RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco 1 6th RENAISSANCE PSG session, Milan, 29/10/2008 Odile CHARVIN, Grand Lyon PSG representative-European Coordinator - Lyon address : Raphaëlle Gauthier European coordination, Hespul
RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco 2 6th PSGs items- October08 Plan & Introduction Financial Issues : Brief overview of state of progress on Year 2 validation process Brief overview on Amendment III & new elements: Lombardia : request for budget changes Saragossa : Financial transfer following ECODES withdrawal toward Univ. Of Zar Management & implementation issues Brief feedback on local coordination in Lyon, ZAR, and LOM Presentation of main guidelines for a Risk Assessment Plan Implementation : LYON : Foreseen substantial delay. What about the 2 other communities ? Calendar for next PSG meetings
RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco 3 Financial issues EC subventions Year 2 validation process & follow-up ? Revised Forms C just sent (24/10/08)- Final validation should be done quickly.
RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco 4 Financial issues Amendment n°3 of Annex I Usual modifications on next 18 months Lombardy: request for budget changes Including a new actor : ERSAF (Regional Executive Agency for Research in Agriculture) to do R&D activities (48% of EC grants) Global decrease (+/ euros) + Focus done on socio-eco (WP1.5) Gabrieles Department : Dissemination & Training resting activities (Dissemination = 31%; training = 21% of EC grants) Global Increase on Dissemination activities (+/ euros) (WP4.2) Same global budget on Training : focus on training sessions (WP5.2)
RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco 5 Financial issues Amendment n°3 of Annex I Saragossa : Financial transfer to Univ. of ZAR ECODES final financial statement = Done UdZ: detailed financial transfer : not finished special request sub-contracting for Socio-eco/Training activities (to be discussed/Justified). STILL LOT to be discussed - to be done QUICKLY
RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco 6 Management issues Feedback on local coordination Did we overcome our Year 3 managerial challenge (following Year 3 exceptional situation on local coordination (2 new + 1 silent staff) in Lyon, ZAR, and LOM ? Lyon : new staff, from Hespul (March 08), in collaboration with Grand Lyon : well settled ZAR : still under construction : local coordination function is still in transition in the UdZ- one new staff to be employed in the near future. An URGENT need for clarification Lombardy : state of progress : still unclear…
RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco 7 Management issues Risk Assessment Plan Proposal of the main guidelines for a Risk Assessment Plan (based on EC Contract + Consortium Agreement) : Identification of an implementation matter 1st warning - with collaboration of local coordination Seeking corrective solution - with collaboration of local coordination, and, if necessary, with PSGs members 2nd warning- PSG decision + Project coordinator Penalties to be applied by the Project coordination (ex: suspension of EC grant, etc.)
RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco 8 Implementation issues Delay in implementation LYON : substantial foreseen delay : Main delay in construction (+/- 1,5 year) Threat on Monitoring activities + training & dissemination What about the 2 other communities ? Zaragoza ? Any foreseen delay? To be specified Lombardia ? Any foreseen delay? To be specified For the coming year (year 4) : to establish 3 scenarios/each community for DG TREN : 3 Hypothesis to detail : + 1 year; + 2 years; +3 years of delay NO ADDITIONAL FUNDINGS
RENAISSANCE es un proyecto del programa CONCERTO co-financiado por la Comisión Europea dentro del Sexto Programa Marco 9 Determination of date for next RENAISSANCE meeting (7th & 8th) Determination of date for next RENAISSANCE meetings (technical & PSG meetings) : 7th RENAISSANCE meeting ? Where ? Lyon When ? Spring 2009 ? Precise period? 8th RENAISSANCE meeting ? Where? Saragossa When ? Autumn 2009 ? Precise period ?