hr. De-stained in 50%(v/v) glycerin for 24hr. Longitudinal sections of roots were squashed on slide and then immersed in 50%(v/v) glycerin for microscopic analysis.
Result 1 Using a LM to investigate the colonization pattern of symbiotic fungi associated with the naturally regenerated and planted A. annua roots at 2 sampling site.
A:Vesicles were mainly distributed along root cortex. D;E:AMF extraradical hyphae. F:AMF Intradical hyphae, vesicles, and collapsed arbuscules. AMF colonization in roots of naturally regenerated A. annua Bar=20 m
DSE & other endophytic fungi colonization in roots of naturally regenerated A. annua C;E;F;G:Different structure of microsclerotia.
Mycorrhizal fungi, DSEs & other endophytic fungi inhabitating in roots of planted A. annua A:Vesicles were distributed along root cortex. D:Infection and growth of septa, melanised hyphae. G;H:Microsclerotia formed in root cortex by dark septate endophytes.
Analysis : (1.)F AM % : arbuscular mycorrhizal frequency; a ratio between root fragments colonized by AMF & the total number of root fragments examinde. (2.)F DSE % : dark septate arbuscular mycorrhizal frequence; in the case of endophytic fungi colonization. (3.)F EN % : other endophytic fungi frequency; in the case of endophytic fungi colonization, blue stain.
Result1: a low colonization frequency of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi was detected in planted roots. Result2: a more colonization frequency of DSEs and other fungal endophytes was detected in planted roots.
3.Isolation, purification & storage Step : Sample roots were rinsed in running water. Soaked in 75%(v/v)ethanol for 40 sec. Immersed in 1%(w/v)sodium hypochlorite for 5 min.
Rinsed three times in sterile distilled water. Roots were cut into slices of 0.5~0.8cm length; and transferred to malt extract agar(MEA) plate. Incubated at 25 ℃ in permanent darkness for 4 days. Cuted off the fungal hyphae and sub-cultured for purification. By covering a culture on PDA slants with sterile liquid paraffin at 25 ℃ & by preservation in aqueous 15%(v/v) Glycerol.
4.Morphological & molecular identification By PCR Primers ITS1 (5’-TCCGTAGGTGAACCTGCGG-3’) ITS4 (5’-TCCTCCGCTTATTGATATGC-3’) Step : Fungal isolates were cultured in PDB for 4 days at 180rpm/min in a shaker incubator at 25 ℃. Mycelium were collected and ground in liquid nitrogen.
Fungal genomic DNA was extravted using Kit. Used primers ITS1 & ITS4 for amplification of the fulngal rDNA internal transcribed spacer(ITS) regions 1 & 2. Fungal genomic DNA was extravted using Kit.
Reference 1. 維基百科 - 球囊菌門 /3/ WIKI-Arbuscular mycorrhiza /3/ 叢枝菌根真菌 ent/MICR9/Micr93.htm-2013/3/31 ent/MICR9/Micr93.htm 5. WIKI-PCR 6. 百度百科 -PCR 7.