1 & 2 Timothy Auditorium Class Summer 2014 Lesson 6
1 Timothy Outline Greeting (1:1-2) Instructions to the House of God (1:3 - 3:16) ▫ Warning Against False Doctrine ▫ Pray for All ▫ Woman’s Role ▫ Qualification of Elders/Deacons Instructions to Timothy (4:1 - 6:21) ▫ Take Heed to Yourself ▫ Be Careful How You Deal with People ▫ Beware False Teachers ▫ Fight the Good Fight
1 Timothy 3:14-16 These things I write…hope to come soon(3:14) What are “these things?” Your Conduct in the house of God (3:15) House (“oikos” in Greek) is often used in reference to the church Heb 3:6, 10:21, 1 Pet 2:5, 4:17 Proper behavior of saints carrying out the work of the church Church is the pillar and ground of truth
1 Timothy 3:14-16 Without controversy …Great is the mystery of godliness (3:16) Gospel often referred to as a mystery 1 Tim. 3:9, Col. 1:26, Eph. 3 Seems to refer to the “truth” from verse 15 here Main points of this “mystery” God was manifested in flesh Was justified in Spirit Was seen by angels Was preached among Gentiles Was believed on in the world Was received up in glory
1 Timothy 4:1-5 In latter times some will depart the faith (4:1) Some had already left the faith in other places Gal. 1:6-7, 5:4 Already warned Ephesians of this type of thing Acts 20:28-31, 1 Tim.1:5-6 Giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons (4:1) False teachers 1 John 4:1, 2 Cor. 11:13-15 False doctrines
1 Timothy 4:1-5 Speaking lies in hypocrisy (4:2) Teaching false doctrines with deliberate intent to pervert and deceive to make themselves look better Having consciences seared with hot iron (4:2) Not acting out of delusion, but are deliberately spreading false doctrine No feeling of guilt, will only get worse 2 Tim. 3:13
1 Timothy 4:1-5 Some “doctrines of demons” Forbidding to marry(4:3) Abstaining from meats (4:3) Col. 2:13-17, Acts 10:10-15 Every creature of God is good and nothing is to be refused, when received with thanksgiving (4:4) No longer restrictions on certain foods Sanctified by the word of God and prayer (4:5)