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Presentation transcript:


After this Video…..  Why did people have different Behaviors?  What was the motive behind Reactions?  Why do reactions differ from one place to another?

What would you do?  You have been given a check for $ to do whatever you like with it. What would you do with it?

What Would you do?  You have 24 hours left in your entire life, what are the most important 3 things you would do?

What did you do?  What things did you do during the past week.

Conclusion:  What you spend the money on has everything to do with what you Value  What you choose to do with your time also has everything to do with your Values.

Why Values  Values would help you answer the following questions: 1. Shall I accept this job? 2. Shall I accept this gift? 3. Shall I serve in this service? 4. Shall I stay here or immigrate there?

How would you define your Values?  Your values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live and work, something you feel strongly about.  They (should) determine your priorities  When the things that you do and the way you behave match your values, life is usually good – you're satisfied and content.  But when these don't align with your personal values, that's when things feel... wrong. This can be a real source of unhappiness.

How would you define your Values?  Values are standards to guide your action, judgments, and attitudes.  Our values affect our decisions, goals and behavior.  This is why making a conscious effort to identify your values is so important.

Values & Maturity MaturityImmaturity Clear ValuesUnclear Values Life of purposeLife driven by circumstances SensibleImpulsive Confident Decisions Hesitant & Uncertain Meaning and directionIndifferent

Hypocrite – One who subscribes to one set of values, and does another. Immaturity - One who has not identified his values. Hypocrisy Vs. Immaturity

Values Family Media Friends Church& School Society & Traditions Beliefs Where do we get values?

Moral Materialistic Personal Family Social Spiritual

Factors That Make Strong or Weak Values Capabilities Interests Society Desires Knowledge

Positive & Limiting Values Limiting ValuesPositive Values Potentially limiting values arise from the fears and anxieties we have about not being able to meet our needs. Positive values, often referred to as virtues, enable us to live authentically, and contribute to the common good. When we let our potentially limiting values drive our decision-making, we create separation, doubt and mistrust When we let our positive values drive our decision-making, we build connection, enable bonding and create loyalty and trust.

Positive & Limiting Values Limiting ValuesPositive Values We feel uneasy and quickly become stressed. We feel at ease with ourselves and others, and we feel comfortable in our physical and social environment. Potentially limiting values prevent personal growth and promote isolation. e. g. Being liked, Caution & Power, Control Positive values promote personal growth and create internal cohesion. e. g. Fairness, Trust & Integrity

Think About What Motivates You?  Money  Recognition  Desire to please  Self-satisfaction  Self-worth  Sense of accomplishment  Fear of failure  Physical needs  Others?

products/products- individuals/personal-values- assessment-pva

e. g. Wisdom e. g. Making a Difference, Leadership, Awareness e. g. Creativity, Enthusiasm, Positive attitude, Clarity, Commitment e. g. Independence, Being Initiative, Perseverance, Courage, Continuous Learning e. g. Excellence, Achievement, Being the best, Power e. g. Relationships, Family e. g. Wealth, Well being

Dream List Exercise  Write a long list of the goals you think would be important and worthwhile for you to accomplish. (a dream list)

Dream List Exercise  Look at your list and ask yourself the following questions:  Does it fit your values?  Is it realistic?  Is it flexible?  Does it fit in with your other goals?  Will the rewards be worth what you put in to it?  Is it what you want?

Successful Leaders  Successful leaders did not attain greatness by luck.  They knew what they believed and where they wanted to go.  They were humans with solid values and defined goals, as well as a clear vision and sense of mission.  Because of their steadfastness, when they were tested, they were ready to meet the challenges they faced.

“If you stand for nothing. You fall for anything.” Happiness comes from letting values decide your behavior, goals and the Culture you choose