Parent Informational Session Human Sexuality Course Weston Middle School Health and Physical Education
Four Primary Goals of Comprehensive Sexuality Education 1. Information 2. Attitudes, Values, & Insights 3. Relationships & Interpersonal Skills 4. Responsibility
Health Education Standards Standard 1 – Human Growth and Development Standard 3 – Emotional and Mental Health Standard 4 – Social Health Standard 5 – Disease Transmission Standard 8 – Violence Prevention and Resource Utilization
Seventh Grade Course Mitch Finnegan Kristin Cieri Laura Galopim Jeff Moore Carrie Rainville-Collins
Unit Introduction and Examining What Motivates us to Make Decisions? Goals: 1.To introduce unit, set basic ground rules, and establish a respectful atmosphere 2.To challenge students to explore the role of sexuality in human development
Topics: 1.Unit outline 2.Definitions 3.Adolescent Developmental Tasks 4.Fears of growing up 5.Introduction to anonymous questions
The Media Body Image Development Goals: 1.Identify various aspects of being male and female 2.Explore gender stereotypes and the cost to individuals and society of these stereotypes 3.Discuss the influence of the media
Puberty Goals: 1.To promote the concept of empowerment by understanding changes that occur 2.To develop an understanding that changes that occur are normal and that there is a great variation in timing 3.To understand the similarities and differences that exist between boys and girls at this time
Anatomy (split by gender) Goals: 1.Identify male and female internal and external anatomy and understand their physical and reproductive function.
Menstruation Reproduction Goals: 1.To provide students with an understanding of menstruation 2.To provide students with an understanding of reproduction from conception to birth
Relationships Goals: 1.Explore various types of relationships that exist in a person’s life 2.Identify communication as a cornerstone to a healthy relationship
Sexual Harassment Goals: 1.Define and learn to identify sexual harassment 2.Practice skills in preventing and addressing sexual harassment
Choices, Risks, and Consequences Goals: 1. To understand the connection between choices, options, and consequences in pressure situations 2. To build students capacity to make healthy decisions 3. To increase awareness of peer pressure in student’s lives
Eighth Grade Kristin Cieri Mitch Finnegan Laura Galopim Jeff Moore Carrie Rainville-Collins Joe Welby
Unit Introduction and Examining What Motivates us to Make Decisions? Goals: 1. To introduce unit, set basic ground rules, and establish a respectful atmosphere 2. To challenge students to explore the role of values in sexuality
Topics: 1. Unit outline 2. Definitions 3. Values activity 4. HW : “Dating Interview” 5. Anonymous questions
Advanced Review of Reproductive Systems, Pregnancy and Birth Goals: 1. Review reproductive anatomy 2. Explore reproduction from conception to birth
HIV & AIDS Goals: 1. To provide students with accurate information regarding the transmission of HIV and the progression of the disease 2. To place the disease in the context of Sexually Transmitted Infections (which will be covered in a comprehensive lesson during 9 th grade Health Education)
Abstinence, Limit-Setting and Refusal Techniques Goals: 1. To increase students understanding of abstinence as the healthiest choice 2. To practice the skills of setting limits and using refusal techniques
Relationships Goals: 1. To Increase students understanding of appropriate interactions 2. To increase students understanding of healthy versus unhealthy relationships 3. To provide students with information and resources on dating violence
Review and Closure (split by gender) Goals: 1. To allow students a forum to ask any remaining questions 2. To review information from previous sessions
Thank you for your time Exemption forms are due by Monday, December 14 th to Carrie Rainville-Collins