What is it? What can we do to help? Why it is important to help? By: Selines Padilla Public School 28 New York, New York
Define the Problem Public Policy Analysis: Step 1 2
Peer Pressure is influence that a peer group exerts that encourages others to change their attitudes, values, or behaviors to conform to the group norm. A person affected by peer pressure may or may not want to belong to the group. * Discuss in small group what you each think peer pressure is. *Give Examples of your idea of what peer pressure is. 3
Gather the Evidence Public Policy Analysis: Step 2 4
We can observe situations Paying attention to our own feelings Talking to good friends about what’s going on in their day Create a survey to share with classmates to get anonymous feedback (especially with our shy friends) 5
Why Do They Do It: They might be trying to make you feel small so they can feel better about themselves They could be afraid of criticism, so they’ll do it first Deep down, they may be insecure 6
Identify the Causes Public Policy Analysis: Step 3 7
Why are certain students targeted? Why do students want to control other students?
Evaluate an existing policy Public Policy Analysis: Step 4 9
Peer Pressure Discuss and make a list with a partner with some of the ways we can prevent Peer Pressure at our school and most importantly in our classroom. 10
Develop Solutions Public Policy Analysis: Step 5 11
If someone is pressuring you… How would you feel? What would you do? 12
Stay away from peers who pressure you It’s okay to just say “NO” Spend time with Positive friends Talk to a grown-up: Parents, Teachers, School Counselor 13
Select the Most Effective Solution Public Policy Analysis: Step 6 14
From the policies discussed in class which one do you believe is the most effective solution to stop peer pressure. Give examples and justify your answer. 15