Substance Misuse Policy Replaces the Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy. New policy triggered by updated drug driving laws – but gave opportunity for an overall review. The aim of the policy is to: –Ensure all staff are fit to carry out work safely and effectively in an environment free from risks associated with alcohol and drug misuse. –Promote a culture which is sympathetic to problems associated with misuse and dependency. –BUT – duty of care to all; therefore in certain situations the disciplinary procedure will apply.
Definitions Misuse – the use of a substance not consistent with legal or medical guidelines. Dependency – can be physical or psychological, or both; means you cannot (or you feel you cannot) stop taking the substance.
Scope of the policy: Covers all staff working for or on behalf of the university. Main focus is to promote awareness and to enable support to be offered for an ongoing problem. Certain incidents or offences may damage the university’s reputation and may constitute misconduct – these would be dealt with under the relevant disciplinary procedure.
Identifying a problem May come from personal disclosure of a problem, or concerns/observations about someone’s behaviour such as: Deterioration of work performance Increased absenteeism/lateness Accidents Change in personality or behaviour NB. These are not conclusive indicators and could be due to other factors, but should act as a prompt to start a dialogue – assistance through manager, HR, Occupational Health, Employee Assistance Programme.
Alcohol and Drugs at Work Impact of Misuse: Reduced attendance, efficiency and performance, impaired judgement and decision making, increased health and safety risks. The policy requires employees to: Conduct themselves professionally at work-related events – employees are considered to be ‘at work’ even if outside working hours and/or off site. Comply with drink-driving and drug-driving laws, including local laws and cultures when travelling overseas as part of their role. Declare any possible side effects from prescribed medication which could impact on their ability to carry out work safely or effectively; duties/role can be temporarily changed.
The university expressly prohibits the use of any illegal drugs or other substances of abuse, such as solvents and ‘legal highs’. Criminal offence to be in possession of, use or distribute an illicit substance. Disciplinary action up to and including dismissal, plus possible reporting to the police.
Managing suspected misuse Seek advice from HR and/or Occupational Health. Arrange a meeting to discuss concerns regarding performance or behaviour – start a dialogue. Referral to Occupational Health to seek support and advice. An employee who is under the influence at work: –Management actions should be based on a reasonable belief. –Seek immediate advice from HR and Occupational Health. –If unfit / potential danger – arrange for employee to go home (not driving themselves) and record as sickness absence. –Could be misconduct – depending on circumstances – deal with under the disciplinary procedure.
Providing support The policy states that the university is “committed, in so far as possible, to treating dependency (e.g. alcoholism) or health problems as a result of drug or alcohol misuse in a similar way to other health issues” – emphasis on support to allow a successful return to full duties. Support may include: Referral to treatment providers Time off for treatment and sickness absence Consideration of adjustments to duties and offering other support where reasonable / recommended (e.g. by a health professional)
Further advice and support… HR Adviser Occupational Health Employee Assistance Programme External support services – contacts listed in Appendix 2 of the policy