24 MARK PLANS (sociology)
Examine the factors affecting power relationships and the division of labour between couples.
Points and people Money Jobs (opportunities- higher) Housework (dual/triple) Gender role Socialisation Domestic violence Pahl and vogler Dunne Man yee kan, Oakley, Wilmott and young
More detail… Pahl and vogler found there were two types of couples- those who had ‘pooling’ and others who had an allowance system. Man yee kan said older, smarter, more earning women did less housework. Gender scripts – dunne did research into lesbian couples and found that when it came to childcare both were positive about it, however whoever earnt the most still did less housework = shows were not equal until pay is. Domestic violence = women usually victims, however unreliable results ¼ women abused 1/8 women abused multiple times.
Using material from item 2B and elsewhere, assess the contribution of functionalist sociologists to our understanding of the family
Points and people to mention points 4 key roles Extended/nuclear Criticisms Feminists Marxists Conclusion. people Murdock Parsons Engels/zaretsky Fran Ainsley/dworkin
More detail… Murdock 1949 said the 4 key roles of the family were; socialisation, reproduction, meeting members economic needs and stabilisation of the adult personality. Parsons 1955, said roles depended on what type of family you had e.g. extended or nuclear. Believes nuclear is now diminent because of sheer practicality (geographical/social mobility) and that due to industrialiation the families only role now is so socialise children and stabilise adult personalities. Criticised from conflict theoriests for being too rosy and ignoring the dark side of the family. Feminists instead believe society is run of patriarchy which means women are oppressed in the family – radical fems believe separatism is the only way to overcome this. (dworking = person is political) Marxists believe it the proletariat is oppressed by capitalist ideology and that the family passes on their ideas = through advertisement, pester power etc.
Examine Marxist views of the role of the family
Points and people Roles of the family Capitalist ideology Criticisms Feminists Functionalists conclusion Zaretsky Engels Dworkin/sulliven/Ainsley Murdock/parsons
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Using material from item 2B and elsewhere, assess the view hat there is greater diversity of family types and lifestyles today
Points and people
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Examine different sociological views on changes in the experience of childhood in the past 50 years or so
Points and people Child centered Too much protection Not changed Lost Laws Aries Opie Postman (toxic childhood) Berger and berger firestone
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Using material from item 2B and elsewhere, assess the view that the growth of family diversity has led to the decline of the traditional nuclear family
Points and people Marriage Divorce Cohabitation Step families Research
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Examine the reasons for and the effects of, changes in family size over the past 100 years or so
Points and people Changes in attitudes Child centeredness Mortality rate Changes in technology Changes in opportunity
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Using material from item 2B and elsewhere, assess sociological views of the impact of government policies and laws on family life
Points and people Feminists Functionalists Marxists New right China/nazi’s Uk policies
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Examine the reasons for changes in the divorce rate since 1969
Points and people Changes is secularisation Attitudes Secularisation Technology Opportunities Life span
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Using material from item 2B and elsewhere, assess the contribution of feminist sociologists to an understanding of family roles and relationships.
Points and people Liberal feminists Radical feminists Marxist feminists Criticisms Functionalists Marxists conclusion Jenny sulliven/Oakley Dworkin/firestone Engels Parsons/Murdock Engels/zaretsky
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