Compact between schools & local employers Pre-employment / apprenticeship programs Employer job subsidies Increase 16-24 apprenticeships New Apprenticeship.


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Presentation transcript:

Compact between schools & local employers Pre-employment / apprenticeship programs Employer job subsidies Increase apprenticeships New Apprenticeship Taskforce Health inequalities (cancer, circulatory & respiratory) Challenges Desired Future Vision Strategies Measurable Outcomes SOUTH TYNESIDE HEALTH AND WELLBEING BOARD – PLAN ON A PAGE - DRAFT Work In partnership to improve the health, wellbeing and quality of life for children, adults and families and reduce health inequalities, to help people live longer and healthier lives Reduced % of children aged 4-5 classified as overweight or obese Percentage of children achieving a good level of development Involving People in Our Better Health and Wellbeing Strategy Short (2013/14) Long-term Commission the Well-being Champions Programme and supporting training through the “Every Contact” workforce initiative Commission brokerage project to support local older people’s groups to increase capacity Support Affordable Warmth Partnership actions Reduce not in education, employment or training (NEET) Increase life expectancy Reduce smoking prevalence (adults) with a long-tem condition (LTC) Reduce the difference between observed and expected prevalence of hypertension Increase lung cancer survival at one year Develop a new model for health behaviour changes services (Change4Life) which meets the needs of families Develop and implement “Every Contact “ workforce development across partners to build capacity for health improvement Pilot the use of Health Impact Assessment on current regeneration programmes Implement detailed tobacco control action plan Increase uptake of NHS Health Checks Improving outcomes for people with LTC Prevention & early identification of risk Reducing social isolation Tackling youth unemployme nt Every child to have a good start in life Increased healthy life expectancy with reduced difference between communities Better employment prospects for young people Better mental health & emotional wellbeing for older people High quality, integrated, efficient local services designed around people Reduce preventable Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge from hospital Increase the number of Older People who feel that they have at social contact with people Introduction of improved discharge communication between agencies South Tyneside Improving Care Scheme (including the identification and support of seldom seen seldom heard patients) Develop the Prevention & Early Intervention strategy Implementing a Risk & resilience approach to health of young people Develop a Befriending service for identified vulnerable older people Improve volunteer community mentoring Increase opportunities for life & work skills Increased support for those furthest away from jobs Development of “ Enterprise Schools” Improve diagnosis & early treatment of stroke & diabetes All agencies to assess health impact of policies and programmes Undertake a private sector housing survey to identifying at risk and vulnerable groups living in poor housing Introduction of “time to think beds” initiative Utilisation of community budgets to drive forward further integrated working Hospital discharge improvements Introduce the Change for Life young peoples service Review domestic violence services Develop a school health, wellbeing and fitness programme for schools engaged in the Healthy Schools programme Maximise links between hospital discharge and Age UK to deliver engagement opportunities to older people on discharge Review and introduce the recommendations of the Falls Health Needs Assessment Introduce alternative contact services utilising assistive technologies Better identification & referral of NEETs Better prospects for care leavers Job prospects for LD, disability, mental illness Ensure social prescribing is embedded within the C4L Programme Early identification & treatment of depression Identify the vulnerable population at risk of fuel poverty and target action to reduce impact on winter deaths Develop a comprehensive social marketing strategy Implement the actions identified in the Locality Cancer Group work plan Implementation of Integrated care planning tools Introduction of Integrated Services model developed as part of the Pioneer bid Better access to assistive technologies (Telecare, Telehealth and telemedicine) Medium Introduce a refocused Public health school nurse service to deliver Healthy Child Programme 5-19 years Increase the provision of evidence based parenting programmes in Childrens Centres Public Health midwife appointed to lead health improvement in outcomes during pregnancy Fragmented local services Growing elderly population Depression and dementia Youth unemployment & adult worklessness Poor health and risk taking behaviours Child poverty Poor start to life for children Availability of resources