Who is Mrs. Conner? Masters in Teaching Math 20 th year teaching: San Jose Villa Opened Godinez in th year teaching AVID
“Fundamental” is…. A consistent commitment by
We encourage 1. ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (assignments are prepared) 2. PUNCTUALITY (on time) 3. ATTIRE (dressed appropriately)
Progressive Discipline Reasons to sign a card Did not do HW assignment Tardy to class Not dressed appropriately Consequences 1 st step- warning 2 nd step-15 min detention 3 rd step- 30 min detention, parent note 4 th step- Referral, 45 minute central detention, parent contact 5 th, 6 th, 7 th, 8 th step- Counselor + Adm.
ATTIRE (dress codes) Your child comes for an education and so clothing distractions need to be minimized to maximize safety and academic success! Boys : no baggy or blousing of clothes, GFHS hats only, small jewelry. Girls: No colored hair chunks, see handbook for more details Every Wednesday is College Day Every Friday is Grizzly Spirit Day
Perfect That means a student did not sign any “cards.” They were always prepared, on time, and dressed for academics. Rewards are given by school.
GREAT Grizzly AWARD Students are selected by their teachers during each grading period. Teachers choose
How is my child doing? District mails home progress reports every 6 weeks First progress period ends Friday 10/9 Grades of A,B,or C are needed for college. D and F grades may mean summer school/ credit recovery.
Grading policies 20%Homework/Class work 10% Team Tests 35% Mastery Check Point Test 35% Individual Tests/Final Percentages
Materials Graph paper composition notebook(about 2-3 for the year). Pencil, blue and red pens
What to Expect at home? Practice saying “SHOW ME YOUR AGENDA” Provide a place at home away from toys like social media, computer games, devices, and TV. Do not allow the door to be shut and think your child is “doing” HW. 2 hours of HW daily from all classes. Encourage them to tryout and join school activities.
Yes-we have a school wide tutoring schedule that is posted, and they sign in. Grizzly Lounge in library 3-6 Each student has their own ebook account
Internet and Chromebooks
Common Core Algebra 1 100% aligned with New standards Field tested Problem based learning- real life applications Collaborative teams Spaced Practice Each student has their own ebook account
Godinez Fundamental HS Common Core Secondary Math Course Sequence Honors Math Analysis College Algebra Grade: A, B AP Calculus AP Statistics (11 th / 12 th ) Grade: A, B AP Calculus AB Grade: A, B, C AP Statistics (11 th /12 th ) Grade: C, D, F College Algebra Grade: A Honors Math Analysis Grade: A, B, C AP Statistics (11 th /12 th ) Geometry or Honors Geometry Algebra 2 or Honors Algebra 2 Algebra 1 or Honors Algebra 1 **The new Common Core math standards for HS compress 4 years into 3 so students can achieve AP Calculus in 12 th.
10 hours of community service each year is required Drop your child off by Parking structure in back Come to Athletic Events ID cards need to be with them at all times for safety ($5 replacement).
Collaboration-Student Teams Team work offers students a wonderful opportunity to deconstruct, investigate and solve difficult problems through discussion, trial and error, and peer tutoring in a small setting. They have teams roles (as seen in careers). Learning will happen only if conversations stay on topic and everyone participates in the team activities. “Ask three then Me.”