I will give each of you a card with either evaluating a limit, trigonometric, logarithmic, or exponential function. I will give you a minute at your desk to evaluate the function. After a minute, go find your value on the desk. That will be your new seat. No switching cards!
On your notecard, * Write your name on the front. If you have a nickname, also put it on the front. * On the back, answer the following questions. 1. What activities are you involved in? 2. What are your plans for after you graduate? 3. What can I do to help you be successful this year? 4. What is your goal for this class? 5. What is your goal for the AP exam?
State the card and answer. State your name to the class. Tell your plans after you graduate. Say one fun thing you did over the summer.
Worth 2 points extra credit on your first marking period grade. You may earn 0, 1, or 2 points. The first test on Tues Sept. 17 or Wed. Sept. 18 is on the summer assignment. You should still do the assignment if you haven’t. I will collect it today and try to return it to you as soon as possible. After it is returned, I will go over questions or see me after school for extra help.
Obey all school and PWC rules. Be respectful of each other. Raise your hand to answer or ask a question. Work on math at all time. No work from other classes! Please do not line up at door! Return all materials at end of block. Do NOT line up! Bring your own calculator! You need a graphing calculator, either a TI84+ or higher or a Casio Graphing Calculator. No cell phones! First time – in my desk. After, to the office!
ScoreGlobal Percentages 2013 Percentages for Patriot 2013 Global percentages for 2014 Percentages for Patriot %44%24.2%57% 418.1%25%16.5%17% 317.4%19%17.7%13% 211.3%9%10.7% %3%30.9%4%
Supplies 1. Pencil 2. Calculator – TI or Casio 3. 3 ring notebook
60% Large Summative (tests) 20% Small Summative (quizzes) 20% Formative (includes HW, DCs, and projects) I will check homework randomly throughout each unit. I will not check every homework assignment. I will always collect the review for the test.
1-3 days late: Maximum 75% credit 4-6 days late: Maximum 60% credit 7 days late: Maximum 50% credit After the 7 th school day, late homework will not be accepted and students will receive a zero on the assignment. If a student is absent on a day an assignment is collected, the assignment is due the next time the student is in class. After that day, the assignment will be counted late and must be turned in by the 7 th day.
Unit tests will be broken into two or three sections. Each section will count as a test grade. Possible sections: ◦ Traditional Test – questions based off of homework and in class work. ◦ Multiple Choice – old AP multiple choice questions. ◦ Free Response _ old AP free response questions. This section will be scored like an AP test (more to come when we get closer to a test)
You may retake 12 assessments. A retake counts as a section of a test or a quiz. You may retake quizzes or tests. You may not retake quarter or AP practice tests! Must complete error analysis packet unless otherwise told. I must sign the original test before you may retake a test. All assignments must be complete before retake. If you do not turn in an assignment by the 7 th school day, you will not be allowed to retake an assessment. The dates for the retake assessment will be stated on the day the test or quiz is handed back. You may not take a retake assessment if you miss the original test! I will give you a blank test if requested.
You must return all tests and quizzes. Quizzes from a unit are to be returned the day after the unit test. Tests will be returned the day after the retake assessment is scheduled. You must sign the consent form in order for tests/ quizzes to be released to you. If you and your parents do not sign, you will have to come after school to see your assessments. If an assessment is not returned, you may lose the right to take retake assessments or have your assessments released to you.
You will be given a calendar at the beginning of each unit with the homework on it. I will not say the homework unless I change it from the calendar. Check my website frequently for updates. It is very important you complete your homework and check your answers!
AP Practice Exam -Saturdays in the spring. If you come to two practice exams, you will earn a 100% on a test for the 4 th quarter. If you do not take the test, the AP mock exam will count as two test grades.
You will not be allowed to leave flex unless absolutely necessary. We will be doing AP Practice in every flex! You will be given 2 or 3 FRQs or a few MC questions. I have off 3 rd and 4 th. You may come those blocks for extra help. See me in the morning for a pass.
I will be after on Monday from 2 to 3:30 for review sessions with Calculus. These will be your review days, so I recommend you come. I will also be after school on Thursdays. I may also be after school on some Wednesdays. Please check with me if you want to stay on a Wednesday.
The following will result in minus one on any assessment: 1. Incorrect rounding errors. Store answers! Always truncate to 3 decimal places. 2. Using pronouns. 3. Incorrect mathematical notation. 4. Forgetting units when asked. 5. Not answering in a complete sentence. These will result in points lost on the AP exam.
You will be racing the other Calculus class to determine which of the two classes gets 100 A’s first. You will be able to sign the board if you earn an A on a test or a quiz. The class that gets 100 A’s first will have a pizza party during flex!
If you earn a 100% on a quiz or test, you may sign the 100% club board. You may sign it each time you earn a 100%.
You will each receive a textbook this year. You should cover it. If you lose or damage the textbook, you will have to pay for it. Each of you will fill this out with your information and textbook number. ◦